c30: The Philosopher

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" HEY, man "

Hearing his name being called out, Mark swiveled his head to the owner of the voice just to widen his eyes in surprise when he saw the unexpected person who tagged along with him, holding 2 small cups of ice cream on its both hands.

" thanks man. Is this for free? " Mark asked as he kindly accepted the cup of sweet treat.

" who says it's for free? " Lucas asked in a sarcastic tone.

" ohh? then.... how much is this?? " Mark was about to fished out his wallet when Lucas stopped him.

" I don't need your money " Lucas uttered, taking his seat beside the canadian male.

" then... what? " asked Mark.

The giant male tilted his head towards the beautiful scenery that displayed right in front of them.

" I-I need your approval " Lucas stuttered.

" approval??? " Mark knitted his brows in confusion.

" I'm going to court Renjun " Lucas replied simply.

Then the canadian widened his eyes in astonishment.

" you..... asked me.... for approval??? " Mark asked while pointing himself.

" yeah, and to show you that I'm serious with him..... that my feelings for him is sincere " Lucas said with so much confidence could now be heard in his voice.

The canadian still giving him a look with uncertainty but a subtle smile was formed on his lips.

" you really like him, do you? " Mark queried in a hushed tone.

" and I was an asshole and a fool for leaving him like a trash before " Lucas paused as he gulped thickly.

" yeah, you're indeed an asshole " Mark agreed, nodding his head.

" and I will make it right. I'll do everything just to win his heart again " Lucas continued and sent Mark a short glimpse then brought his gaze back at the sun that now started to set down on the horizon.

" I'm glad to hear that. And I'll let you court him if you won't break his heart again, Lucas. My bestfriend is too precious to be brokenhearted. I can't bear to see him crying again " Mark said in a sincere tone as he averted his gaze in front.

" I won't I promise " Lucas mumbled but the other male still heard him.

" wait--- oh my gosh, Wong Yukhei.... knows how to make promises? " Mark blurted out, chuckled a bit.

" I'm a troublemaker but I know how to make promises and I won't breaking promises. I am a man of words and please.... you sounds so gay, stop it " Lucas fakely shrugged in cringe.

" and you look like a giant Elmo from sesame street " Mark hurled back.

" what??? " Lucas gave him a curious look.

" nahhh..... anyways, why are you still here with me? " Mark shoot him a curious gaze but he only got another shrug from the giant male.

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