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Hi :D I'm rewriting my Danny Phantom/BNHA crossover in my book of one-shots but a little different. There's gonna be a little less CRACC and a bit more plot. (Still some cracc tho cuz c'mon)

Warning: Major (Minor?) Character Death and Abuse (This is an angsty fandom what did you expect)


Up until the age of four, Danny had a nice, healthy childhood. He remembered the warm hugs, joyful laughs, and the overall feeling of love. He had an amazing big sister and loving parents, the perfect family. Back then, his life was amazing. Funny how a simple check-up at the clinic could change all that. Ever since his doctor explained to his parents about the extra joint in his pinky toe, his life took a nosedive into a trashcan full of abuse and loneliness.

Danny's parents both had interesting quirks. His Mom had an X-Ray quirk that allowed her to see through metal. It was very helpful when she was building inventions since it abled her to easily spot any misplaced wires or other mishaps. His father had a creation quirk that allowed him to create things made of a hardened type of fudge as long as he ate enough of the chocolaty treat. Both had drawbacks of course. His mother would eventually get a migraine if she used her quirk for too long and his dad would pass out from lack of energy. They both had high expectations for their children's quirk so they were very upset when they heard that their youngest was quirkless.


Danny was a little shocked once he heard that he would never develop a quirk, something almost unheard of. However, the shock soon wore off and he wasn't really bothered by it. The only people who were affected by it were his parents. The day they returned home was the last day he received any positive attention from them. All the attention went on Jazz, his big sister who had a creation quirk just like their Dad. She was able to create anything made of Metal and was also highly intelligent for her age.

Danny was confused when his parents didn't tuck him in that night. At first, he thought it was because he was getting too big. With that reasoning, Danny felt better and eventually fell asleep. But when he saw his parents tucking Jazz in the next night, he knew it was something else and it wasn't hard to figure out what. They didn't even try to hide their disdain for Dannys' quirklessness. They ignored him, pretended like he never existed in the first place. The only time they acknowledged him was as if he did something wrong. If it wasn't for Jazz, Danny was sure he would have starved to death since they started cooking for three only.

Over the next few years, Danny tried so hard to get positive attention from his parents. He drew pictures for them, made them gifts, and even made his mom a paper frog which was her favorite animal. All of them ended up in the recycle. It all got worse when Danny was 6 and Jazz woke up with a 101-degree fever. Everyone thought it was a simple cold but when Jazz's fever began growing they took her to the doctors. Danny had never seen his parents as distressed as they were when Jazz got admitted to the hospital. She was there for a week, and in that time Danny tried so hard to visit but his parents always left without him. The six-year-old spent most of that week in his room, wondering if his older sister was gonna be okay.

When his parents returned home from the hospital, they immediately shut themselves in their lab. It wasn't until one of Jazz's teachers came over that Danny had found out what happened. He overheard them talking and learned that Jazz had been diagnosed with a bad case of Pneumonia. Three days after her diagnosis, Jazz passed away due to her already weakened immune system which was the drawback of her Quirk.

Danny had mourned the loss of his sister alone. He didn't eat or sleep for a few days. After her funeral, Danny saw his parents at least once or twice a week. They stopped making meals and instead ordered in, taking the food and going down to their lab. Danny had mostly been surviving off of cereal and fruit snacks. However, they had eventually run out. He tried his best to ignore the hunger pains but eventually, they got bad enough to where he couldn't sleep. He ended up deciding to go ask his parents for help, which he ended up regretting.

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