c4: Mysterious Pigeon

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" MARKIE sweetheart, hurry up! We're going to be late " I heard my mom called me in a rushed way. Seems like I'm not the only one who overslept.

" coming! " I shouted back as I sprinted off to the living room while fixing my wristwatch hastily. I only saw my mom awaits me.

" where's dad and hyung? " I asked and kissed her right cheek.

" they're already in the car. Come on, we have to hurry " she backhugged me tightly and dragged me out of the house.

" welp, here we go. Dad come on, the mass is going to start! " Taeyong hyung excitedly fastened his seatbelt and played some music that connected to his phone.

" yes sir " he said using his monotonic voice. We laughed at him when dad and hyung started to argue about nonsense things.

Once I felt comfortable on my seat, I look out to the window and feel the coldness of the morning air that smoothly gushing through my already messy blonde locks.

After 5 minutes....

" Markie " my dad blurted out and gave me a short glance before he deeply sigh. I waited him to compose his speech as I fiddle my fingers on the hem of my shirt.

" how's your studies? " his question made my breath hitched but I smile nonetheless.

" o-oh yeah I'm doing great dad. I consistently got high grades. Then, I was choose as the representative to perform for the senior's graduation ball next month " I shyly smiled at them and slightly lowered my head to hide the blush that crept into my cheeks.

" awwww honey, my Markie sweetheart is getting shy! good to hear that sweetie, I'm so proud of you. I can't imagine that my son is going to be a future surgeon in our family someday. Dr. Mark Lee really suits you sweetheart " my mom gave me a quick kiss on my forehead before she lay her head into my right shoulder.

" you really are my son " he proudly said that and I just heard my mom snickered to my dad, showing her disapproval.

" Dr. Mark Lee, you should give me discounts for my check-ups " Taeyong hyung mocked at me while scrolling on his phone. I hissed at him and almost dropped on my seat when the volume of the music suddenly gets louder.

" Taeyong, minimize your music! " my dad jokingly scowled at him but then he started to sing along loudly on the music while hyung was cheering on him. These guys.

" I'm On tHE bOAt ~ "

" Dad, you are driving a sedan "

" shut up kitty "

" wHAT? "


" BLESSED the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commands. His posterity shall be mighty upon the earth; the upright generation shall be blessed " the pastor manifested those words in the sea of people which I am included with them, listening to father's words of wisdom for almost half an hour.

" blessed the man who greatly delights in the Lord's commands " I murmured my response and waited for the next phrase to be enunciate.

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