The first day

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General Pov- It had finally came, The day when all the Bytesquad members would move into the house. The first two people who were there was Shauni and Jake they sat down at the table talking about how excited they were to be here. The next person to arrive was Lily, she came in the room with a big,bright smile on her face, Lily was the very happy, cheerful and goofy friend. She quickly ran up to hug Shauni and Jake, they all hugged and continued to talk and laugh together. The next two people to arrive were Kt and Sebb, Everyone stood up and hugged they were all so excited and couldn't wait to see what this house would bring into their lives. Kt asked if anyone had heard from Monty, she thought Monty would already be here when she arrived he was not. Everyone shook their head no, except Sebb. "wait who is Monty?" Kt giggled "Sebb i told you about Monty, Don't you remember?" Sebb took a second and then shook his head yes, he remembered that Kt had told him that there was a tall, kind hearted boy would be joining us in the Bytehouse, His name was Monty. Thats all Sebb knew besides a couple pictures Kt had showed him. Shauni then excused herself. Just then the front door opened and in came Monty.

Sebbs Pov- When Monty walked in Kt was the first one to hug him, she practically jumped into his arms. Then Lily and jake ran up and hugged him tight just like Kt, I didn't realize it but i was just standing there staring at him, i observed him he was tall, and slender. He had dirty blonde hair and wore classes, He also had the brightest smile i had ever seen. Just then i snapped out of my daze, everyone was still hugging Monty but i didn't really know him so i just stood there. Then Lily, Jake and Kt broke up the hug, then they all turn towards me standing there awkwardly. Kt smiled and said "Monty this is Sebb and Sebb this is Monty" Me and monty just exchanged a smile at one another then Shauni came back and welcomed Monty with a hug. Kt smiled and raised her arms in excitement "Alright time to pick rooms everyone!" everyone sat down at the table and Kt looked up at all of us and said "theres only four rooms so some of us will have to share." Shauni and Jake looked at each other they were sorta like a thing i guess they never really talked about it, but Jake smiled and said "me and Shauni could share the room upstairs." Kt smiled "ok Great" Shauni and Jake went upstairs to unpack. Then Kt looked at monty, "mont i know your little shy so you can have your own room, the one at the end of the hall." Monty smiled and took his bags to the end of the hall. I thought it was kinda cute how she said mont-..... my thoughts were interrupted my Lily saying " Kt me and you share everything so we could share a room?' Lily smiled, Kt shook her head and giggled. I always admired their relationship they were like sisters, always so close. Kt asked me if i was okay with having the room near the kitchen, since the bedroom near the back of the hall way was bigger. I shook my head yes then we all split up and went to unpack and put everything in place.

Montys Pov- As i was putting my clothes away I caught myself thinking about the guy i met when i came in the door, His name was-..... my thoughts were stopped by Lily and Kt entering the room, they were giggling as the came in, Kt sat on a corner of my bed and looked at me i smiled and asked "what are you looking at?' she giggled again. when she opened her mouth to speak we were interrupted by Lily, i looked at her she had my phone in her hand she was looking at the lock screen. She smiled and showed Kt the screen, I knew what she saw. Kt stood up and ran over to her to take a closer look, i knew they would find out eventually so i just continued to fold my clothes. They both turned, and smiled at me "Monty?" Kt said I looked up at her holding my phone up showing me the screen, it was a picture of the colors representing being Bisexual, "Monty when were you going to tell us?" i smiled and said "I don't know" Lilys eyes widened by what i said, she giggled all excited and then asks "So its true, your bisexual!" I put my finger to my mouth signaling for her to be quiet, Then i smiled and shook my head yes. Both girls ran up and hugged me. just then the hug broke and the girls left to let me finish unpacking.

Kt's Pov- after me and lily left Montys room, lily yawned and said she was going to go get a nap in before dinner, i laughed at her and said jokingly "yeah you better because a sleepy lily is a grumpy lily." she gave me a shove and went to our room to rest, But i continued walking till i got to Sebbs room. I knocked and then he said "come in." i walked in and sat down on Sebbs bed, he looked at me and smiled as i just stare at him, this was my trick to getting people to admit things to me, i stare at them until they crack. Sebb already knew this though so he was a lot harder to crack, but i continued. He laughed and then looked at me "what do you want to know Kt?" I glared at him harder, he stopped unpacking and came to sit next to me on his bed. "What is Kt? what did i do now?" Sebb asked. i finally realized he wasn't going to crack so i finally gave up. I stood up and said " never mind ill get it out of you one way or another." Sebb looked very confused, but laughed and said "okay then ill see at dinner Kt" I walked out and shut the door behind me. I then went up the stairs to check on Shauni and Jake. I knocked, Jake opened the door. i came in and shut the door behind me, they were still unpacking and had music playing. Jake turned the music down. "hows everything going up here?" i asked them. They both turned to me and smiled "its good" they both answered at the same time. They looked at each other then laughed. Jake turned towards me and smiled "so do you know when dinner will be here?" I laughed and told him it should be here around 6. He smiled and then said "sweet, can wait" then i left the room and went back down stairs i went back into mine and lilys room to try to finish unpacking.

________________________________________________________________________________This is the first chapter of Soulmates and theres many more to come

thanks for reading!

word count 1216 

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