Chapter 48

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The next day,  January 15 1992

It was late last night when the four of them arrived at the Ranch, but not too late for Bailey and Matthew to celebrate their love for each other

By the time they made it to the main house it was two in the afternoon

"Should we bring them some food?" Veronica asked Michael while they were making lunch for themselves

"Let's not interrupt them yet, they've two years of make up sex to do" Michael replied

"It would be so cool if they have a baby too, our kids will grow up together" Veronica smiled

"Let's see if they like being godparents to this one first" Michael smiled softly rubbing her baby bump

"Really?" Matthew asked, shocked he was considered to be the godparent after everything they found out the day before

"Yes, we said we'd be each other's kids godparents, right?" Michael replied

"That was before I was really your half brother" Matthew mentioned

"I know" Michael answered

"We discussed it last night and you guys are the couple that lives closes to us and are friends with both of us" Veronica explained

"Is it a boy or a girl? Or did I ask that already?" Matthew asked

"We don't know yet, we want it to be a surprise and find out when he or she is born" Veronica answered

"They painted the nursery mint geen, it's cute" Bailey told Matthew

"Sweet idea, um if you guys don't mind I would like to speak with Veronica" Matthew mentioned

"Bussines talk is too boring for me, maybe we'd could watch a movie?" Bailey suggested to Michael

"Let's see if there's a new horror movie out you haven't seen yet" Michael answered

"Yes you watch it with her, they scare the crap out of me" Matthew replied

"Why did I marry such a baby?" Bailey smirked

"So you could watch horror movies with his best friend" Michael smirked

"You guys are too much" Matthew shook his head

"Have fun watching horror movies, just know I won't be joining you guys either" Veronica replied

"Next time you guys can watch some romantic movie that's too sweet for my taste" Bailey replied


Once Michael and Bailey left to watch the latest horror movie at the theater Matthew stepped into the kitchen and made himself a sandwich while Veronica took a bite of hers

"You do have second thoughts about me working in your restaurant?" Veronica asked

"No, I was in the kitchen or behind the bar most of the time anyway, the actual bussines part was never my strong point, I just payed the bills and put them in the file cabinet" Matthew replied

"That does explain the administrational chaos I found when I just began, I created a whole system and organized the whole paperwork and devided it in diffrent ordners" Veronica explained

"Sorry for that, I also heard about Charles, the former chef, what he did and the restraining order against him" Matthew mentioned

"I hired two new chefs, they both take turns and on the busy days or holidays they both are present" Veronica answered

"And Desmond is bartender now?" Matthew asked

"Yes and also Assistant General Manager since he had to fall in for me a few times but unfortunately the staff doesn't really obey him when I'm not around" Veronica answered

"You must have a lot of authority, I don't mean that in a bad way but since the staff listens to you, it's not easy to make them listen" Matthew answered

"I've been told I could be a cold hearted bussines woman, I just want things to happen sometimes, like if I make the schedules I do expect them to show up unless they're sick, have a family emergency, a flat tire or are delayed by public transportation or a really good reason not to show up, I mean is that too much to ask? " Veronica mentioned

"No, it's not too much to ask" Matthew replied "Would you be ok with it if I'll take bar shifts to begin with and later if I feel more energized to also help out in the kitchen and check on the guests?" He asked

"Sure, you're the boss, right?" Veronica asked

"But the last nearly two years you've been the boss" Matthew reminded her

"True, but we can work this out" Veronica promised


"I didn't expect you two to be awake yet" Michael mentioned to Bailey while they were in the storage room of the theater to pick a movie

"I know, neither did I" Bailey sighed

"What happened?" Michael asked

"Due to Matthew needing to rebuild his energy and stuff it's no longer endless nights of passionate love, so we really slept for most of the night and morning" Bailey replied

"There's more to a marriage than just sex and lovemaking and you do know your husband was lucky enough to wake up from his coma after a relatively short period of time, for a coma, not many people are that lucky" Michael replied

"I know that and I am very thankful for that" Bailey told him "I'm just all kinds of confused and feelings, I'm happy and thankful to have him back, livid at the the hospital for their mistaken identification but also thankful for their caring for him I'm just everything all together" She rambled "Why can't everything be normal again, before the day Matthew decided to go to that meeting alone and have a stroke on the way back" She sniffed

"Come here" Michael replied and held her close while Bailey cried


Later that day,

Veronica arranged for all employees to be present at Clarke's kitchen tommorrow before opening hours for a special announcement, Matthew wanted the staff to know he was still alive and coming back to work in the restaurant too

"I hope they want to see me, what if they will hate me?" Matthew asked

"I'm sure they'll be happy to see you" Veronica assured him "Some will probably think it means I'll be leaving now you're back" she added

"Please don't" Matthew replied

"Don't worry I won't" Veronica assured him

"Veronica is a workaholic you know" Bailey mentioned "Worse than me when I'm in my writing zone typing page after page" she added

"Speaking of writing, do you have any new ideas for a new book yet?" Michael asked her

"I'll let you know when I start, my number one fan deserves to know that" Bailey replied

"You finished the last book of the zombie bride series?" Matthew asked

"Yes, it came out last Halloween" Bailey answered

"And it's great" Michael added

"Please, you say that about all my books" Bailey rolled her eyes playfully

"Is that how you reply to your fans?" Michael shook his head

"Only you know who I am, other people who read my books don't know my face or my real name" Bailey reminded him


The four of them spend the rest of the night together, filling Matthew in on the things he missed and making plans for the rest of the week to reintroduce Matthew to the family, friends and other people they know

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