Chapter 8-Thoughts

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Angela's p.o.v

Genji and I became good friends. I had wonderful times with him, but there were also times like this one. "A machine distorts me! I am no Human, I am a killing machine!" Genji cried at me "How could anyone like this- this thing! How could anyone like ME!" "Genji! I like you and I will never stop! It is not important what is on the outside! What counts is the inside. I- I am your friend because I like you." My voice failed. I stumbled back against a wall, collapsed on the floor, and cried my eyes out. "Why don't you see how much you mean to me." "Angela I- I didn't want to- I just- I" he sighed. "Please don't cry. I didn't want to hurt you. I am so sorry." I couldn't see his face due to his mask, but I knew he felt guilty. It was always the same. He would just freak out and insult his body. I tried to convince him that the opposite was the case, but he wouldn't budge. Then I would start to cry and he would feel guilty. But he only felt guilty for making me cry. Not for insulting himself.

Genji's p.o.v

I made Angela cry. I felt so bad. But I couldn't stop my disgust over this body, over MY body. Angela was sad and I saw it. I tried to calm her down, but I don't think I made it better. After some time I gave up and walked to the training room. I knew that I had to go to Blackwatch in a few days. Angela lied to the strike commander about my condition, so she could see me a few days more. I tried to meditate but I couldn't. I was never again able to meditate after my incident. I tried for a few minutes but I couldn't concentrate, so I got up to walk around the base a bit. At first I walked inside the base a bit, but I soon got bored. After some time I decided to get myself some fresh air. I walked out of the front door, looked if anyone was near and after I didn't discover anyone, I decided I'd take off my mask. A cool breeze was blowing. The fresh air calmed me down a bit. I walked around and thought of Angela. She was kind, nice, and gorgeous. I just couldn't help but sigh at the thought of her crying. It was my fault. She felt bad because I wasn't able to accept myself. But then I had to smile at the thought of her. I wasn't able to think of anything as beautiful as her eyes. "Whatcha thinking about?" I got frightened. I closed my mask shut and turned around, sword at hand. I saw a girl. She wore a pullover and had red hair. "Oi, you're supposed to threaten enemies with that sword, not Allies." The girl in front of me wasn't the one speaking. I tried to discover the location the voice was coming from, but I didn't see anyone. "Who are you and who is this?" I asked, holding my sword in a battle stance. 

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