c31: Love, Donghyuck

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3 weeks later.....

As he slumped down on the bed with a huff, Mark let his body fell down on the cold cushion, staring up to the unfamiliar ceiling without thinking particularly. Closing his eyes shut, he suddenly felt dizzy after travelling across the world in hours. He massaged his both temples to ease the pain but then he halted when the vibration of his phone was signalling for him to answer the call.

Fishing out the device from his pocket, Mark looked at the caller id to see his Taeyong hyung was calling him. Without hesitation, he clicked the green button.

" hyung " said Mark.

" hey, dongsaeng. Have you arrived there safely? " Taeyong asked from the other line.

" yes hyung. I just arrived to where I supposed to be my room for two months. Grandma's not here when I came here, only the nannies are here " Mark exhaled a loud sigh.

" oh, did they tell you about grandma's whereabouts? " then Mark heard some faint voices from the other line and he knows that it's not his hyung's voice.

" you're not alone, aren't you? " Mark ignored Taeyong's question, fully curious about what he just heard.

" uhh... you know, Doyoung's here " even though he didn't see Taeyong's face now, he was sure that his face are now red. Mark chuckled at his thought.

" you know hyung, don't be shy. Just use protection okay " Mark reminded as he put himself in upright position.

" hey, you---- we're not doing anything here " Taeyong blurted out, making the canadian male take his phone away from his ears.

" Taeyong hyung, no need to shout. You're making yourself too obvious " Mark could only shook his head with a faint smile to his lips until he heard a heavy breath being emitted from the other line.

" I'm gonna miss your ugly face, dongsaeng " Taeyong said in a soft manner.

" I'm just 3 months away, hyung. I'll be back before the month of August for my last year in school " Mark replied, copying his hyung's tone.

" but still, it feels different without you here. Anyway, you should do whatever you want there in Canada but don't stay up too late, okay. You should go back home before 9 in the evening strikes there and also, don't forget to drink your milk before going to sleep " Taeyong reminded as he was acting like his second mom.

" yes, mom " Mark snickered but he only got a nag from his hyung.

" and dongsaeng, can I ask you again why did you choose to stay there at Canada? " asked Taeyong.

" it's because my friends are on their own vacation. Jisung is now at the Chenle's hometown with him. Jaemin and Jeno are going to Busan then Lucas is now having a vacation on Renjun's place and it left me no choice but to take my own summer break alone here in Canada. I also missed our grandma " Mark explained.

" but why didn't you want me to tag along with you? " Taeyong asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.

" because you need some alone time with Doyoung hyung. You deserve that after you just come clean to our parents, hyung. You need to relax and have a happy vacation with him " Mark stated in a soft manner.

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