Going Back

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Sebb's POV- When Monty told me who Bre was and was she did, I was angry. I didn't understand how someone could be so heartless. I knew I needed to not worry about things like that now and just be there for monty, who was laying in my lap crying. Then in walked Monty's dad and Jefery,  Monty Immeadatly sat up and wiped away his tears. Jefery sat down on the bed and asked Monty to tell him what was wrong, Monty just looked over at his dad whoa a look of disappointment on his face. This is not how I pictured this weekend going at all. Monty has been through so much and this trip home was supposed to cheer him up. I felt angry again, Why is Monty's dad being this way towards him. What did Monty do that was so wrong. Monty explained eveveryhting to Jefery with his dad standing in the doorway. As Monty explained you could see his dad's facial expression change. It was a softer, sad look more then an angry one. "I'm sorry Monty" Monty's dad says making all of us look over at him. Before anyone could say anything else in walked Bre, "Whats going on, you guys just left me alone in the living room"  "Bre you should go" Jefery said. Are look at Monty's dad who just nodded at her, Bre rolled her eyes and walked away. After that Monty and his dad sat in the bedroom talking for a while, I was happy to see that this could bring Monty closer to his dad. When they came out of the room Monty's dad said he was going to the shops and Queenie went with him. I went back in to Monty's room and looked at my phone I couldn't believe that it was almost dinner time already. Monty walked in and sat down, I thought he would be happy but his expression looked like something was wrong. "Do you think of me differently now Sebb?" He said his eyes not leaving the ground. "What do you mean Mont?" "Well now that you know more about my past...Do you think of me differently? Do you feel pitiful towards me now?" His question shocked me, Does he really think I pity him? I sat up and got closer to Monty, I lifted his head and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. "Monty If anything your the strongest person I know, Going through all that and still coming out as an amazing person. Of course I don't pity you Monty. I'm proud of you." Then I leaned in and gently presses a kiss on his forehead. At this very moment I wanted to tell Monty I love him, but its not time yet. I didn't want to push Monty or make him feel guilty for not feeling the same way. " Sebb I want to go back to the HQ." Monty said with and exciting tone "Really?" "Yeah actually this has been great but I want to see my friends". "alright we can leave tomorrow morning" "sounds good with me, Now come on my dad wants us to all sit down and watch a movie together." Monty then pulled me by my arm in the living room where everyone else was already sitting. There was two chairs and one couch, Jefery and Monty's dad sat on the couch while Queenie sat in one chair and me and Monty sat in the other. I didn't know how Monty's dad was feeling abut me and Monty cuddling up to each other during the movie so I tried to sit up straight and not to lean on Monty. Monty gave me a strange look and ended up just wiggling under my arm and snuggled into me. This made me quickly peek over at Monty's dad to see if he was looking at us, But to my surprise he was just watching the movie. When I realized that Monty's dad paid no attention to us, I tightened my arm around Monty and relaxed a bit more. I think about half way through the movie I fell asleep. 

Monty's POV- I realized that Sebb had fallen asleep so I woke him and helped him to my room. He was stumbling everywhere, he was still half asleep. Everyone else had fallen asleep in the living room so I just left them alone. I laid Sebb down an covered him up, I tired to sleep but I just wasn't tired. I eventually gave up and just decided to pack our things since we were leaving early in the morning. I was kind of sad that I would be leaving after just getting to a good point with my dad but I should get back to my fans, I mean I miss creating content. I miss my friends. I left out a couple things for me and Sebb to wear, but everything else was all packed and ready to go. I was so excited to see my friends again. "Monty?" I then heard a sleepy voice say. I stood up and saw Sebb sitting up on the bed looking around confused. "I'm right here" I said walking over to the bed. I think Sebb mumbled a few other things but I didn't understand. I sat down then I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to me. He rested his head on my chest and went right back to sleep. I eventually drifted off too. 

The Next Morning. 

Sebb's POV- I woke up to my alarm going off and laying on Monty. I sat up and saw everything was already packed, I picked my phone and saw that it was already 7 am and we needed to be at the airport before 8. Luckily everything was already packed otherwise we would be late. I look over to see monty still sleeping. The airport was 30 minutes away and we still have to get dressed so I figured that it'd be best to wake him up now. "Mont" I said and shook him. He must of been up late last night if he packed everything. After a few more tried of shaking him, he opened his eyes.  "Mont its already 7 we should get ready to go"  I told him, He sighed and sat up I kissed the top of his head and then got up. I walked over saw a few clothes that we on the dresser. "I left those out for us to wear" Monty said walking over to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek. I turned and handed him his clothes and then I went into the bathroom with my clothes and got dressed. I put a little water in my hair so it wasn't such a mess, Monty did the same. After that we went to the living room with our things and met Monty's dad, he was the one taking us to the airport. Monty and his siblings hugged and said their goodbyes. When we got to the airport, Monty and his dad hugged for a while. It was sweet to see them getting along. Monty's dad then waved at me and then he left. Around 8:30 me and Monty finally boarded the plane. We were going back to our friends. 

________________________________________________________________________________So........I have been gone for a longgg time. 

I had a case of writers block but I didn't want to put the story on hold because I hate when a story I'm reading goes on hold and I didn't want to do that to you guys. I had a very rough time writing this sorry if its bad. I Apologize for the wait. Love you all and thanks for 10K :) <3 

Word count 1294

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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