c16: Butterflies

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TODAY is suppose to be a free day for all the students after the exam day but we, participants have to gather here in auditorium to make our first rehearsal today. Me, Chenle, Haechan, two staffs, Doyoung hyung and his three other students that who are also have a participation for the senior's night event only present here in the music hall.

I sighed in relief when my turn was finally finished. I traipsed down to the staircase and approached Doyoung hyung who was waiting for me to encase me under his wide arms open. Dragging my feet towards to the standing male, I let out a faint chuckle when he engulfed me on his embrace. I heard him emitting a hum above me.

" wow Mark, I didn't know that you can sing too and also nice song choice there " then he leaned back to face me as he smiled proudly at me.

I felt the heavy feeling on my chest drifted away after hearing his compliment about my performance. He was still wearing a wide giddy smile that seem to not fade any moment with amazement plastered on his face.

" t-thank you hyung " I bowed my head a little and didn't have a courage to make an eye contact as the shyness overwhelmed me.

I felt a hand weighted on my shoulder and squeezing it in a comforting one.

" don't be shy, you really did great. I suggest you to sing more, cheer up dongsaeng " hearing his encouraging voice makes my body relaxed from being stiffed. Releasing a heavy sigh, I laggardly raised my head up to give him sheepish smile then rubbed my nape.

" oh here, you must be thirsty " then he offered a bottled water which I gladly accepted. I uncapped it to sip a big amount of the refreshing liquid to release myself from thirst.

I took one of the stalls seats beside where Doyoung hyung placed his stuffs. I stretched my limbs, hearing my joints creating a cracking sounds, releasing the stress on my limbs.

Our mentor raised his thumb towards the next performers who were making a run for their performance, signalling that they are now okay to take over the stage. I followed his gaze to where he was looking at that made me feel anxious and excited to watch their practice.

Chenle and Haechan

My attention was being snatched by a tapping foot which caused by Doyoung hyung who was still standing beside me with a hint of expectant look on his visage.

" you know, Chenle and Haechan seems like going to create a good combination. I can't wait to watch them perform together. I heard from Mr. Seo that brunet kid owns a beautiful voice and Chenle, that kid is known for his singing ability since he was a kid. I think it would be amazing as yours " then he landed his gaze on the two who were preparing themselves on the stage.

Not giving much attention on his last phrase, I nodded my head in agreement, looking back on the glamorous stage.

" Chenle! " hyung shouted that his voice echoed inside the spacious auditorium.

" yes sir? " my chinese friend replied back with a mouth hanging open.

" what song will you going to play for the night event? " hyung asked in average tone but can be heard enough to the stage.

" uhh sir we choose to play a kinda old songs like Now and Forever by Richard Marx and Close To You by Whigfield for the slow dance " he said as his little whiskers showed when he smiled blindly in our direction, making his both eyes formed in a thin line.

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