Problem free

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Monty's Pov- I have been awake for about an hour, Sebb was still asleep with arms wrapped around me. I just laid there because I didn't want to get up, After what happened yesterday I wasn't ready to talk to Lauren about what happened. I would rather just stay here with Sebb, I was kind of scared to face Lauren. I never liked facing my problems. I could just stay in here for today, But Sebby probably wouldn't let it happen, he is always so productive and energetic, like ALL the time. And he always  makes me get up with him and keep me productive. Then I felt the bed shift, it was Sebb he sat up and was just staring at the floor ruffling his hands through his hair. Once he turned to look at me I quickly closed my eyes pretending to be asleep, and luckily he believed it. I slightly opened my eyes to see what he was doing, he had gotten up and was getting some clothes. He turned around with some clothes in his hands and looked at me which made me flinch because I was trying to close my eyes before he could see they were open. I heard him chuckle then he went into the bathroom. Everyone was always jealous of Sebb because he had a bathroom in his room, there was a bathroom in the room upstairs too. Anyway I heard the shower start so I got up trying to be quiet, I was getting up to get a hoodie because well I was really cold in the mornings. As I walked past the bathroom I stopped and looked at Sebb, he...well he is so ho- "take a picture it'll last longer" Sebb said in a sarcastic tone, "haha your hilarious" I mocked him. Then continued to walk over and grab a hoodie. I was digging through my clothes for a minute until I decided I was just wear one of Sebbs. I started walking towards the wardrobe but when I got near the bathroom out came Sebb. I bumped into him but when I fell back Sebb caught me, he had grabbed on to my waist before I fell causing him to drop his towel, it wouldn't be that bad but we were really close, like chest to chest. We stared at each other for a moment, Sebb continued to hold on to me and smile, it was one of those confident but embarrassed smiles. I couldn't really keep my eyes from wondering his body, I felt myself turn red as I did so. Once my eyes wondered back up to Sebbs again, I kept looking down at his lips trying to resist the urge to kiss him. Sebb got closer to me, he gently brushed his lips against mine making sure not to kiss me on purpose. He then smiled and he took his arm away from my waist. He bent down and picked up his towel then walked over to the bed and started getting dressed. He knew what he just did, he was such a tease...I still felt as if I was bright red which I probably was, it was such a heated moment...I continued to walk over and get a hoodie trying to look as if I wasn't just flustered with what just happened. Sebb sometimes made me nervous because you could never tell what he is going to do next....but I didn't mind it. I finally found a hoodie, it was a blue, white and gray tie-dye hoodie. I put it on, and then turned around to see Sebb sitting on the bottom corner of the bed staring at me with a smile on his face. I felt nervous again, but tried my best to act like I wasn't. I thought about other things that I could do instead of standing here and staring at Sebb. I started to walk to the bathroom... until Sebb grabbed my hand pulling me into him. I was laying on top of him and asked "what was that for?" He just smiled then pushed his lips against mine. It went from a  kiss to making out very quickly. Unfortunately our manger Lucy hollered for everyone to meet in the kitchen. I didn't want this stop and apparently neither did Sebb because he didn't stop and well I felt something poking my leg and I knew it wasn't something in Sebb's pocket, but I pulled away "Lucy just hollered for us." I told him "I didn't hear anything" he said sarcastically. He leaned back up and kissed me again, I pulled away once more "Sebb come on we have to go see what Lucy wants". He sighed then turned his head away from me and said "okay fine fine". I put my hand up to his face and turned his head back towards me, "that doesn't mean this is over" I told him smiling. He smiled back at me, I leaned down and pecked him his lips before pulling myself off of him. When he stood up I couldn't help but look down and start giggling. I watched him look down and sigh, "seriously" he said. I continued to laugh at him, "I'm glad you find this funny" he said walking to the bathroom. "Just tell Lucy that I'll be a minute" he said from the bathroom. I walked over to the bathroom and looked at him. I got closer to him, "Mont-" he started but before he could finish I leaned forward and kissed him. He quickly pulled away, "Monty that's not helping"   "I know but it's funny" I said smiling and then walking out of the room. I went into the kitchen to see everyone sitting down at the table talking to Lucy, "well hello Monty it's nice of you to join us" Lucy said. I just gave her a smile and quickly sat down. "Where's Sebb?" Kt asked. "Uhm he is going to be a minute" I said. Lucy just continued talking, she was talking about the WITC event we were attending. She was talking about all the details like what time we had to be there and how long we would be staying. Turns out that we would leave Friday and be back late on Monday. We would have to have everything packed and ready to go Thursday night and get on the plane the Friday morning. Today was Wednesday so that means tomorrow is the day we get to start packing which I never liked to do. I didn't like packing because I never knew exactly what to pack and I will overthink everything. "Does everyone understand everything?" Lucy asked looking around at everyone, we all nodded. "Ok great. Next time I see you guys will at the AirBnB, I will text Lily the address and other details. But for now we are done here." Lucy said. I stood up with everyone and went to leave but before I could I heard Lucy say "Monty make sure you tell Sebb about everything". I turned and nodded then walked back to my room. I walked in to see Sebb pacing back and forth. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Ugh I can't find anything to cover with because I can't mange to get rid of it"  he replied still pacing. I crossed my arms and leaned against the door "cover what?" I asked sarcastically. He just looked over in my direction and gave me a frustrated look. "Well you don't have to worry about covering up anymore because Lucy left." He paused and looked at me "she already left? What did she want to talk to us about?" He asked panicked. "Relax she just wanted to talk to us about the WITC thingy" "what about it?" "Well we are leaving Friday morning and will be back late on Monday, which means we have to have everything packed by tomorrow night". I explained to him, he let out a relieved sigh, then I watched him sit down on the bed. "Hey mont, can we talk about what happened with Loz?" He asked looking over at me. I stopped leaning and stood straight. To be completely honest I didn't know how to respond to his question. "Mont you don't have to tell me if you don't want to". "I do it's just difficult" I replied. "Tell me what difficult about it" "it's difficult because I thought Loz was my friend and then..." I  started but paused "and then..." Sebb said wanting me to continue  "and then when I told her that I liked someone else she...just yelled at me"  I explained to him. He quickly stood up and looked kinda upset by what I said, "she yelled at you because you told her you liked someone else?" His voice laced laced with frustration. I didn't know what to say, "what about the cup? Did she try to hurt you?" He continued. "No no she didn't... I dropped the cup because I got scared when she shouted." The room went silent for a moment before I broke the silence..."y'know you never asked me who I was talking about.." Sebb fell back onto the bed and looked at me "what?" He asked. "You never asked me who I was talking about when I told Loz who I wanted to be with someone else." I said smiling lightly. Sebb sat up, not taking his eyes off of me, "ok so tell me, who is this lucky person?" He said smiling. "Isn't it obvious?" I said "nope... I have no idea who your talking about" he said sarcastically. I crossed my arms in a jokingly way and tried to hide my smile, "come on you have to tell me." "Seriously" I said. He just nodded still holding a smile on his face, "it's you..." I said looking down at the floor. Sebb stood up and started walking towards me, once he was standing right in front of me he said  "good, because I want to be with you too mont." I quickly looked at him, "rea-" I started but couldn't finish because I felt Sebb wrap his arms around me, he pulled me in and kissed me. It didn't end until the door swung open, It hit Sebb causing him to fall and the kiss to break, I quickly bent down to see if he was okay. " Sebb you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine" he replied. "Omg... Sebb I'm so sorry." I heard a voice say, We both looked up to see Lauren standing there with her hand over her mouth in shock. Great its Her I thought to myself. I rolled my eyes and helped Sebb get up, Once he was back on his feet the room came to an awkward silence. "Okay well I'm going uhm....use the restroom" Sebb said walking out of the room. I didn't want him to leave because I didn't want to be alone with Lauren. "Monty I was wondering if we could talk?" she asked. I stared at her for a moment thinking about the look on her face when she had yelled at me in the kitchen, she was so angry at me for being honest. But me being me I wanted to know what she wanted to say, "Yeah we should talk" I said Then I closed the door and both of us sat down on the bed, "Monty I'm really really sorry for what I did, It was so wrong of me. I was already having a bad day and then I came over here and then you told me the truth....I just lost it. Thats no excuse for what I did though Monty." She explained "Its Okay Lauren, We have moments sometimes and in those moments we don't realize what we are doing" I said. After that we just continued talking about it, Lauren was a good friend and person to talk to, She just made a mistake and she was now trying to make up for it. Thats how you know she is a good friend.

