c19: Speculations

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" THE end " I singsang after releasing a heavy breath in relief when my storytelling came to the end. I quirked my brow up to my friends when I saw them staring at me with their perplex look.

The presence of thick silence started to engulf us in the spacious living room of mine where they decided to interrogate me about the accident that almost ended my life. Even myself can't get over the fact I was being saved again who god knows how did that happen. Now, seeing my friends so serious, I know that they were trying to comprehend what I told to them, knowing what incident that I encountered yesterday was absurd to believe.

It took almost 3 minutes when Jeno broke the silence, tilting his head at me.

" you said that you felt like someone pushed you away from the road then the moment you looked back, you were alone except the driving car and that two---- "

" yes, I know that women just shouted at me but not trying to make a move to push me away, knowing that she's with the kid. She was just standing there, believe me. It felt like there was an invisible great force that makes me stumble on the sidewalk. I promise I am not lying here guys " I explained in convincing tone, telling them that I was not making stories to sound myself a peculiar.

" we know that you were not hyung, but you know it was kinda unbelievable to hear it, really. It was explainable " Jisung commented along with Jeno who was nodding his head in agreement.

" I have to stop you there Ji "

Our attention were now averted to the smirking Chenle. He slouched forward as he propped his elbows down on his knees, looking at us suspiciously.

" it can be explainable if you believe about which we called the existence of supernatural beings or stuffs. Unbeknownst to us that kind of extraordinary things was happening everyday beyond in our knowledge, even the laws of nature or science unable to explain the theory of it " he said in serious manner that made our mouth hung open.

" here we go again " Jeno drawled while chuckling miserably.

" do you also believe about supernaturals? " asked Renjun that seem to be interest about the speculations of our friend.

" of course hyung " he replied with a smug look on his face.

" wow, y'all such unbelievable nerds " our overgrown chicken friend snorted.

" shut up chicken head " his boyfriend sneered at him, making Jisung pressed his lips in a thin line.

" how can you be so sure about that? " Jaemin asked curiously with his unreadable look, making me confuse.

" everything can be possible hyung especially nowadays " he replied while shrugging his shoulders.

" I didn't know that you're into this kind of stuffs, lele " Jisung shook his head while plastering a small smile.

" what do you mean? " Chenle drawled, squinting his eyes.

" o-oh nothing hehehe " he chuckled nervously.

" okay shut up baby Ji. So now, what's your thoughts, lele? " Renjun asked promptly.

" here's what I've been thinking, so listen to me and make yourself comfortable. This is gonna be interesting " then he smiled at us devilishly while nodding at the beaming Renjun.

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