c8: Ordinary Day

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" why why why! shut the fuck up. Please, I need more sleep " I groaned lowly and reached my alarm clock with difficulties on the side table to take the batteries off and ready to doze off again. I sighed in contentment but those were all vanished just in a few seconds when I heard another annoying noise.

" what the fu-- "

" language Mark " a stern laced on her voice that made me jolted up from my cuddle session with pillows. There's my mom, leaning on the door frame of my room with pink alarm clock on her hand.

" mom? why on earth you have an alarm clock? " I asked her with my hoarsy and scratchy voice.

" good morning to you too, my watermelon boy. Well witnessing you're taking away the responsibility of your alarm clock earlier, I must say, I poor that thing, being disabled by its own owner. So, might as well help to grant its wish to do its job by using my own baby alarm clock " she giggled and pressed the button of the alarm clock again, emitting an irritating noise in my room.

" mom, stop it! " I winced and pleaded to her with a whine. I covered my both sensitive ears and letting out a pout on my dry lips.

" I will if you get up and ready for your morning classes. It's already 6:38 am " she drawled.

" mom please I will, just stop it already " I groaned and gave a tired glare.

" okay, but you have to tell me why you look like a zombie with those dark circles on your bloodshot eyes. You seem tired " she crossed her arms against her chest and straightened her body.

I sighed in relief when she turned the alarm clock off.

" mom I WAS tired to be honest " I huffed and ruffled my greasy hair.

" why? " she asked curiously.

" insomnia? " then I let my body fell backward to welcome the warmth of the mattress again, soothening my aching body.

" you forgot to drink your milk? how about your morning classes? " she asked worrieldly.

" I forgot to drink one and for my morning classes, I remembered that our professor in chemistry told us he was not around this morning so yeah, we don't have a first period until 9 am " I stretched my limbs, feeling the soreness and tensed muscles started to relax against my comfortable bed.

" oww, okay sweetie. Just go downstairs after 15 minutes. Your dad is preparing for our breakfast " she offered me her signature smile before closing the door silently but it was being opened again without a mere second, giving me a sly smirk.

" do you perhaps have a date with someone tonight? " she asked.

" w-what??? why would I ha--- " my sentence halted when my eyes landed on my wall calendar, slapping on my handsome face that today was indeed a special day especially for the lovers.

February fucking 14

Of course, it would be a special day today because it's Valentine's Day.

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