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A few hours after they get off the plane-

Monty's POV- It kept replying and replying in my head...I can't stop thinking about it, even laying here in my favorite persons arms I still couldn't sleep. I feel the worst I have ever felt in my entire 17 years of living. In the past 24 hours I have sexually assaulted and the person I love the most blames himself for it. I wish he wouldn't because it's not even close to being his fault. I was so overwhelmed by my emotions and thoughts, I sat up and looked around the darkness of my room. Everything was very vivid in my mind, sometimes even a little too vivid almost as if it was happening all over again. I felt a single tear escape my eye as I laid back down next to Sebb. I kept my eyes closed and tried to sleep...

One hour later-

"Monty! Wake up Monty" I took a deep inhale as I quickly sat up, with tears running down my face. I was terrified...I looked over at Sebb and was immediately pulled in to his embrace. "It's okay Mont, I'm right here". I feel safe in his arms yet still scared because the images and emotions flooded through me. Sebb could see this and kissed my head "why don't I go see if breakfast is ready" He said and started to get up. "Don't leave me" I cried out grabbing his hoodie even harder in the clutch of my hand. "I won't Monty, I'm not leaving you" he said immediately pulling me closer. This was the first time Sebb was going to meet my family. Well the ones that were here, Because unfortunately my mom and my other brother are not home. Right now my younger sister, Queenie and my older brother, Jefery and my dad were the ones home. I have a good bond with every one in my family except my dad...ever since I came out to him, he has not treated me the same. Which is exactly why he has no idea about me and Sebb..I know I should of told my parents about me and Sebb but lets just say it hasn't come up in the conversation. If my dad does find out I have no idea how he will react and on top of what I'm dealing with right now I don't want to find out. What makes it even worse is Sebb doesn't know that I haven't told my dad. "Monty!" Queenie hollered running over to me. "I missed you Mont" She said as she hugged me. We then walked into the kitchen we saw my dad and Jefery making plates. They both stopped and quickly pulled me into a hug. I forgot how nice it was to be around my family. "Its nice to have you home Monty." Jefery said. "Sure is" My dad added but his facial expression changed when he looked behind me and saw Sebb. "uh Monty who's this?" He questioned.  "Dad this is Sebb My-uh-uh-" I tried to figure out what say but I froze up and was unable to think. "Dad instead of questioning Monty why don't you worry about the plates" Jefery said. My dad just gave me a look of confusion and then went back to helping my brother. I looked back at Sebb who also looked confused I just started walking towards the table and hoped that my dad wouldn't ask about Sebb anymore even though I knew it was unavoidable. Sebb sat next to me and didn't say anything, then my dad and Jefery started bringing the plates. It felt like forever since I have ate with my family. Once everyone was sat down it began the questions, but surprisingly my dad was pretty quiet. It was Jefery and Queenie asking questions, they were just about what its been like since I have joined the Bytehouse. I noticed my dad eyeing Sebb every now and then, I was waiting for him to ask me something, anything but nope. In fact him and Sebb were silent the whole time. I felt bad because Sebb was already blaming himself for what Timothy did and now he is probably coming up with a whole bunch of reasons I didn't tell my dad who he was to me. When Sebb finished his food he excused himself and went back to my room. Not long after him my siblings finished too. Then it was just me and my dad, Here we go I thought. "Who is Sebb Monty?" he bluntly asked. I looked down at my plate and felt my stomach turn. "well answer me" He demanded. "He's- m-" I started "He's my boyfriend" I finally managed to say, He looked at his hand for a moment before asking, "Does he make you happy?" "Y-yeah" My voice cracked a little afraid of what he was going to say next. "Well as long as he makes you happy Monty, You have my support." I was shocked. Even though I could tell my dad was still a little bothered, he still said he supported me. He has no idea how much that means to me. "thanks dad" I said as I got up to go check on Sebb. I walked into my room to see that he wasn't there. I began checking everywhere else in my house, But he was no where to be found, my siblings were also no where to be seen. I started to worry and went to my dad who was in the kitchen doing the dishes. "Dad have you seen where everyone went?" I asked. He turned and smiled at me "Relax Mont, Look" He said and pointed towards the backdoor. I walked over and peeked out the door to see Sebb, Jefery, and Queenie outside kicking around a ball. They looked like they were having so much fun, And better yet my siblings actually liked Sebb. I felt a lot of weight lift off my shoulders, Something horrid just happened to me 24 hours ago and yet here I am smiling. I finally felt a ton of relief and worry leave my mind. 


i'm back :) 

Sorry for being gone 

word count- 1063

The next chapter will be published by next Friday but heres this chapter 

love you guys and thank you for 8k reads <3

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