The Picnic

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Monty's Pov- Once me and Loz were in my room, We sat on the bed I started to speak but before I could say anything Loz spoke "What is going on with you Monty?" she had angry tone when she spoke, "well thats why we came in here, I need to talk to you....." I said in a gentle voice trying to calm Loz down. "Ok so talk..." She said still angry, "Well, Umm Loz I-" Before I could even finish my sentence She interrupted "You What Monty? You don't want to be with me? Is that it?" This time she was rising her voice a little, I hated when people raised their voice at me, it made me feel as if I did something really bad. "yes Loz, Because I like you as a friend, Nothing more" I said In more of a serious tone. I watched a tear roll down her face as she looked at me. I felt awful but I knew I had to do this, Loz deserved someone who actually wanted to be with her. "Loz I'm sorry but you deserve someone better then me." I said in a comforting way. "But I want to be with you Monty" she said now sobbing, I got closer to her trying to hug her but before I could she lifted her head and put her lips on mine, her lips were salty from her tears. Then as if the moment couldn't get any worse Sebb walked into my room. I pulled away from Loz and looked at Sebb, he had a look of pure sadness and confusion. " Sebb its-" I tried to speak but he ran out of my room, then I looked back down at Loz. Who was very confused still sobbing, She had black mascara running down her cheeks with her tears. "Loz whatever has been happening between us is over, it has to be, because I don't feel that way about you, You deserve someone who will love you as much as you love them" I said softly then I grabbed a tissue and handed it to her, She had stopped crying and said "your right Monty and thank you for being honest with me." She reached up and hugged me, "No problem Loz, Now Ill let you get cleaned up." With that I rushed to Sebbs room. I knocked on his door, of corse he told me to "Go away." But I just walked into his room, he was laying on his bed but quickly sat up when I walked in. "What do you want Monty?" He said. " Sebb Please just let me explain" I said. He just Stood up and kept looking down at the floor with his arms crossed. " Sebb Loz kissed me, she was upset because I told her I didn't want to be with her anymore that I couldn't  continue to act like I was happy." I explained "Monty you don't have to explain yourself to me, I have no reason to be upset with you." He said, still not looking up from the floor, I walked up to him and Put my hand on his chin to lift his head, I looked straight into his eyes then leaned in and pressed my lips softly on his. He was shocked so I pulled away but he pulled me back in and kissed me again, As soon as he did we fell onto the bed, but our lips remained connected. We made out for a while before he removed his shirt "are you sure you want to do this?" he said softly, I nodded and then wrapped my arms around him to pull him back down to continue kissing him....

(This is not a smut sorry) Time skip to the next morning-

Monty's Pov- I was woken up by someone lightly stoking my hair, "Wake up Mont" Sebb whispered in my ear. His breath sending chills down my neck. "can we just lay here for a few minutes longer?" I asked. "I wish" He said as I felt the bed shift because he was getting up, He put on some lose shorts and then walked over and opened the blinds. I rolled over to face the opposite direction of the windows, He walked over to the bed and bent down to kiss my cheek, "are you still sleepy?" I rolled back over, looked up at him and nodded, "Too bad we have to get up" He said while walking over to get a shirt. I rubbed my eyes and asked "are you always this energized in the mornings?" He just laughed and continued to get dressed. I sighed and then pulled the blanket over my head, while Sebb finished getting dressed. He then came over and uncovered me, "come on you have to at least get dressed" he said while sitting down next to me, then he handed me my clothes. I sat up,but when I did Sebb started giggling "What?" I asked. He pointed to my neck and chest, There was a couple bright red marks. They were hickeys, I looked back down at him, he was still laughing, I glared at him and then stood up to get dressed. Once I put my clothes on I walked over to his bathroom and looked in the mirror, You could still see one of the marks on my neck, "Sebb" I said, He walked over to me "whats wrong?" "you can still see this hickey on my neck." I told him He just grinned as if he was proud of himself. "I'm glad your enjoying this" I said sarcastically. "hold on I have an Idea" He said then walked away, He came back with one of his hoodies, "here put this on" He said. "but then everyone is going to ask why I'm wearing your hoodie" I said. "We will just tell them that you came in here to talk to me about Loz and then I gave you some water but you spilt it all over your shirt so I gave you one of my hoodies" he explained. I nodded then put the hoodie on. The collar of the hoodie hid the hickey. I fixed my hair with some water so it wasn't so messy. Sebb came back into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my waist, he kissed my neck. "you ready to return to reality?" I asked him. He laid his head on my shoulder and said "No Not really, I would rather stay right here with you" I smiled at him and then we walked out of the bathroom and left his room. When we entered the kitchen Kt and Lily were already up, They all turned to look at us. "well good morning guys" Kt said smiling. Sebb just smiled back at her and then went over to start making some coffee. "where Loz and Em?" I asked Kt. She took a bite of her cereal and then said "they left early this morning." Sebb came over and sat down with his cup of coffee, And then a huge smile came across Lilys face as she said "Sebby isn't that your hoodie that Monty's wearing?" "Yeah he came in my room last night to talk about what happened with Loz and then I got him some water and he accidentally spilt it all over his shirt so I let him wear one of my hoodies". Lily sighed as if she was disappointed with what Sebb said, I walked away from the conversation and went to get something to eat. Kt then got on her phone and jumped up from her seat "Umm Sebb your tiktok is everywhere" she said. She turned her phone around and showed him the video, I recognized the audio it was the tiktok me and Sebb made where we 'pretended' to kiss. "I knew it would do really well" Sebb said.  "anyway Shauni and Jake said they will be coming back this weekend, so we can record out next youtube video" Kt said. I went over to the table and sat down, "So would you guys want to do something today since its just us four?" Kt asked "Sure, what do you have in mind?" I asked. "How about a picnic?" Lily suggested Kt turned to her "Thats a great idea, You guys up for it?" Me and Sebb nodded, "Great we can head out after breakfast, I'm going to go get ready" Kt said as she grabbed her phone and left the kitchen, Lily following her. Sebb finished his coffee and went back to his room. A few minutes later I put my bowl in the sink and went to my room. I looked in the mirror and lifted up the hoodie I was wearing, I looked at the bright red marks that started at my lower neck went down my chest. Then in walked Sebb he just stared at me for a second and then I put the hoodie back down, He smiled at me and then said "Kt told me to come in here and tell you to get ready because she wants to leave soon." I nodded and then started looking for my shoes Sebb still didn't leave, he shut my door and stood leaning against it, I remembered that after me and Sebb got back from our walk I took my shoes off in his room. I stood up and looked at him "My shoes are in your room" I said, "Oh ok ill go get them or you" he said then left the room. I fixed my hair a little more and then Sebb came back, gave me my shoes then walked away. I didn't know exactly what was going on between us or what it meant but I was finally happy. I put on my shoes and then walked out of my room. Kt and Lily were already standing at the front door with a little blanket in Lily's arms and then Kt was holding a bag that looked like it had some snacks in it. I went over to stand next to them, Sebb came out of his room and then we all left. 

