Chapter 10-I don't understand you, but I want to help you

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Angela's p.o.v

"Mercy, I think somethings wrong with Genji! He raged and I don't know why!" Tracer said, sprinting into my office. She had my attention. I knew that Genji could get very angry. He was calm and suddenly he would explode with anger. "What? Where is he?" I asked, concerned for him. "I don't know. He climbed up the roof. Maybe he's on top of the building!" I didn't say another word. I didn't have time to talk. I speed walked to the staircase leading up. I arrived on the roof and saw a dark figure sitting on the floor. It got pretty dark and I couldn't see him all too well. "Genji, please tell me what happened." He didn't respond. I walked up to him and laid a hand onto his shoulder.

Genji's p.o.v

Her touch soothed me. There was no way I could tell her. She would probably hate me for grabbing and throwing Tracer away. 'Or does she already hate me?' I thought to myself. 'What if she is just all that nice to me because I'm an emotional wreck. Maybe It is better for me to be a weapon.' Maybe, just maybe, my thoughts were the truth. But whether they were true or not, I had to go back anyways. "You should not waste your time on me. I'm sure you have better things to do." I said. She was here because they didn't want me to run away. I knew what was happening, or at least I thought I knew. "Genji, please I am trying to help you. You don't have to accept my help, but please, let someone help." She hugged me and whispered to me, "I don't understand you, but I want to help you.


I know this one's very short but I just felt like this was a good end. And yes I won't make three more chapters for this day, but I just felt like it was needed. I am also sorry for focusing on Genji's feelings that much. I will try to give Mercy's emotions a bigger role.

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