c10: Sugar Treats

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" g-gosh that was fun " I propped my both hands on my begging knees still catching my uneven breath from running. I wiped the cold perspiration away that formed on my forehead using the hem of my hoodie.

Why are we running?

Let's say when we were escaping our way out the school, I caught five gays were doing a hunter games or hunting me to be specific not too far from our place along the hallway. I saw them asking some students if they saw white canadian seagull who likes to fart walking down there by any chance which made me frowned a little after hearing the description about me. But then when my gaze landed on this face of specific chinese friend of mine that I could say that his face showed danger. My body shivered. Not wasting a time, we ran out for our lives as fast as possible and here we are, panting like we joined a fun marathon. End of the amazing story.

I cackled a little then looking up to the person beside me who seems to be unfazed from exhausting marathon.

I watched him breathing effortlessly despite the sweat was dripping agonizingly from his temple down to the curve of his exposed glistening tanned neck. I felt the urge to wipe those away but I ceased before anything happens that makes me feel weird again. Snapping out from having such time as how his sweat was still looking fine on him against his shining melanin skin, I nudged his arms slightly with a little frown formed on my face.

" you seem not tired from all runnings down here " I prompted at him, seeing the situation kinda confound and unfair that I was looking so exhausted like a pig with disgusting sweats starting to make me feel uneasy while him, seeing all breathing evenly and looking so well.

Don't get me wrong, I was into sports and I used for having this kind of routine including runnings when I joined on the soccer team in high school years before my life turned into dark twist. Even though I used to have these kind of excessive trainings like runnings for catching the ball here and there, I was still having a hard time to keep my breathing in control for holding it too long, but after seeing the looking ethereal boy standing beside me looking so unbothered, causing me to think differently like was he a great athlete or even a human with his unexplainable behavior?

I saw him shrugging his shoulders while wiping his own sweats away as he vocalized his response.

" not that much to be honest " his gaze landed upon me as he was observing my slouching stature from head to toe.

I licked my bottom lip before straightening my posture, bringing my breath back into normal pace. I took my gaze away from him.

" humble and cocky at the same time I see " I said with amusement laced in my tone. I scrunched my nose as I feel the heat encaging me from wearing a hoodie so I halted on my heels.

I shrugged my knapsack from my back and eagerly took the thick cloth off as the heat was starting to irritate me. I stripped off shamlessly and I let out relief sigh when a cold air greeting my burning desperate skin.

" damn, I sweat buckets like shit " I grunted and folded my hoodie in half charily. I hooked the thick fabric on my elbow after bringing my knapsack from its previous shelter, snapping my head back to my right just to see Haechan checking me out with innocence and wonder filled on his gray eyes. I felt my both cheeks started to get warm when I noticed something.

I just stripped right in front of him and he was staring on my body.

I coughed awkwardly to catch his attention and break his gaze on mine but he didn't get that hint so I furiously blushed even more and tore my gaze away from him.

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