Close friends

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Sebbs Pov- I was woken up by the sun brightly shinning through the blinds, I was still wrapped up in Montys arms.I didn't want to but I figured I better try to get up before he woke up so i could avoid the award moment that would come once he did wake up. I tried to carefully take his arm off of me but to my suprise when i lifted his arm he just pulled his arm back down and wrapped it back around me. I looked at him and his eyes were still closed and he kinda mumbled in a sleepy voice "no no I don't want to get up yet". I just smiled and then felt Monty tighten his grip. I looked back up at him he was smiling this time, "we have to get up we can stay here forever."i said to him, "I never said we were gonna stay here forever, just a few more minutes." he said. I just smiled and then we went back to silence but it was nice and i didn't ever want to leave.

Lilys Pov- Everyone was awake and in the kitchen but Seb and monty, Shauni was making coffee and Jake was leaning against the counter next to Shauni talking to her about something. Me and Kt were sitting down at the table, "Kt I have some news, I went into Montys room this morning and he wasn't there, which means he is probably in Sebbs room." Kt smiled at me and then said "thats amazing news Lily." we both smiled and then a few minutes later we heard a door open, it was Sebb and Monty, Me and Kt watched as the two boys with their hair all messy walked into the kitchen. They both had smiles on their faces and we didn't want to ruin it so we looked away. Monty walked over and started to fix a bowl of cereal and then Sebb went over to Shauni and asked for some coffee, she turned around with a smile and handed him a cup of coffee. He came and sat down, but that didn't stop him from eyeing Monty out of the corner of his eye. Then Kt smiled and started saying "Good morning Sebb" Sebb took his eyes off Monty and looked at Kt while he took a sipping of his coffee. He sat his coffee down on the and then said "look I am really sorry for just walking away from you yesterday Kt, I shouldn't have gotten so upset you were just trying to help me." Kt smiled and told him "its fine you just needed some space and time to figure things out for yourself". Sebb smiled back her and said "thanks for being so understanding". "Of course Sebb". Kt said. Then Monty came over and sat down, Him and Sebb started talking about something I wasn't going to listen in on their conversation. I looked over at kt and said "why don't we go live today on the Bytesquads Instagram, i mean our fans will love it". Kt looked back at me and said "lily thats a great idea." Then Kt stood up and said that we were going to go live today on Instagram, Everyone thought it was a good idea. Then Jake asked "what time will we go live that way we could put it on our Instagram's and let our fans know". "does around one sound good?" Kt asked and then looked around the room, everyone shook their head yes. i was excited to go live and get to interact with out fans, we all loved what our fans had to say. Jake and Shauni finished their coffee and went back upstairs Then me and Kt went into the living room to make some tiktoks together.

Montys Pov- When I finished my breakfast me and Sebb continued talking for a little while until i got up, put my bowl in the sink, and then i left the kitchen, Sebbs eyes followed me around all   morning, it was like he wasn't even trying to hide it either. Anyway i went to my room and decided to just record a tiktok because i tried to post at least once a day. After i recorded and posted a tiktok, I walked over and laid in my bed and kept thinking about this morning and how peaceful and nice it was. Then Sebb came in my room and wanted to see if i wanted to do a tiktok with him, I said yes of course. Sebb showed me the dance he wanted to do, i was not very good at dancing but Sebb taught me and then set his phone up and recorded it. It turned out surprisingly good, Sebb was happy with it and posted it. Then Kt hollered for Me so I walked out of the room and went to see what she wanted. I looked around for her and she wasn't in the living room or kitchen so i figured she had to be in her room, I walked over and went into her room. When i walked in she was sitting in the middle of her bed with a strange look on her face, "we need to talk Mont" she said in more of a serious tone. I thought something might be seriously wrong so a sat down on the bottom corner of her bed and asked "what happened?" "nothing happened I just need to know whats going on with you and Sebb because its very important that you two decide on where you guys stand, for you and Sebbs sake." she said. I looked at her funny and said "what are you talking about Kt? Me and Sebb are friends and thats all we are." She sighed and said "Ok, I just wanted to check because you guys have been close the last few weeks." I could tell she was hiding something and wanted to tell me but it seemed like she couldn't. "anyway isn't almost time to go live?" I asked her trying to change the subject. She put on a smile and then checked her phone "Yeah its 12:53,Could you go get everyone and tell them to come to the living room while I set my phone?" she asked I shook my head yes and then went to get everyone, Sebb was already in the living room on his phone i turned to him and told him to stay there because we were about to go live. I walked upstairs to get Shauni and Jake, They followed me downstairs and when we got there Kt was next to lily and lily was next to Sebb, just sitting on the couch with Kt's phone sat up facing them. Then Shauni and Jake sat down on the other side of Kt which means i had to sit next to Sebb. Kt had me start the live then I sat down next to Sebb. Thousands of our fans started rushing in and We told them that we were going to answer question they asked. Lily stated reading some of the questions and we all started answering. We were all laughing at some of the stuff our fans were saying. It was great, soon after Lily turned on some music and her and Kt were singing while me and Sebb were dancing it was a lot of fun. About 20 minutes later we ended the live. And Lily and Kt wanted to do a tiktok with me and Sebb it was the same one that I had posted a few days ago where i was on Sebbs back and did the dance that went along with that song. We smiled and said sure, I jumped on to Sebbs back, we both laughed and then Kt got on to lily's back then she had to have lily start the timer. It took us a few try's but we finally got one we all liked. They posted it. Then Kt and lily got up and went to their room, Jake and Shauni went back to their room right after we finished the live. I was just siting on the couch when Sebb got up and told me he was going to make a tiktok in his room,then it was just me i went to my room and watched a couple youtube videos. 

time skip- 

Montys Pov- A little while ago Kt had ordered food,By the time it arrived everyone was starving. Kt hollered for everyone and we all came running into the kitchen. We all got our food and Kt was talking about our next youtube video while we ate, she wanted to do another Bytesquad game night, we all agreed and then she told us we would record it next Monday. When we all finished eating everyone went to bed. Besides me and Sebb we went into the living room and started a movie. About 20 minutes into the movie i felt Sebbs hand touch mine, I went to move my hand away but Sebb grabbed my hand before i could. I sat my hand back down and Sebb intertwined his figures with mine, But it only lasted a few seconds because Kt came out of her room and Immediately Sebb pulled his hand away from mine, I looked at him kind of upset. Kt saw and apologized then went back to her room. I got up and walked into the kitchen, i was starting to feel confused because at some moments Sebb acted like he wanted to be with me and then the next moment he acts as if nothing happened. Sebb then walked into the kitchen and asked if i was coming back to finish the movie but I could handle it anymore i had to stop whatever this is. "Look Sebb you are one of my close friends and I love our friendship but whatever your doing or trying to figure out, you need to leave me out of it because your starting to confuse me and I can't let you do that to me, its not right." Then i walked out of the kitchen and went straight to my room, I knew I did the right thing it just wasn't easy...... 

________________________________________________________________________________Hope you enjoyed...

Word count 1719_ 

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