Chapter 15-Get some Rest

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Angela's p.o.v

I got a bit better. It turned out it was a regular headache and a very strong fever. Genji was always helping me. I already told him multiple times, that he shouldn't worry about me, but I was quite happy having him around. "Angela, how do you feel?" Genji asked concerned. "I am feeling better, because of your help," I answered happy and grateful. "Uh... thanks?"He had his faceplate on, which made me a bit sad. "Is something wrong?" He asked in his kind and caring voice. I sighed. "I just like to see your face, but most of the time you have this mask on." He took off his mask after letting out a sigh. "Better?" He asked shy. "Much better," I said smiling at him. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. We stayed like that a little, but then he got red in his face and looked away trying to hide his blush.

-Time skip

Genji's p.o.v

There was only one week left until the mission would start. Angela was luckily fully cured, but she started working again. That was not bad, but she worked day and night and never took time to rest. It was one of these nights again. I couldn't sleep and that left me to think. I still wasn't able to control my anger, but at least I was able to bottle it up and just let it out at the times I was alone. I walked out of my room. I wanted to go to the training rooms, to let my anger flow. I started passing through the cafeteria, then I saw and heard the coffee machine starting. I turned around and saw something horrifying. There stood Angela, but her back was crooked, a tired expression lay in her eyes, and she had big rings under them. She let out a coffee and wanted to take a sip of it, but I pulled it out of her grasp and emptied the whole mug in one go. She looked shocked. "Why did you do that?" She asked angrily. "You have to sleep, Angela," I answered calmly. "I don't have time for that." She replied, a strict tone underlining her message. "And how will you stay awake without your precious coffee I asked, a proud smirk on my face. "I can stay awake without coffee. You'll see" "You won't be able to." I replied. "Should that be a challenge?" She asked. A grin spread across her face. I said, "If you're able to stay awake without coffee or go into your dorm to sleep, you'll win. But if you fall asleep on your desk.  I am the winner." We shook hands in agreement. I saw a flash of blue light appear and looked around to see the source it came from. I brushed off the thought and followed Angela. I probably only imagined the light. I sat in Angela's office for multiple hours now. I slowly thought I'd even lose, but then I saw her head lying on her desk and heard her slow breath. I didn't think it was healthy nor did I think it was comfortable to sleep in that chair. Armed with this thought, I carried her bridal style to her dorm and laid her down onto her bed. Then I backed out of the room and walked to the practice range following my original plans for tonight.

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