The argument

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Montys Pov- So Its been close to 4 months living in the Bytehouse and I couldn't be happier. Me and Sebb have been working on our relationship, by that I mean we have been taking time to see where this relationship could go. I have enjoyed ever moment of it, The rest of the squad has been patient and supportive of us too, Which means a lot especially for Sebb. He seems like the type that isn't bothered by little things, but sometimes he is because Sebb runs on his emotions and that causes him to not think rationally about some things. I have been trying to help with that too, Sebb really does care about other peoples opinions on him. I couldn't ask for anything more then the life I am living. All of the sudden Kt started yelling for everyone to meet in the living room, I was in my room laying on my bed so I quickly got up and went into the living room, I was kinda tired because I was up late last night with Sebb. When I got into the room everyone was on the couch except Sebb he was sitting on the floor with his back against the bottom part of the couch. He was looking at Kt's phone that was set up to face all of them. I stood there not knowing what was going on, "Come here Mont" Sebb signaled for me to sit next to him. I slowly went over to him, I looked up at the phone and saw that we were live. Sebb reached over and grabbed my hand, he wrapped his hand around mine, It was okay because you could only see me and Sebb from our shoulders up on the live. I tried not to look at him so the people on the live wouldn't call us out they were already suspicious. Me and Sebb knew how we felt about each other, I think he just needed more time before he came out and told everyone, I wanted to tell everyone that Sebb was mine but I wasn't going to pressure him. The whole house only knew because it was impossible to hide it from them, and like I said our friends were supportive. About 30 minutes later Kt ended the live, She turned to face all of us with a huge smile on her face "Ok Guys so about two weeks ago me and Lily were talking and Lily suggested we do a meet and greet. So I talked to our manger and she got ahold of the people hosting the WITC, And she just messaged me back this morning saying they would love to have us." All of us were shocked, everyone started talking over one another saying "Omg" "I can't believe it" and "When is it". It was just too many things at once Sebb stood up and told everyone to quiet down and let Kt explain he kinda raised his voice which made everyone go silent almost immediately, when he sat back down I leaned onto his shoulder, I was really excited about what Kt was saying but I was still really tired. Sebb put his arm around me, he continued to listen to Kt but I was too tired and being cuddled up to him didn't help me stay awake. I was out of it and wasn't really listening anymore all I heard was the end of what Kt said which was "So it will happen next weekend the 16th and 17th of December, and we will get to stay in an AirBnB" Everyone went back to shouting and was all up jumping around excitedly. I wanted to join in but I didn't have any energy at all. I lifted my head and told Sebb I was going to go take a nap. He kissed my head and nodded at me, I got up and walked to my room, I was never this tired it was only 1pm but I could hardly even walk so I needed to sleep. I jumped onto my bed, and immediately fell asleep.

Sebbs Pov- I felt bad for Monty because we had stayed up late last night just talking which made him really sleepy today. I knew we shouldn't be staying up late like we have been but I never could leave, I didn't want to and neither did he, every time I tried to tell him he needed sleep he just kept pulling me back down next to him. He always so stubborn but he is so cute I could never get mad at him for it. Kt was still telling us about the meet and greet, I don't think we expected to ever get here, I mean we had hit 385.6k followers on the bytesqaud account so quickly, it felt surreal,  15 minutes later Kt had finished talking, She said we should post about it so our viewers would know. I just wanted to go lay with Monty because I was tired too, the only thing thats keeping me going is the three cups of coffee I had. When I left the room Kt was ordering lunch, Lily went to her room, and Shauni and Jake were making tiktoks. I walked into Monty's room of course he was already sleeping, I tried to be quiet when I got onto his bed but I think I woke him because he rolled over and wrapped his arm around me and cuddled closer. His eyes were still closed but he was aware of what he was doing, with that I fell asleep. 

Kt's Pov- When I finished ordering the food I went to go get Sebb because lately him and Monty are always tired, I knew why. It was because they always stayed up late with one another but never slept in the same room. I don't know why they wouldn't sleep in the same room because its not like we don't know what going on between them. I was going to find Sebb and ask him about it, It was getting kind of ridiculous because they always wanted to sleep during the day. I wasn't going to let them continue to do this, Unfortunately when I got into Monty's room they were already sleeping. I sighed then went to see what Lily was doing, She was in our room on her phone. I love Lily, she is my best friend but sharing a room with her wasn't really working, we both had two very different styles and a lot of stuff so our room was really crowded. It was just too much, "Kt can you move your clothes off the bed please?" Lily said. I nodded and apologized, She just sighed and continued on her phone. While folding my clothes I thought about what I was going to do about Sebb and Monty, I didn't want to force them into anything but they also couldn't continue to stay up all night and sleep during the day but at the same time I couldn't just ask them because they are both so stubborn they would deny that there was anything going on between them. Then I had a great idea and I knew Lily would love it. I turned around to face her "Hey Lily what if theres a way we could have our own rooms and a way to get Sebb and Monty to stop staying up all night" I told her excitedly. She quickly turned her attention on me, "I will do anything as long as we don't have to share anymore. No offense or anything its just a lot." She said. "none taken but in order for this to work we are going to put on our best acting skills" I explained. 

Time skip- 

Monty's Pov- I was woken up by very load yelling, Sebb was still asleep, he was a very heavy sleeper and couldn't be awoken by much. I took my arm off of him trying to be quick but careful. Once I was off the bed I ran out of the room, The screaming continued it was coming from Lily and Kt's room. I opened the door to see the girls standing on opposite sides of the room throwing their clothes and different things at each other, They were yelling things like "Im so sick of cleaning up your messes" and "Im sick of you taking my clothes". I was shocked Lily and Kt rarely fought, "girls stop this!" I shouted. They both froze and turned to me, Lily crossed her arms and said "Monty we can't do this anymore" I looked at her confused "What do you mean 'anymore' You and Kt never fight". "Yes we do Monty its just never this bad" Kt said frustration in her tone. "Really? I thought you guys always get along" I said still kinda lost as to what they were saying. "Nope, And I'm sick of arguing, I hate to say this Monty but me and Lily can't share a room anymore" Kt explained still sounding frustrated. I got kinda nervous because I knew what the girls wanted me to say but Im not sure about it yet. All of the sudden I heard a door open, I stepped back into the hallway. Sebb came stumbling out of my room rubbing his eyes. I quickly signaled for him to come here, He walked into the girls room with an expression of shock. Looking around the messy room he asked "What happened?" The girls just stood there with angry expressions "Sebb Lily is so bossy all the time" Kt said crossing her arms, Lily looked even more upset now, she turned to Kt and glared "At least I clean up after myself" Lily said. They started shouting at each other again, But Sebb told them to stop, "Sebby I can't share a room with her anymore" Lily said in a whiny way. "Relax Lily I'm sure you and Kt will make up and everything will be fine" Sebb said. "No we won't Sebb we have been arguing for weeks now" Kt explained. I looked back at Sebb and shrugged my shoulders because Im positive we were thing the same thing, He nodded and then said "Alright alright Monty can move into my room and Lily you can have Montys room." I smiled at what Sebb had just said, I was happy that we were going to share a room, it meant we could spend more time together. "Is that alright with you Monty?" Kt asked. I nodded at her and then the two girls smiled, "Okay well I better get to packing my stuff" I said as me and Sebb left the room. I looked at Sebb, he was smiling and told me "I can help you move your stuff if you want". I smiled at him and then we went to my room and stared packing all my stuff back up. A smile stayed on my face the whole time. 

________________________________________________________________________________Thank you all sm for 2K! I am so happy you all like this book. 

Sorry this took a minute to come out... 

Word count 1863 

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