Chapter 14 | Monday

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Author's Note: A short, Monday filler chappy. Enjoy! :3


Tenten woke up to a throbbing headache. Last night's memories were blurred. All she remembered was going to a bar, getting drunk, going home, then falling asleep. She couldn't remember any specific details, except that she sang a song. What song? She wondered, her head aching like hell. A few lyrics swarmed in her head. wait! Never thought that one day, I'd be losing you. I wonder why I'd remember that, she thought, sitting up with a groan. She looked for her phone but couldn't find it. Turns out, her black purse from last night was set on her desk, with thankfully every one of her belongings still intact. She grabbed her phone and checked the time, which was 4:21 in the afternoon, before checking her text messages. Ino had made a new group chat titled "Just the Girls".

Ino: hows the hangover everyone?

Temari: dont have one

Sakura: i have a mild headache

Hinata: My head hurts terribly.

Temari: oof that sucks

Tenten: same hinata. i feel like an elephant fell on my head.

Tenten placed her phone down and headed to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. After she gulped down a glass of water, her head felt slightly better. Neji was nowhere to be seen in the dorm, so she guessed he went out to do something. That meant an afternoon of relaxation all to herself. Damn that hangover.

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