c29 pt 2: The First Guardian

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" So, are you saying this Yuta man is an angel like Mr. Seo or Haechan? "

With that question erupted, no one dared to break the silence around them as everyone was looking intently at Lucas, who sat beside Renjun. After earning lots of gazes from them, the giant male couldn't help but squirmed a bit. Still not comprehending after everything just unfolded before his eyes, Lucas was trying to compose himself and recalled one of his faded memories from the back of his head.

The said male gulped thickly as he felt chills ran down on his spine.

" Yuta..... is actually one of the nice guys I just met, but he ain't one of my companions. We just.... started to become lowkey friends when I saw Winwin used to talk to him before " Lucas voiced out his thoughts, after remembering what he just discovered about his friend and Yuta.

" Winwin? it's sounded familiar to me " Mark mused.

" he was the one who saved you from the other bullies " Lucas stated with stillness in his voice.

As the bell rang inside his head, Mark gaped in realization after envisaging the blurred image of that incident.

" then what makes you think that he's not normal like us? " Jeno asked, giving his full attention on the topic.

Releasing a heavy sigh, Lucas slouched his body on the sofa, squinting his both eyes into slits.

" I thought..... I was just imagining things like my mind was playing tricks on me after seeing Yuta man has these large wings like Haechan while talking to my friend. He looks so normal like us but I never thought I got to see him with that thing and just vanished. But what made me confused more was that during our sleepovers, I caught Winwin sometimes talking alone...... again, alone and he was mentioning Yuta's name even though Yuta man was not even there, like.... what the freaking fudge was that? I thought he got crazy, man. But after what just happened to Haechan, it gives me a reason to think that my hunch was right all along..... that he's not a human at all " Lucas blabbered while doing some exaggerated hand movements as if he didn't notice himself for doing that.

" your friend? he knew about him? I mean about Yuta's true identity? " Renjun asked in bewilderment.

" I could say that he knew it all along " Lucas nodded his head absentmindedly.

" wait---- nana, do you know about Yuta? " Mark interjected, averting his eyes on the blue haired male.

" to be honest, I just heard him once from Haechan last time we talked but I never got a chance to see him personally " Jaemin admitted.

" what??? you guys didn't meet him even once? " Lucas gave them a quizzical look then he saw the others nodded in response.

" really? but he already went to our school " Lucas said like he was really surprised on what he just learned.

" are you serious? " Chenle asked with his eyes widened.

" like he went to school with Haechan when I.... you know err pick a fight with Mark that day " Lucas then rubbed his nape shyly but he got startled when Renjun shook his both shoulders.

" what does he looks like? " Renjun queried like seemingly he was in rush.

" why are you--- "

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