Chapter 11-

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Today was the day. I would be going back to Blackwatch. I was going to miss Angela, that was for sure. I was standing on the ledge of the ship. I felt arms wrap around me and a feeling of warmth shot up my face. I could feel a blush crawling up my face, but I didn't care. I had my mask on, no one could see my face. "Bye, Genji. Stay safe... Please." "Don't worry about me Doctor. It's the best for everyone, that I'm going back." I said, taking the final step into the ship. I turned around and the last thing I saw were tears welling up in her eyes, and then the door closed.

Angela's p.o.v

'How can he still think about himself like that?' I asked myself in thought. I let out a sigh and held my tears back. I couldn't cry. I had important work to do and I was not going to let my emotions get in the way of the greater good.

-Time skip for a few months.

Genji's p.o.v

It felt similar to the last time I was here. Go on missions, train, and do it again. The main difference was that there were multiple times I couldn't control my anger. Once on a mission I lost control and killed every single enemy. Later I got frustrated and sad. We were assigned to a mission in Venice. It was my usual team. Reyes, Mccree, I, and lastly Moira. I held a distance from Moira. I knew that, when Angela said I should stay out of Moira's way, she said nothing but the right thing to do.

-After the Venice incident (Retribution mission)

It was terrible. Blackwatch got shut down and we were interrogated multiple times. I didn't know how to deal with it. I didn't know what I should be doing or how I should feel about the situation. After they made sure that we weren't told about Reyes' plan, they assigned us to Overwatch's strike team. Mccree didn't want to work with them anymore, so he got away. Since Mccree wasn't here anymore, I felt lonely.

Angela's p.o.v

I heard rumors about a failed Blackwatch mission in Venice. I didn't know what went wrong, but it had to be massive. Hopefully no one was injured. There was a loud knock on my door and commander Morisson walked into the room. "Genji will be assigned to your strike team." He said in a stern voice. I nodded, not paying attention. I slowly started processing what he just said. "Wait!" I asked, "Genji? Is he here?" "We got him here after the Venice incident. Mccree ran away after the interrogations." Morisson replied. "Why didn't you tell me!?" I heard my voice rising. Where is he?!" I added. Mccree left. Genji had no one to talk to. Morisson explained where Genji's dorm was at. I speed walked to his new dorm and hoped to find him there, but he was nowhere to be seen. I walked to the training room, without success. I walked through the base, thinking where he could be. Suddenly, I bumped into someone. I started apologizing and turned to the person. "Oh, Genji I searched for you," I said. He was standing there holding out a hand for me to pull me up. "I am very sorry doctor Ziegler, you are not hurt are you? And... why were you searching for me?" He asked confused. "You don't have to be sorry. I didn't look where I was going," I told him grabbing his hand. I felt a strange sensation rushing through my body, at his touch. at first I wondered what it was but I brushed it off. "I am not hurt," I added. "And I wanted to see you because I didn't want you to feel lonely." "That is very kind of you doctor." He replied in an appreciative voice. "Someone has to look after you and it didn't seem like you were going to ask someone for help." I chuckled a bit. "Do you want to do something, like go on a walk with me or something like that?" I asked. " I- I would- I would love to g- go on a walk with you D-doctor Ziegler," He said happily. I giggled because of his stuttering. "You still haven't learned," I said. "W-what do you mean?" He asked. Knowing he didn't get what I  meant, made me laugh even more. "It's Angela," I responded after I calmed down a bit. I looked at my watch and said, "We should get going now." "As you wish," He responded. We got out of the base. "So, what do you do in your free time?" I asked, trying to get a conversation going. He let his head hang a bit and replied in a sad tone, "I use all of my time to train, I don't know what else I could do. I don't want to have time to think, because if I have it I always think of two things. One is filled with anger and engrossment." I knew what he was talking about. The thoughts over his body. "And the other one is wonderful. No, it's beautiful. So pure but also so crushing, because I know it's impossible to get near this thought." "And what would that be?" I asked curious about what beautiful thing he was thinking. "I think I can not answer that. But as you see my activities are not all too interesting." He sighed sadly. "Before all of this happened, I would go to the arcade in Hanamura to play some games, I would go to Rikimaru to eat ramen and sadly, I would go hook up some girls. I was a bad human and now I am still no better." "You are a good man Genji and you shouldn't think otherwise." "I had my chance to be a good human but I wasn't and then it happened. Someone gave me this second chance in life. But now I am giving up on this second chance. I want to use it, but I can't." "What do you mean, a second chance?" I asked. What was he talking about? He teared up. "I'm sorry, you don't have to. I shouldn't have asked." I felt guilty. "No, it's alright... You have all the right to know it. My brother almost killed me because of my lifestyle. But you saved me and now I still can't accept myself. I am trying so hard but I can't." I teared up. "I- I had no idea. I am so- so- so sorry. I didn't know." I was shocked. His brother. But how could his brother do that? How? I had to do something. I asked, "Do you want me to leave you alone? I can go if I am annoying to you." "I think that would make it worse." He said crying. I hugged him tightly. "If it is like that you don't have to worry. I'll always be here if you need me." "Thanks... Angela" He said gratefully. He hugged me back. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I didn't know this feeling. I wondered what it was, but I brushed it off. Now, Genji needed my help.


WOW! I am really confident about this one and man 1200 Words!! That's like double my average.

Really like it.

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