Timothy part two-

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Sebbs POV- We all had to wake up early this morning because we had another event to go to. I didn't really mind waking up early but Monty and Lily did, They liked to sleep in. After getting dressed and a few other things I went downstairs, When I walked into the kitchen I saw our manger Lucy sitting with Kt and Loz. "Morning sebb" Kt said "Morning" I replied. I made my way over and started making some coffee. Then in came Timothy, I was still kind of upset with what he had done last night but I wasn't going to start anything, I just continued to make my coffee. "So Sebb how does it feel to be official?" I heard lucy ask, I turned around to face her with a confused look, "Official?" "yeah official of you and Monty" "Ohhh......Its nice not having to lie to our friends anymore" I said sipping my coffee. They all smiled at me except Timothy, Infact he had a look of disapproval on his face but as soon as Kt turned to him he put a smile on his face. I don't know what is up with him but he not acting like himself. I decided to go upstairs and wake up Monty taking an extra cup of coffee with me. I entered the room to see him still sleeping peacefully. I bent down beside him, setting the cups of coffee on the night stand. I gently caressed his cheek "Its time to wake up Mont". He started to move a little while opening his eyes.      "Mm Morning" he said rubbing his eyes, "I made you coffee". He sat and smiled at me, I handed him his cup then stood up " well now that your up you should probably get ready". He looked up at me and nodded, "Ill be down there soon" He said as I left the room. Lily and Em were already awake and in the kitchen with Kt and Lucy, Timothy was sitting on the couch with Loz. I went straight to the kitchen to see what the plan was for today. "So Lucy what are we doing today?" She started talking about the event we were going to and how is was basically the same thing as the one we went to yesterday it just started earlier. Lily half awake turned around "Really?" She said. Kt laughed at her, "Alright Lily I think you should take your coffee and go get ready" She said, "Ok I will but you can come and help pick and outfit?" "Of course". With that the two girls left the room. Em also left to go finish getting ready. "Ok all done here just make sure you and everyone else is at the event on time okay Sebb?" Lucy said and started putting away her laptop and a few papers, "will do" I said then she left. I remembered that Loz was on the couch so i figured I should go tell her to get ready but when I walked into the living room it was only Timothy in the room. "Hey do you know where Loz went?" I asked but I got no answer. He just continued to stare at me, "Uhh okay then I will find her myself..." I went to walk away but just then he said "I hope you know it won't last" I quickly turned around to face him. "Not sure I know what your talking about.." "Oh I'm talking about you and Monty, My friend" as he said that he got up and patted my shoulder then tried to walk away, "Hey! What do you mean?!" I stopped him. He turned around "what I mean is that one way or another Monty will be mine". I felt my blood begin to boil as he turned around and walked away. I went back into the kitchen and slammed my hands onto the counter, Why would he say something like that...I was so angry.                                         Next thing I knew I felt a hand on my shoulder, I knew who it was without even looking. I quickly turned around and hugged him as tight as I could, I immediately calmed down. "Thank you" I said lifting my head off his shoulder but sill holding on to him, "For what?" "For just existing." Monty giggled at my remark Then leaned in and pecked me on my lips. "Come on lets go finish getting ready" He said grabbing my hand and we started up the stairs.  

Kt's POV- After helping Lily pick an outfit I left her room and bumped into Timothy, "Sorry" I said But he just kept walking right past me like I wasn't even there. I knew something was wrong so I followed him. He went out on to the little balcony area, I stepped out with him and shut the door, it was glass so people inside could still see us but they couldn't hear us. "Timothy you alright?" It took him a minute to respond, "No I'm not actually" "whats the matter?"  "I'm not getting what I want or shall I say who I want." "Timothy whoever this person is they are pretty stupid for not liking you." I said trying to cheer him up but instead it looked like I had made him even more raged, He quickly turned to look at me "This person is not stupid Kt! Never say that again!" He shouted then left the balcony, This wasn't like Timothy he would never yell at his friend. Something is seriously wrong. I took out my phone and saw that it was close to time for us to leave. When I walked past the kitchen I saw lily, Loz and Em standing there on their phones and already dressed and ready. I wasn't going to even bother with Asking Timothy if he was coming with us. Instead I ran upstairs to see if Sebb and Monty were ready to go. When I walked in their room I saw Sebb sitting on the bed and he looked frustrated, I didn't see Monty though. "hey Sebb you and Monty ready?" "Monty's just finishing up but I'm ready".  I sat down next to him and asked "I can tell somethings bothering you, What happened?" He sighed then turned his head to look at me, "Lets just say that I want Timothy to leave." "What? Sebb he is your friend" "No he is not, Not anymore anyway" "Why is that?" "Oh maybe because he said that Me and Monty wouldn't last" "What- Why would he say something like that?" "Because Kt he likes Monty" "Oh-" "Yeah I'm not too happy with him right now and would appreciate it if I didn't have to be around him today.." " Sebb no matter what happens I know that you and Monty will last and ill talk to Timothy" "Thank you Kt". Then in came Monty, "Ok boys you ready to go?" Both of them smiled and nodded then we went downstairs and we all left, Fortunately Timothy wasn't anywhere to be seen. 

________________________________________________________________________________Short chapter I know...sorry.

Word count - 1190 

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