Chapter Thirty-Eight

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a/n: this chapter is.. Surprising. Like OMG wtf. Comment at the end pls.

Rocky's P.O.V

Taliya opens the door and I watch Riker and Nikki pull in the driveway. I cup Taliya's cheeks and push her against the door frame, kissing her roughly. She grabs my waist and slides my shirt up, a bit. Riker clears his throat. We pull back and see my mom, Riker, and Nikki all starring at us. "You guys can leave." I grunt.

"Bro, we need to talk this out." Riker states sternly.

I shake my head. "Theres nothing to talk about." I say and pull Taliya into the house.

"Rocky, there's so much to talk about." Riker says and steps in also.

Before I knew it, we were all sitting at the table. "Rocky, look up." Taliya says.

I look up and immediately lock eyes with Nikki. "I have nothing to say. He can have her." I say coldly.

Nikki slides off the ring and across the table. "You keep that.. but we need to figure out what we're going to do with the baby." Nikki says maturely.

I nod. "Well.. um.. I don't know." I sigh.

She reaches for my hand, but I quickly pull away and look at her. "You can have it on weekends, until it starts school. When it starts school and I start working, it can come live with you." She states.

I nod in agreement. "Sounds good.." I say.

She nods back and her and Riker leave. "It's a boy!" She yells and closes the door behind her.





Cliffhanger, god I hate cliffhangers.

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