A/N -Thoughts

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I've seen some arguments about Overwatch on forums. Specifically on Gency. Now, I want to give my thoughts on these arguments. There was this "Doctor x patient is bad." Things going on, so I think Angela is a way too good doctor to not see that. I heard it is because their emotions could be a problem in surgeries and stuff. But Angela has close bonds in Overwatch and if you think about it they are all her patients. I think Angela can close her emotions away while doing doctor things. You don't think so? But I do. We are in a world with a hamster which is building some sort of mech. Mercy's got a Valkyrie skin, which shows she is a strong woman. She can handle hard things. "Genji maybe thinks he loves her, but he only thinks so because she saved him." They both worked at Overwatch. He probably saved her life multiple times already, so he doesn't have to think he owes her anything. These were my thoughts what do you think🤔? Write it in the comment section. 😀

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