c24: Falling In Love

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" ARE you guys excited for senior's night event? "

" who doesn't? " Jeno responded as he leaned on Jaemin's shoulder while munching some chocolate chips.

" we're just lucky enough that you guys are going to perform for the grand night " Jaemin commented, brushing his fingers through Jeno's locks.

" which means---- "  Jisung said.

" you, nana hyung and junnie hyung are allowed to go with us, sungie " Chenle finished his sentence, wearing a huge smile on his face.

" really? " Jisung jolted up in excitement.

" yes baby sungie " Chenle leaned his face closer to his smiling boyfriend.

" awww too much sugars " Mark shook his head while watching his friends being all mushy with their boyfriends right before his eyes.

" Mark hyung.... just ask Haechan hyung to be your partner for the grand night as easy as that " Jisung suggested in a teasing manner.

The canadian male gave his tallest friend a threatening smile despite his flustered state was being shown on his visage.

" I don't need-- "

" channie hyung, can you be my friend's date for the senior night? " Jisung asked the brunet male who was sitting calmly beside the flustered Mark.

" Jisung-- "

" you're welcome hyung " Jisung interrupted and gave his hyung a cheeky smile as if he didn't do anything wrong.

Refraining himself to hit the youngest male, Mark just closed his eyes shut, taking a deep breath.

" why're my friends always like this? " he muttered under his heavy breath.

" just be thankful that we are helping you, hyung " Jisung howled, rolling his eyes dramatically.

" why is Junnie not here yet? " Jeno asked his friends, fixing his gaze down to his wristwatch.

" speaking of hyung, he's with the giant man " then a sly smirk suddenly formed on Chenle's lips, making his other friends turned their heads on where their dolphin friend was looking at. There, a tiny male appeared on their view and he was not alone. Their friend was dragging someone behind him that holding some plastic bags on its hand. This sight made the group of boys shifting on their own seats.

" Renjun " Mark started.

" uhh hi guys. As you can see I brought Lucas-ge here. He also wants to have a talk with you. I hope you don't mind him being with us " Renjun explained using his calm tone but his fidgeting fingers didn't escape on Mark's eyes.

As an idea flashed in his mind, Mark suddenly kicked Chenle's foot under their table, calling some help to break the tension around them. Receiving the sudden kick, Chenle let out a hiss that made his boyfriend got worried over him. With his concorted face, the chinese male sent him a reassurance smile then threw a deadly glare towards his hyung who was giving him indirect gesture using its head.

After realizing the situation, Chenle cocked his head sidewards then averted his gaze to the other two who was standing awkwardly.

Clearing his throat, Chenle nodded his head enthusiastically along his stretching arms to the confuse giant man.

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