Chapter 7-Nightmare

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Angela's p.o.v

I woke up to someone screaming nearby. I checked the room trying to find the person screaming. I saw how Genji twitched. He was screaming as if he was getting tortured. His body was shaking extremely. I ran up to him and saw that he was sleeping. I thought he probably had some nightmare. I shook him and said worried "Genji, Genji wake up," After multiple tries I started screaming out his name. Lena (Tracer) came in with a worried expression. "Heya doc is something wro-" She stopped talking when she saw Genji twitching around. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! WHY BROTHER!?" Genji screamed. Lena helped me, shaking Genji awake. He opened his eyes, tears rolling out of them and sweat making its way down his forehead. "Oi, everything okay with you?" Lena asked. "What? Where? Why? How?" A second after he said that it seemed, he started remembering what happened. He cupped his eyes and started sobbing. "Cheer up Luv. Overwatch isn't that bad, is it?" Lena asked "But I am," He said. "Genji, you are a good man. You don't have to think bad things about yourself, because someone tried to kill you. And whatever it was you did, I am sure that it wasn't something bad. You have a new body, but you don't have to dislike it only because it's new." I said, feeling guilty for his inner conflict. I helped design his body.

'I helped create his inner turmoil,' I thought to myself. Genji stopped crying and looked at me. He said "You speak wise and tell the truth. I mostly believe what you say is true and most of me feels like a human. But there is still a part of me, that tortures me with anger, which I can't control. I have to thank you and everyone that helped to save me. I also have to say sorry for what I've done. I hadn't had the power to control myself. I want to be able to look forward, instead of backward. But I've made too many mistakes in my past." There was an awkward silence. Not even Lena was talking. "We'll better get going," Lena said in an attempt to break the silence. "C'mon, the pancakes won't be warm all day!" She said longingly. I heard a chuckle, coming out of Genji's direction. Tracer started smiling proudly now. Someone opened the door. "Hey  Gen-... Um, am I unaware of something?" Mccree asked, confused. "I am unbelievable!" Lena said. "That is no good explanation," Mccree responded, more confused than before. "I made this 'cyborg ninja wannabe' laugh," She said, proudness in her voice. Mccree started laughing. Now it was Genji's turn to look confused. "What's so funny about me laughing." Mccree started laughing even harder. "Cyborg ninja wannabe," Were the only words he brought out. Genji seemed to slowly get the hang of what was happening. He turned around to look at tracer, with a grumpy but happy face. "You don't know how big of a mistake you made,"  He said angrily. Tracer made a shocked face. Genji started laughing at her because she was that scared. "Angela, if you would like to we could go eat some pancakes," Genji said. I felt my face go red. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to." He added fast in a saddened voice. "I'd love to," I said in an embarrassing voice. I thought, I sounded like some high school girl that just got invited to a date with her crush. 'Calm down, Angela. It's no date. He probably doesn't even like you and only wants to be nice.' I thought to myself. And walked out of the room with him, Lena and Mccree following us. They whispered something, but I didn't hear all of it. I only heard something like "So cute," I didn't know what they were talking about, but I thought I'd ask them later. Right now I wanted to enjoy Genji being here.

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