The TikTok

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Kt's Pov- It as been a couple days, Since Monty and Loz got together, They seemed happy but I couldn't tell if it was real because no matter how happy they looked like there was always something off. Shauni and Jake left yesterday afternoon because Shauni's mom wanted to see her for a few days and Jake just ended up going with her. So right now the only people here were Monty, Sebb, Me, Lily and Loz has been staying here with Monty. I could tell that Sebb was bothered by Monty being with Loz but Sebb is the kind of person that wasn't going to admit things until forced. I was sitting in the living room watching a movie, Lily was sleeping in this morning and Sebb still hasn't come out of his room. I heard a noise that kept repeating coming from Monty's room. I went up to his door and said "you two better not be doing what I think your doing in there." I laughed. I heard a giggle come from the room and then turned around to see Sebb looking at me, All the sudden my laughter went away "Sebb I-" I said, He turned around and went into the kitchen. I followed him to make sure he was okay, When I asked him if he was okay he put on a fake smile and said "yeah I'm fine. why wouldn't I be." I just looked at him, But he just continued with his fake smile. " Sebb You don't have to pretend your okay around me, you can tell me whats been bothering you." I told him, he came over and sat down he looked down at his bowl and said "what do you want me to say Kt." I sighed then told him "I want you to tell me how you feel, Sebb I know you you push your feelings away even if it means your not happy, but you can't continue like this. You deserve to be happy too. Just remember that." He looked at me and gave me small grin "Thanks Kt" he said. Then in walked Loz, her hair was all messy and she was wearing Montys hoodie. Sebb smiled at her and then took his food and left. I felt bad because theres nothing I could do to help, I just had to watch as Sebb was hurting.

Montys Pov- My life was awful, I was miserable. Each day I woke up next to Loz, It has almost been a week and Loz has not spent one night at her house, she left a few times to get more clothes but she would always come back. This morning was the worst, because I was awoken by Loz kissing her way down my chest. "W-What are you doing?' I stuttered. "Shh" She whispered as she continued down making her way down my body. I wanted her to stop, This wasn't right, I didn't like it at all. But instead of telling her to stop I let her continue. After a few minutes luckily Kt knocked on the door and Loz stopped what she was doing, She kissed me, put back on my hoodie then left the room. I just laid there, I felt useless and pathetic. Like what the hell was I doing, I was just letting this happen, I didn't want this. I sat up and put on some jeans with another hoodie I had and then my shoes, I was going to go for a walk to clear my head and think about what I should do about Loz. I didn't want to lose her as a friend but I couldn't continue with this thing she was doing. When I opened my door I saw Sebb he was about to go back into his room "Sebb" I called out. He stopped and looked towards me, I walked towards him "uh Hey Mont where are you going?" he asked "i'm just going on a walk, I got a lot of things on my mind, Just need to clear my head." I replied. We both kinda stood there awkwardly silent until I asked "do you maybe want to come with me?" I smiled at him. He smiled back and nodded "let me just get my shoes." He said. I went over to the front door and stood there I was happy that Sebb was coming with me, but it didn't last long because out of the kitchen came Loz she looked me up and down "where are you going?" she asked. I just looked back at her and told her "i'm going on a walk with Sebb". "Oh well can I tag along?" She asked coming up to me and wrapping her arms around my neck, Kissing me on my cheek. "Not right now" I said to her. Finally I was able to tell her no. She took her arms off of me kind of shocked at what I said "Umm ok Just come back soon Ill miss you". She tried to Kiss me once more but I pulled away, I shook my head no and then Sebb came out of his room, Me and Sebb locked eyes from across the room and smiled at each other, I knew Loz saw this and was confused. "You ready?" he said. I just nodded and then we left. I was just happy to be with Sebb. We were just walking around town talking, It was nice to just be able to be happy and not feel uncomfortable.

Time skip an hour later-

Kt's Pov- It has been about and hour since Sebb and Monty left, I'm glad that those two were hanging out again, Because they were always the happiest when they were together. Me, Lily, Em, and Loz were just sitting on the couch we were all talking, But Loz kept asking questions about Monty, Like Has Monty said anything about her to anyone. I wasn't sure was she getting out of asking things like that so I just asked her "why are you and Monty having issues already?" She looked at me "No...." She said kind of in an angry tone, "Then why are you asking if Monty has talked about you?" I asked her "Because well... I don't know how to describe it but he just seems off like all the time." she said "O-oh...." I said and then it clicked I figured it out, Monty was not capable of hurting someones feelings, him and Sebb had that in common they would prefer to be miserable if it meant other people were happy. Monty didn't like Loz as a girlfriend he just wanted to be friends, but he wasn't going to tell her that himself. Thats why he is acting so strange around Loz. Then Lily broke the silence by saying "so do you want to play a card game or something?" all of us nodded and then lily went to go grab the games.

Sebbs Pov- Me and Monty had been walking around for a while so we decided to sit down on a bench at the park for a minute. We both got on our phones, and we were laughing because on all of our recent posts the comments were all the same saying things like "I Ship you guys together" or "you two would be so cute together". After about another half hour we went home. When we went inside we saw all the girls sitting on the couch playing a game. Me and Monty just went into my room because we didn't want to interrupt the girls. After we took off ur shoes we both sat there and were just scrolling through tiktok, When all of the sudden I came across this video of these two guys, They got really close to each other acting like they were going to kiss but the video ended before anything else could happen. I looked at the caption and it said "Its a joke guys chill". I immediately sat up and said "Mont I have an amazing idea" I showed him the video and then he looked at me "we should do that, it'll get lots of views, everyone will love it. Especially with all of the people that want us together." I said. He sat up and smiled "Sure" he said. I set up my phone in an angle that was actually going to make it look like we were kissing. Then monty came over and stood kind of behind me, When the timer went off I turned around and put my hand on Montys face, We got a lot closer then I expected. And before I knew it I felt his lips push against mine, he wrapped his arms around my waist and I continued to put my lips against his. The kiss broke for a quick second but I just pushed back into his lips, neither of us pulling away. This lasted a few minutes until there was a knock on the door. This time when we broke apart we looked into each others eyes and smiled, I slowly took my hands off Monty's face and felt his arms slide off my waist as I backed away to go see who was knocking on my door. I opened the door to see that it was Loz, "Is Monty in there with you?" she asked, I looked back at Monty who was holding my phone watching the tiktok we had recorded. "Mont its Loz," I said, he looked up from my phone and walked over to me, "It looks really good" he said smiling as he handed me my phone, Then walked out of my room. I smiled back at him and Loz as they walked to the back of the hallway into Montys room. I shut my door then looked down at my phone, He was right it did look really good, You could see me lean in really close to Monty and then right before we actually did kiss it ended. I posted it then put my phone down. I put my hand against my lips with that moment of me and monty replaying in my head. I shouldn't of done that because I felt those feelings rising again, Only this time they were stronger, I rolled over and sighed, What am I going to do now.....

________________________________________________________________________________Thanks for reading!

Word count 1739

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