Time skip-

Sebbs Pov- After an hour or so at the park all the snacks were gone and Monty and Lily were up running after one another, while me and Kt were sitting on the blanket talking. "So what did Monty say happened with Loz?" Kt asked I knew she wanted to know if anything happened between me and Monty but I wasn't exactly sure myself about what me and Monty were yet. "he just told me that they broke up because he didn't feel right about their relationship." I explained. "so you didn't talk about anything else?" She questioned. "Nope we just made a tiktok and then fell asleep." I said. Then I looked up at where Monty was standing, Lily had come over to get a drink of water. Monty was standing right where the sun hit his eyes, his brown eyes just sparkling in the sun light. There was no doubt about it, he was perfect.  Then Lily came up behind me and laid her head on my should "He's stunning isn't he?" She teased. I turned to look at her and gave her a glare, she just started laughing, then Monty walked over "whats so funny?" he asked. I  turned my attention off Lily and onto Monty "Nothing Lily just accidentally choked on some of her water and is laughing at herself for it" I told him. He just smiled at Lily and then grabbed a water bottle for himself, Lily had stopped laughing and suggested we go and get some real food at a near by restaurant. We all agreed and then cleaned up our mess, We just put the blanket in the bag that the snacks used to be in. We walked for about a good twenty minutes before arriving at the restaurant.  When we sat down I sat next to Kt and Monty was across from me sitting next to Lily. A few moments later a girl came over and took our orders, only she kept staring at me. And when she asked what I wanted she said "And what can I get you handsome"  which made me feel uncomfortable. I tried to ignore what she said and just went back to talking to everyone. When our food was brought to the table, she sat my plate down last and brushed her hand up against mine when she walked away. This time I looked over at Monty who looked a little annoyed by what just happened. I wanted to reach across the table, grab his hand and reassure him, But I didn't.  About an hour later we finished our food and then the girl came back with our check, this time she winked at me and ran her hand over my shoulder as she walked away. There was a phone number with a heart on the back. When Monty saw, this time He got up and said he was going to the restroom. Kt looked at me and said "Here let me take care of this and you go take care of that." She took the check and then pointed to the bathrooms where Monty had gone. I smiled at her and then went after Monty, when I entered the bathroom he was, leaning up against one of the sinks with his arms crossed. "Mont you alright?" I asked,he just stayed silent so I walked over to him "Mont were you jealous?" I asked him jokingly. He gave me a glare and shook his head no trying to hide his face because he was a bad liar. "Well if your not then lets just go back out there". I said turning around walking towards the door. I quickly felt him grab my arm to stop me "fine I hated that, just sitting there watching that girl flirt with you." I just smiled at him and said "I knew you were jealous" "Shut up" we both giggled and then I told him "Mont I want to be with you not her."  He smiled and leaned in giving my quick peck on the lips before we walked out of the bathroom. Kt and Lily were standing outside already, We walked outside and then we all went home.

________________________________________________________________________________This was one of my favorite chapters to write.... 

Word count-2418

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