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Montys Pov- Once we got home Kt helped me carry Sebb inside, We took him to his room. Kt yawned and asked 'can you handle this Mont, its not easy?" "I've got this Kt you should just go back to bed and get some rest." I said. she sighed and said "Mont just be prepared because he will push you away and sometimes he gets angry and says a lot of stuff he doesn't mean, Just remember that he is not himself when he is coming down from a hangover." "Kt I assure you I can handle him, now you should head back to bed." I told her then she left. I sat on the edge of the bed right next to Sebb. Just then out of no where Sebb woke up and hung his head over the side of his bed, I knew he was about to get sick so i quickly grabbed the trash can he had in his bathroom and put it down right under where his head was handing off the bed. Watching him like this wasn't easy, watching anyone get sick right in front of you was never enjoyable. But I wasn't leaving him, He sat back up and just laid there, his eyes closed and he sighed. I put my hand up again his forehead, he was burning up so i went into his bathroom and grabbed a washcloth, I ran cold water over it then folded it. I went back over to Sebb, Moved his hair out of his face and placed the cold washcloth again his head. He opened his eyes, and tried to say something but I told him not to say anything, that he was going to be fine he just needed rest, With that he closed his eyes and fell asleep. I took the cloth off his face and sat it on the table next to him, I watched him for a minute, then I left the room to get a drink. As I stepped into the kitchen I saw Jake, He was just sitting at the table drinking a cup of water. He turned to look at me "what are you doing up?" I asked him. He looked at me "I had a Nightmare." he replied "oh thats not good" I said back to him "no its not because now I can't go back to sleep but the real question is what are you doing up I mean your the one who is always tired?" He said "well unfortunately I am not really going to get any sleep tonight because well Sebb kinda went off to a party and that same girl that was coming out of his room last week got him real drunk. Once he was drunk enough to the point where he didn't understand anything she tried to take him in a room and....well do something to him without his consent. but luckily I followed him and stopped her before anything could happen. And now I owe it to him to stay and help." I told him. He looked at me confused and said  "you basically saved him from being sexually assaulted, I pretty sure he owes you."  I sighed, then said  "no he doesn't because I'm the reason he was even at that party in the first place" He took a sip of his water, then asked "what do you mean?" "well I pretty sure Sebb has been confused about things he's been feeling and keeps trying to figure it out by using me but I got a little upset with him for it and told him to stop it and leave me alone." I explained. Jake looked at me and said "yeah we can all see that Sebbs confused but I don't think he is ready to admit that to himself, and I know its difficult but you have to give him time, And don't blame yourself for Sebbs impulsive decisions. He is emotional and he sometimes lets his emotions get the best of him." "Thanks Jake I needed to hear that." I said. Then I took my drink and went back into Sebb room. I was laying in his bed on my phone for a while but about 30 minutes later I ended up falling asleep.

