Chapter 20-Yes... Yes we are

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Angela's p.o.v

5 years after it happened. The attack on the Overwatch Swiss H.Q. was terrible. I've got a new job in a hospital but missed my old job. I missed the good team I was in, yes my team in this hospital was nice but it wasn't the same. There was one thing I lost before the explosion and disbanding of Overwatch. It was the thing I wanted back the most. I walked into the building and opened the mailbox. A purely white letter laid in it. I knew who wrote it and it triggered a happy feeling inside me.

"Dear Angela

You probably heard about the mission in Paris. I wanted you to know that I will be there. I don't know what you decide, but I know you'll choose the option, which is the better one for you. I am going back to Overwatch and hope I'll see some of the old faces. I know I was an asshole and pushed everyone trying to help me away. I hope you're able to believe what I want to tell you. I have made big progress and learned many things. I hope I'll see you soon, whether in Overwatch or somewhere else.

sincerely Genji"

"Mission in Paris?" I asked myself. I started on my computer hastily. I didn't look at it yesterday night! What if it was already over? What if Genji got hurt? A message popped up as soon as I tipped in the pin-code. WHAT!? I had to go. There wasn't much time left.

Genji's p.o.v

Shit! I was late. I fastened my pace seeing something explode in the city. The only thing I already saw was a giant omnic. I was running on the roofs of Paris trying to find them, finally, Tracer, Winston, and a new face got into my field of view. Winston stood in front of the Robot. Albeit Winston was a strong gorilla, there was no chance of him destroying the giant while also taking out the other Null sector troops. The big robot charged his gun and fired three giant bullets at Winston. I jumped in front of him and deflected the bullets. The first two crushed into the oncoming omnics and the third one hit the giant one in his shoulder. My blade was glowing and there made a ringing sound (I didn't know how to describe the sound), I turned my face to my allies. Winston let out a surprised, "Genji!" and Tracer gasped. I looked back at the omnics, threw a salve of shurikens, and dashed right into them. I heard the honk of a vehicle and then a familiar voice boomed, "Hammer down!" A girl with some sort of mace accompanied the familiar crusader and slammed some omnics' heads off. "Tracer shook Winston, "Cheers love the cavalry's here!" A seemingly friendly omnic flew in the air and threw sticky bombs at our enemies and then I saw a light shimmering through the clouds. Her blonde hair was bound in a high ponytail and her blue eyes shimmered in the light off her wings. She held her hand on the shoulder of the woman, who arrived here with Winston and Tracer. "Let's get you back into the fight." The angel said with her angelic voice. A golden shimmer flowed through her hand right into the shoulder of the unknown person. A strange noise came from the big robot as he straightened himself up. He opened his chest and shot a wide laser in our direction. "Interlock shields!" The red-haired girl next to Reinhardt commanded. They opened their shields, which connected. "How are we going to stop this thing?" Angela asked in her sweet swiss accent. I drifted away a bit, stunned by her beauty. It felt like centuries since I saw her the last time. I had remembered her beautiful, but my memory was nothing compared to the reality. "Mei, your backpack!" Winston said. I managed to look away from her and ran to the monstrosity. I thought I was maybe able to help somehow. I saw Winston throwing Tracer, who had the ice-backpack in her hands. She flew through the air, but the robot held out a hand. She'd fly right into it. I had to do something. "Ryūjin no ken wo kurae!" I jumped and sliced right through his hand. I landed and made my way back to our team. There was a big explosion and the Omnic was frozen. It got a big crack and fell apart, sending an enormous amount of snow and ice in our direction. Our sight got clear and it was snowing. Everyone started greeting each other. I made my way next to Angela and the girl, who came here with Reinhardt. I didn't say anything but I heard that her name was Bridgette. She was Torbjorn's daughter and Reinhardt's goddaughter. An officer standing next to us asked with a french accent "Monsieur, does this mean... Overwatch is back?" Winston looked at us. Tracer gave him a nod and smiled at him. He turned around and answered, "Yes... Yes we are."


I know many things were missing and it's mostly only the Zero-hour short out of Genji's p.o.v. However it still took much time.  I don't like this chapter that much. The next chapter will contain my own ideas again (Listen to this song. It's the best I've ever heard).

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