Over the edge

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Sebbs Pov- I couldn't sleep, at all i was tossing and turning but my mind just kept repeating what monty said over and over again. I didn't know how to feel because i didn't want a relationship, i had hookups but that was it and besides that I like monty as a friend.... at least thats what i had to keep telling my telling myself. Ugh this is awful, Just then i got a notification on my phone, To my surprise it was Mae. She was posting pictures of a party she was at, and then she messaged me telling me i should come and join her. I knew i shouldn't but the thought of getting drunk and forgetting all about tonight sounded great. So i got up and changed in to better cloths, put on my shoes and fixed my hair. Then I quietly walked out of my room, I walked to the front door looking back at the kitchen and in my mind i replayed what monty had said. Then i turned and left, I was going to get drunk and probably end up sleeping with someone i don't know but i was going to stop thinking about Monty. I walked for about 15 minutes before I arrived at Mae's house, I didn't even knock i just walked in and went right over to get a drink. I was only drinking a beer which wasn't strong enough at all, "well look who came" A voice said from behind me. I turned around and it was Mae , She looked at my hand and saw my beer then said "oh no no, this won't do anything for you." she took the beer bottle from my hand and then came closer and whispered in my ear "lets get you something a little stronger" Then she took my hand, we went into the kitchen she reached into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of vodka. She smirked and said "this should do the trick." I smiled, Then about 10 minutes later i was on my third cup, Then Mae grabbed me and took me back into the room where everyone was dancing and we started dancing together. She put my hands around her waist and everything kinda blurred together, all i knew is i was i had a girl dancing on me and i was already drunk.  

Montys Pov- I couldn't mange to fall asleep, it was really bad because i felt bad for what i said to Sebb. He is just really confused and instead of helping him I told him to leave me alone. I sighed then told myself I needed to check on him because Sebb doesn't think straight when he is upset. I opened my door, walked into the hallway and i was going to walk over to his room but before i could he came out. He wasn't in his sweat pants anymore he was dressed and had his shoes on. Which meant he was going somewhere, but where could he possibly be going at 2 in morning. I watched him because i was going to follow him to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid but when i looked at him he had his hand on the door knob as if he was ready to leave but he turned around and looked at the kitchen, I knew what he was doing he was thinking about what i said to him. ugh if I could take it back i would, He finally opened the door and walked out. I quickly grabbed my hoodie that i left on the couch and went after him. I had to be quiet as i followed him so he wouldn't see me. He walked for a while then arrived at a house, there was load music playing that you could hear all the way outside. It was party, he was going to a party. He didn't even knock on the door, he just walked in to the house. I waited for a minute before i went inside. I tried to stay hidden to see what he was doing, the first thing he did was went to get a beer. but then a girl walked up behind him i couldn't hear what she was saying because i was all the way across the room, when he turned around to face her she took his beer and said something else while smirking at him, Then i watched her get closer to him and whisper in his ear. she took his hand and took him into the kitchen, I had to get a little closer to see what they were doing, there was a big crowd here so i was able to get pretty close without being seen. I watch her pull out a bottle of vodka and a smirk appeared on her face again as she filled a cup ad handed it to Sebb. I watched him jug three cups full and then he followed the girl into the room where everyone was dancing. She started to dance wth Sebb by taking his hands and wrapping them around her waist as she dirty danced all over him. Even through she could tell that Sebb was drunk and didn't understand anything that was happing, she continued. I felt disgusted as to how someone could do this to Sebb. After a few minutes dancing she refilled his cup two more times, i needed to stop whatever was going on, so I walked around to where Sebb was looking, i wanted him to see me and realize what he was doing. He looked right at me but i think he thought he was just imagining seeing me because he closed his eyes and just kept dancing. I just stood there shocked, But not for long because soon I changed to worrying. I was looking at Sebb he was practically unconscious, he wasn't sure of his surroundings anymore, he didn't know what he was doing. The girl saw this and whispered in his ear, Sebb didn't understand whatever she said to him but she didn't care and still grabbed his hand. He stumbled and almost fell while walking, she still just continued to practically drag him behind her. She was dragging him in to a room, I now knew what she was trying to do and it pissed me off to the point where i felt like i was going to explode. I ran over to the room where she was dragging him into and busted into the room. she was trying to get him onto the bed but jumped when i walked in. I quickly ran over to Sebb, I looked at him he was so drunk he couldn't even keep his eyes open, I was holding him up with my arm around his back. "who are you?" the girl said with her arms crossed, I looked up at her and felt my blood boil "Are you kidding me right now?" i said, she looked at me and said "if you could leave that would be great, your interrupting my fun." "Fun? this is fun to you? trying to do things to people without their consent?" She looked at Sebb, grabbed his face and said "i have your consent don't i?" Then she shook his head yes. I had enough "Don't touch him! Your fucking insane!" I yelled at her. She scoffed and then said "yeah ok whatever I'm out." then she walked out of the room. I laid Sebb down on the bed and was trying to wake him up, I started shaking him "Sebb, Sebb, wake up Sebb." He finally started to open his eyes, he looked up at me "m-m-monty?" He slurred, "yes Sebb its me I'm here but we need to get out of here, Do you think you can walk?" He shook his head yes, so we tried to stand up but Sebb just immediately fell to the floor, he very slowly sat up and put his back again the side of the bed. I sat down next to him and told him "come on Sebb we have to keep trying." Then he looked at me and touched my face, He leaned in and tried to kiss me. " Sebb No.. Your drunk, I can't let you do that its not right because you don't know what your doing right now." He turned back to look down at the floor, I wrapped my arm around his back and got him to stand up, he put his arm on my shoulder.  "lets get out of here Sebb." I said then while we were talking out of the room I pulled out my phone and called Kt She had to come and pick us up. It was 4am, Luckily Kt answered and said "why are you calling me so late mont?" "look Kt I don't have time to explain i just need you to get in your car and come and get me and Sebb at 218 perry street"  i said to her. "ill be there as soon as i can mont." she said then hung up. Ten minutes later Kt pulled up and helped me lay Sebb down in the backseat, I got in on the opposite side of the car, I opened the back door and gently lifted Sebbs head, I sat down and laid Sebbs head in my lap. I moved his hair out of his face and whispered "I'm so sorry Sebb, if i wouldn't of pushed you away you wouldn't have done all this, I pushed you over the edge and and I'm really sorry i did" A tear ran down my cheek but i wiped it away. I was running my fingers through Sebbs hair trying to comfort him. "I'm really sorry Sebb you deserve so much better".......


Soo... ummm...yeah thats it for this chapter, i know its bad but i tried..

word count 1656

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