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Montys Pov- When i woke i was laying on Sebbs chest and he had his arms around me, it felt perfect like for a second there was a moment when everything was just fine, no problems or worries. I never wanted it to end. I looked up at Sebb he was still sleeping, then i cuddled closer to him hoping he wouldn't mind, to my surprise he didn't mind because i felt his arms wrap tighter around me, it caused me to smile but i didn't know why.... 

Kt's pov- when i woke up lily had already gotten up and was probably in the kitchen eating. I decided to go talk to Sebb and see how Monty was, so i walked over to Sebbs room and opened the door but no one was in there and his bed was made which means he didn't sleep there last night. I thought about it some more and i knew that Sebb had to of slept in Montys room last night. i thought it was sweet how Sebb stayed with Monty all night to make sure he was okay, i ended up walking towards Montys door. I opened his door making sure to be very quiet, and when i saw them i couldn't help but smile, it was adorable. i left the room quietly shutting the door behind me. i went into the kitchen and saw Jake, Lily and Shauni sitting at the table eating, i walked over smiling and said "good morning" then went to get something to eat. i sat down at the table as my oatmeal was heating up, and i just had to tell the rest of the group about What i saw in Montys room. Everyone smiled and said thats adorable, Shauni also told everyone not to say anything to them or make a big deal of it because we need to let them figure it out for themselves first.Everyone agreed. Then i started talking about starting a youtube channel for the Bytehouse, everyone thought it was a great idea. i smiled and said "okay great we just have to get Monty and Sebbs opinion on the idea". 

Time skip- two hours later 

Sebbs Pov- I opened my eyes and processed where i was and who i was with, i still had Monty laying on my chest, he was cuddled up closer to me then before. I didn't want to leave for some reason i wanted to stay here and hold Monty but i felt like i was starving so i needed to get up. I didn't want to wake up Monty so i tried to carefully get up with out him noticing, but as soon as i went to move his arm off me he started to wake up. He took his arm off of me and rubbed his eyes, Then he looked at me and i think he processed that i was trying to leave so he moved off me. He sat up and was looking down, I sat up next to him "whats wrong" i asked. Still looking down he said "I'm sorry". i was confused as to why he was apologizing, "what are you sorry for?" he looked over me "well for cuddling up to you like that and making you feel unconfortable" he said. i looked back at him "What? I chose to lay down with you and i wasn't uncomfortable. don't blame yourself for something that I'm not even upset over". I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. In my head i was thinking about how adorable he was when he first wakes up his hair all messy and-..... my thoughts getting interrupted by Monty saying "lets go get something to eat I'm starving"  i shook myhead yes and we left the room.  

Jakes Pov- when i turned around i saw Sebb and Monty walking down the hallway coming into the kitchen. They were smiling at each other and laughing. I realized that me and Sebb knew each other but i hadn't really got the chance to get to know Monty. Monty just grabbed some cereal and sat down, Sebb did the same. then Kt asked them about starting a Youtube channel. they both thought it was a good idea. Kt then told us that we would film the video tomorrow, i laughed and asked her 'what kind of video will we be filming?" She smiled and said it was going to be a surprise. i smiled back at her, Shauni went upstairs to shower and clean up she was going out to meet up with Lauren, Kt and lily were going with her i guess it was supposed to be like a girls day. After Sebb was done eating he said he was going to go make some tiktoks in his room, he always told everyone this because he didn't like people watching him making his tiktoks, so it was like him telling us to stay out of his room until he was done. After all the girls left and Sebb was in his room. Monty was just sitting on the couch on his phone i went into the living room and started talking to him, eventually i asked him if he wanted to get out of the house go to the park for a little bit or something just to get to know him and pass some time. 

Time skip- two and a half hours later 

jakes Pov- At frist monty seems really quiet and nervous but once you spend time with him and get to know him he was actually a really funny guy, always telling jokes and messing around. After almost three hours out we decided to go home.