Time skip to the next day-

Sebbs Pov- I woke up with a queazy feeling, I felt awful. Then I heard someone breathing, I turned my head to see Monty laying down asleep next to me. All the sudden I felt I was going to be sick. I put my hand over my mouth, then quickly ran into my bathroom I shut the door and locked it. Luckily I made it to the toilet before getting sick, I sat back up then leaned against the bathtub. I started to remember last night all of last night, what Monty said and what Mae tried to do. I felt ten times worse, I put my hands over my face as a tear escaped my eye. What the hell was I thinking, Just then I heard a knock on the door  "Sebb?". It was Monty, I felt so embarrassed I didn't want to see him I can't see him, he probably hates me. "go away Monty" I said "Sebb let me in, let me help you" He relied turning the door handle trying to get in. "Please just go away" I said this time my voice a little shaky, "no Sebb I'm not leaving you, I'm going to help you, I want you to let me be there for you, if you let me" He said. "N-no you don't, Y-you t-t-told me to leave you alone." I stuttered. I heard him sigh "Sebb i didn't mean that, Just let me in and we can talk, you don't need to push me away" he said in a voice soft. I finally stood up, wiped my tears away and unlocked the door, When I opened the door Monty pulled me in for a hug. When the hug broke apart he looked at me "you still don't look so good, lay down back down and ill go get you something eat" I tried to tell him that I was fine but he didn't listen and just kept telling me to lay back down. I finally gave up, I sat down on the bed and he left the room. I decided to get on my phone and When I did I felt sick again. Theres was about 10 different messages from Mae she was saying things like "your friend interrupted us but don't worry it will happen next time." I felt extremely sick what the hell is wrong with her.  Monty came in along with Kt, Shauni and Lily, They were all smiling. Monty handed me some water, "Kt told me not to give you something to eat right now because you won't be able to keep it down." Monty said. "how are you feeling Sebby?" Lily asked, "I'm feeling better then I did but still a little queazy" I said. Kt came over and sat down next to me, she sighed as she laid her head on my shoulder "you'll be better soon." she said then lily reached over and handed me a few pain killers, "these might help" she said I smiled and told her thanks. I took the pain killers then kept drinking my water, "Mont you should go to your room and get a few more hours of sleep, Ill stay with Sebb" Kt said. Monty looked at me and then left the room. Lily and Shauni just sat on my bed staring at me and then Kt sat up and turned herself to face me. "Alright Sebb what happened last night?" Kt said questioning me. "what do you mean Kt?" I said confused. "Sebb something had to of happened to cause you to drink as much as you did, So just tell us what happened." Shauni said. I looked over at her "w-w-what?" I said stuttering. Dam it now they knew I was hiding something because I could never lie to my friends. Kt smiled "I knew it, You are hiding something. what Is it Sebb?" They were all just staring at me waiting for me to answer, "Fine fine Me and Monty got into a little augment, And It just felt like he hated me so I went out and drank hoping I would forget about it but I didn't." "so thats it you two just got into a agreement, Oh come on Sebb details. What was the argument about? Why did you guys even start arguing?" Kt asked. "W-what Kt I-I.." I couldn't process everything she was asking along with all Shunai and Lily and Kt all staring me down. I started to feel sick again, I quickly got up and went into my bathroom, I locked the door behind me. I put my back against the door and slowly sat down, I put my head down against my knees, There was so many things doing through my head at once. I just wanted everything to stop, I felt so angry and confused. The three girls were knocking on the door asking me to let them in but i didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I needed to be alone and just think, But how am I am supposed to think when all I can think about is Monty and what happened. All of last night coming back to me as little flashbacks. It was like watching a movie only It was my life, I remembered Mae giving me too much to dr-dr-drink... then it came back to me, I remembered her dancing on me,And then taking me into a room, I didn't understand anything and yet she continued to try,  "n-n-o Stop it, Make it stop" I slammed the back of my head against the door. All the sudden everything sorta went silent, I laid down on the floor, Holding my knees close to my chest, I couldn't stop everything that was coming back to me, all of it just replaying in my head. Tears were streaming down my face, everything from what Monty said to going into that room with Mae to Monty telling Mae off for what she was going to do to me then to me trying to kiss Monty to then being in Kt's car, all of that repeating in my head. I just want to be able to think clearly. The bathroom door opened and of corse It was Monty, he had picked the lock. He quickly sat down next to me, "Sebb? Sebb are you okay?" Kt, lily and Shauni were just standing  In the door way, Shocked, they didn't know what to do. Monty picked me up off the floor and took me back over to my bed. " Sebb I need you to tell us what wrong,we can't help you unless you tell us whats wrong" he said. I knew he was right but I didn't want to so told everyone to just leave me alone for a little bit, give me some space, Kt, lily and Shauni told me to just tell them when I'm ready to talk, Monty didn't want to leave I could tell, But I told him to go. I couldn't be around anyone I just wanted to be alone. I started to try and focus on one thing at a time, because I wasn't going to get any where with everything hitting me at once. I went back to the very first thing that happened, What Monty said, I didn't want to admit it but Monty was right. I was using him, he didnt deserve to be led on like that. If I was starting to feel something for Monty, It was gone I had to forget about it. Me and Monty were just friends and thats all we are and ever going to be. I started to feel a little calmer, I started to then think about Mae and what she was trying to do, If monty wouldn't of been there i can't even imagine what would of happened, I didn't even want to think about it. She didn't succeed, that was the most important thing, I reached over and grabbed my phone. I blocked and deleted any thing that had to do with Mae. Then I put my phone back down, sat up and took a sip of my water. I wasn't feeling overwhelmed anymore, I was feeling a lot better with my head able to focus. I needed to apologize to Monty, I got up still a little shaky, walked out of my room down the hall and knocked on monty's door. When he opened the door he pulled me in for a hug, "are you feeling better?" he asked smiling at me. "yeah, yeah way better" I said and smiled back at him. "Um Monty I wanted to talk to you about-" I started but was interrupted by Monty saying "Sebb whatever Happened or was said last night is forgiven, so we can just put it behind us" Then he pulled me in for another hug. "lets go get something to eat, I bet your starving.." he said. Then we just Walked into the kitchen where everyone else was sitting and taking. "hey you feeling better?" Shauni asked. "yup just really hungry." She giggled and then Jake turned around and said "good because I just fixed some pancakes." With that everyone got a plate and we all sat down, Everyone was just teasing me for going out and drinking so much, I just laughed it off and continued eating.

_________________________________________________________________________________ sorry this took a couple days to come out, I was busy yesterday and didn't have time to write. But here it is chapter 11, thank you guys for reading!

Word count 2330

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