c11: Talk

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" Guys, stop eye murdering Mark hyung. We're here to study okay, not committing a crime "

I internally thanked Jaemin for having an audacity to break the thick atmosphere that started to suffocate me. I slightly lowered my head from their sight when I felt the deadly stares from them.

I forcily averted my gaze back to my front when I heard someone scoffed across from me. I unconsciously gulped thickly when I saw our tiny chinese friend, Renjun, giving me a knowing look.

" Junnie --- "

" no Nana, I must hear his explanation first before we study " he pouted and crossed his arms against his chest.

" he's right. You ditched us yesterday hyung. So, we owe a deserve explanation from you, right? " Chenle demanded while leaning closer on my right side with a grin on his flawless face.

" you know what, that guy was kinda familiar to me, like I saw him somewhere "

My attention was easily snatched by my eyesmiling friend when he vocalized his thoughts. I watched how Jaemin got silent on his spot and Renjun scoffed at Jeno that I almost let out a loud sigh when he finally tore his gaze away from me for once. However, my forehead started to crease in confusion.

" of course you saw him last Monday. Remember when this canadian seagull got late then he suddenly appeared with another male in the middle of our class? have you recall about it already? " he spoke snippily at Jeno, who was now a little bit frightened. Jeno nodded his head frantically as Renjun gave him a longside glance.

My eyebrow rose up in realization.

Was Haechan the one who caused a ruckus to my classmates and who had a talk with Mr. Park last Monday?

" Junnie hyung, please minimize your voice. We might get scolded and kicked our asses out of here " then Jisung rolled his small eyes towards his chinese hyung who didn't give him a single glance but scoffed with arms crossed.

" am I being too loud? oh, I'm sorry okay. I was b--- "

" Renjun hyung, stop. Stop irritating yourself. Why are you being so hotheaded today huh? something happened wrong? is it because Mark hyung ditched us yesterday? can you please hear him out first without giving that deadly glare of yours? can't you see Chenji were getting scared of you? honestly, you're acting weird these days. What's wrong with you? " our attention instantaneously went to Jaemin when he suddenly blurted out. Everyone fell silent after we heard him using hyung card.

He may or may not joking this time based on how he snapped and his serious look. This only happened once in a blue moon so it's really matters to us seeing our bubbly friend was not being himself.

No one dared to break the deafening silence that surrounds us after Jaemin's outburst even Renjun got quiet on his place. I saw him lowering his head, playing the hem on his shirt. I was about to speak when he beat me for it.

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out at you guys. It's just I was just confused okay. No biggie for my problems and Mark hyung, I'm sorry. I made you upset and worried too much " then he slightly frowned.

Biting my lower lip, I turned my head to my blue haired friend Jaemin, giving him a reassurance look to make sure he's okay but he only sent me a small smile then shrugged his both shoulders. I averted my gaze back at the frowning male.

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