Sebbs Pov- After i finished making a few tiktoks and posted them, i went out of my room to see Monty but no one was home except for me. I deiced since i was the only one home i would just chill in the living room and watch a movie. I was about finished with the movie when all the sudden Kt, Lily, Shauni and Lauren walked through the door. i paused the movie and got up Lauren saw me then ran up to hug me, Lauren is another one of my close friends. She broke the hug and all the girls sat down on the couch while i sat on the arm of the chair, We were talking about how we have all been doing and Lauren was telling us stories about what she had been up to, we were all catching up with each other, it was nice to see Lauren again and catch up on what she had been doing. Then all the sudden the front door opened and in walked Jake and Monty, they walked in laughing and then Laruen got up and ran over to hug Jake. Then once their hug broke she looked over at Monty and asked with a smirk on her face "who's this cutie?". "this is Monty" Jake answered. For someone reason i was found a little angry at her calling him 'cutie' i was confused as to why it upset me but it did. i just sat there and didn't say anything. "where were you two?" Shauni asked.  Jake explained "we went out for a little while just to get out of the house."  then jake took off his shoes and sat down next to Shauni.  Kt, Lily, Shauni and jake were all on the couch talking but i was just listening and watching Lauren and Monty, "hi I'm Lauren its a pleasure to meet you."  Monty smiled but it was fake, i knew Montys smile and that was not it. Soon after they introduced themselves they went into the kitchen i couldn't see or hear what they were saying anymore but then but then a few moments later Monty came out and his face was bright red, he was obviously enjoying himself so i just excused my self to my room. I laid on my bed thinking about Monty and Lauren, why did i feel angry when she was flirting with him. I couldn't stop thinking about Monty and this anger that i didn't understand. It was stressing me out and i wanted it to stop.Just then Kt entered my room she told me that Laruen was leaving and she wanted me to say bye. I got up and followed Kt over to the front door, there stood lauren she had her arms wrapped around Montys neck and pulled him in for a hug, then she tried to kiss him on the cheek but Monty pulled away which made me feel a little better. Then Lauren gave Monty a confused look Monty looked at her and shook his head no and then walked away from her. Then everyone including me went up and hugged lauren and told her goodbye. When Lauren finally left i turned around and looked at Monty, when i turned around he was staring at me, we locked eyes for a moment before Jake went up to Monty and stared talking to him, I ended up listen to what they were saying...  "hey what was that about?" jake asked "what do you mean?' Monty asked "I saw that, i saw when Lauren went in to kiss your cheek and you just pulled away. Why?" Jake said "i just-" Monty Stuttered "i just didn't like her like in that way..." monty said. Jake looked confused "if you didn't like her like that then why did you two go into the kitchen?" Jake asked. "i didn't want to go into the kitchen with her but she said she just wanted something to drink, i believed her but as i was pouring her a drink she kept touching me and i asked her to stop, she stopped for a moment but when i turned around to leave because i was uncomfortable she tried to kiss me, i managed to get away from her and told her i just wanted to be friends and then she scoffed at me as i walked out and then tried to kiss my cheek when she was leaving as if nothing happened. it wasn't right so i stopped it." Monty explained. "oh I'm sorry for assuming things, i didn't know any of that happened." jake said. Monty smiled and said "its fine". i was still angry at Lauren for trying to kiss Monty and even more that she tried to kiss him without his permission.   Then i turned around and watched jake go sit back down with Shauni, then i looked around for Monty i saw him out of the corner of my eye, he was looking at me smiling as he went in to my room. Its like he wanted me to follow him, so i did. When i opened the door he was sitting on my bed "you know you are awful at hiding that your listening to my conversations" he said smiling at me, I laughed and said "sorry i couldn't help it" i rubbed the back of my neck nervously. He then laughed and laid down on my bed. i walked over to the opposite side an laid down next to him. He looked at me, i looked back at him. We just laid there staring at each other it was a perfect moment i just wished i knew what it meant....


hope everyone like this chapter!

(also i just wanted to mention that this in no way i hope is taken offense to Lauren, she is a sweet girl i just wanted to have a bit of change from the real group) 

Word count 1951 

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