Chapter 3 | Friends

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Quote for this chapter: "Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget." 

Background credit goes to artist, editing credit goes to me. :3


Tenten headed to the lobby cafe, waiting for the rest of Konoha 12 to arrive. Classes weren't so bad after all, she decided. It was only day one, but she already declared that they weren't too hard.

This time, all of Konoha 12 gathered at the cafe. Tenten met the remainder of friends that weren't at the last cafe gathering. She met Lee first, who she decided she liked. He was hyperactive, but a very friendly person. To her amusement, he was constantly professing his love for Sakura, and he loved the word "youth". Sasuke was much like Neji and gave cold glares to people, but she noticed he softened up the slightest bit when Sakura was around. I'll have to tease Sakura about that, she thought with a chuckle. Shikamaru had black hair in a pineapple-like hairstyle, and his favorite things to say were "troublesome" and "what a drag". Neji completely ignored her, which was fine since they already had their introductions. After a bit of chit chat, the whole group got into either Ino's minivan or Naruto's SUV, and they drove off towards a restaurant. 

Before Tenten knew it, the week had passed by and the weekend arrived. Neji continued to not acknowledge her as usual, but fortunately for her, there had been only one incident during the weekdays with Neji's newest girlfriend. That time it was a girl with long, blonde hair braided behind her back and far too much makeup on her face. Her clothing had been gaudy, showing off many parts of her body. Tenten found it revolting, especially the part where they were making out and Neji had grabbed the girl's ass. She didn't understand how Neji could tolerate such people, even if he wasn't serious about the relationship he had with them. She estimated that he probably kissed over three girls a week and dumped a girl two days after dating them. Tenten couldn't help but worry that soon, he would start toying with her too.

She got a text from Ino in the group chat suggesting a sleepover over at her dorm, but it had sounded more like a command.

Ino: girls, sleepover over at my room? ive got sleeping bags, bring snacks if you have any, and bring movies or games if you have any. we are gonna have fun!!!

Sakura: me and hinata are coming, pig

Tenten: ok!

Naruto: im coming!!!

Kiba: yes lets go have a sleepover girls!!!


Shikamaru: Pfft, women are such a drag.

Naruto: boys, sleepover at my room? ive got sleeping bags, bring snacks if you have any, and bring movies or games if you have any. we are gonna have even more fun!!!

Sasuke: Shut up, dobe.

Naruto: stop ruining the fun sasugay!!!

Sasuke: What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me?

-Naruto deleted one message-

Naruto: nothing!!!

Tenten laughed, shoving the phone and key card into her pocket before grabbing a knit blanket from her closet, which she had brought for a situation where she might need it. She then grabbed a few bags of snacks she had stashed in her closet as well before heading out the door, walking through the halls until she reached room 435. She knocked and a few seconds later the door opened. A girl with four ponytails greeted her.

"Hi, I'm Temari," She said, smiling. "You must be Tenten."

"Yeah, I am," Tenten replied, smiling back.

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