c13: Boss

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" GOODLUCK students on your exam results that will be posted on your school account. Make sure you also comply all your projects that will be needed to submit on time if you want to have passing remarks. Okay, you may now dismiss " our professor gave us a curt nod before dashing out in our classroom.

I stretched my limbs while letting out a little yawn as the tiredness trying to seep in my malfunctioning system. Sitting all day here in the classroom and laboratory room is sure tiring, all I have to do is to shove my face down on the test papers, trying not to faint for dealing with those formulas, applications, experiments, and essays that made my life difficult.

Just kidding

But that was partly true. All I want to do is sleep, sleep, and sleep.

I sighed in relief and shoved my school stuffs inside my knapsack. After that, I stood up as taking off my surgical gloves, disposable gown and face shield, placing them on the large trash bin. I roamed my eyes around to see I was left alone in the spacious laboratory. We had a practical test earlier in our anatomy class that made my stomach almost did churns and flips as I remember our not so unforgettable exam. I have to take two class in anatomy which are basic anatomy 101 that includes lectures and surgery-203 anatomy for our practical activities. I was required to attend these for my completion these semester.

I strolled over the sink and poured a little amount of liquid hand soap on my palm. Within a mere seconds, a foam of bubbles started to form when I rubbed my two palms in haste as I thought back on what kind of practical exam that we did. We, medical students are required to have a dissecting activities as part of our course that we are taking. This time, we used a cadaver, a dead human body as our main subject for our final exam.

We learned how to slice the human skin and dissecting the not so fresh muscles and organs of the dead body without gagging. They tested our strengths, patience and immunity the moment we are starting to see a dead body, a patient who was in critical condition that needed to be treated and perform a surgery hands-on in the actual day. That day of we becoming successful doctors someday.

I never had a thought of myself holding or studying a deceased body not even a dead cockroach, but here I am now, congratulating mysef for not vomitting right in front of our proctor and my classmates earlier.

I turned the faucet on, rinsing my both hands to get rid off the soap. I wiped my hands on the paper towel and tossed the crumpled tissues directly on the small trash bin. Noticing the remaining time, I hid my already cleaned dissecting tools that I personally owned inside the small handbag. I fished out my phone to ask my friends' whereabouts.

7 marshmallows
active now

mother Nana:

chensung my sons, hurry up



mother Nana:

don't even ask, just hurry up


hyung we just 8 meters
away from you

mother Nana:

but you're taking too long

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