Chapter 5-Unwanted Wingman

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Genji's p.o.v

I was just lying around, thinking about the things that happened. I was lucky that I wasn't flown back to Blackwatch already. It would have fed my inner turmoil, even more. I winced, as the door got slammed. I saw Dr. Ziegler walk in again her face was filled with rage "Is something wrong Dr. Ziegler?" She grinned at me, now looking happy. She answered "It's settled now. But who brought you these chocolates?" She asked, pointing to the chocolates, which laid on the nightstand next to my bed. "I said Jesse to go get some, so I could give them to you." I answered, blushing. Then I added quickly "Not because I like you or something like that.  Just as an apology. I mean I like you, but it's not like-" She hushed me and said "I understand" but she also started blushing a bit. I tried to reach my hand out for the chocolates on my right side, but I couldn't move a muscle. As if she read my mind, she said "Your robotic parts are still attached to the machines. But I can unplug them right now."She said. She then added "We could go eat something in the cafeteria, if you'd like to." "I would love to." I said, blushing again. I thought to myself 'you're only gonna eat something, it's not a date or something like that.' I stood up, gave her the chocolates and put my mask on. "Have you really written this noote in here?" She asked. I saw a red blush creeping up her face. "What do you mean?" I asked, confused. 'Which note?' I asked myself in thoughts. She showed me a note. 'Do you want to go on a date with me?' was written on it, in a font I knew far to good. I said "I have some business to attend to." I said to her in an angry voice and ran out of the room. I already searched the outer base area. Now I knew where this little dumb ass was. I sprinted right into the training room. "Mccree you fucking bastard!" I yelled at the cowboy. "What do you mean?" He asked in a calm voice. "You know exactly what I mean!" The other people in the training room stared at me, but I didn't care. He just said "I'm in the dark." "The note!" I yelled. He chuckled "Someone has to help you. You're just to shy." I punched him into the gut. He replied with a punch on my faceplate. I tried to punch him again, but the Overwatch agents held me back. "Asshole. I'm gonna kick your ass." He chuckled and left without another comment. Dr. Ziegler came running into the training room. "Genji, don't you dare doing that again." She said. She took me in a hug. Her touch soothed me. "A new thing , which I can put on the list of things I've done wrong." I said now feeling guilty for what I've done. I let my shoulders hang and looked to the floor. She put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up, so she could look into my eyes. "It's not your fault, Genji. He provoked it." She said, sadness flickering in her voice. There was a grumble coming from my stomach. "Well, looks like someone's hungry" she said chuckling.She was walking away, but I grabbed her hand to hold her back and said "Thank you Dr. Ziegler." "You can call me Angela." "Well, then thank you Angela." She chuckled a bit and got a little blush. "It's a pleasure  to me." Then we got something to eat.

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