Sebbs Pov- I left Monty alone with Loz because I knew they needed to be alone. I wasn't going to stay and interrupt. I walked into the living room to see Lily, Kt and Em watching a movie together. They all looked sad which means it was probably a sad movie, I wasn't going to interrupt them either. Instead I felt in pocket and realized I had my AirPods So i decided to just go on a little walk or jog if you will. I didn't need to clear my head or anything because I was happy, I just liked to listen to music and go walking sometimes. It gave me something to do instead of standing in the hallway awkwardly. I put in my AirPods and left the house.

Kt's Pov- This morning before Lucy our manger got here me and Loz had talked everything through, everything was fine between us again. Me, Lily, Em ad loz were in the room about to start watching the notebook when Loz got up and said "theres something I have got to do, Go ahead and start watching the movie Ill be back." We all knew what she was talking about she needed to talk to Monty about what happened. I wasn't sure how that was going to go because Sebb and Monty are sorta becoming a thing. I just really hope that everything goes fine, I hope Loz and Monty can make up and mange to be friends. "Oh I think the popcorn is done!" Em said excitedly getting up form the couch and running to the kitchen. She came back with two bags of popcorn and laid them in the middle of all of us. "Ok you guys ready to start the movie?" I asked. Lily and Em nodded so I pressed play.

Time skip-

Montys Pov- Me and Loz have been talking for a while, Everything was fine between us now, we were friends, and this time I think Loz finally realized thats all we are. I looked at my phone and saw it was now 3pm that meant me and Loz have been talking for the past hour. "We have been talking for a little over an hour now." I turned back to look at Loz. "Really?" Loz asked. "Yeah it's 3pm" I told her. She just smiled and then got off the bed, "that means I missed the movie." "What movie?" "Oh me and the girls were supposed to watch the notebook together tonight but I needed to talk you first." Loz explained. I stood up, "oh well you bette go see what their doing" I said. "Yeah". We both walked I've tried the door, "thank you for forgiving me Monty" she said. "Of course Loz." I said then pulled her in for a hug. She smiled at me and then left the room. I was happy to be friends with her, but I still found it a little strange that I haven't heard from Sebb. Usually he would come into the room for something or to see if everything was okay with me and Loz. My mind went back to when Loz told me that her and the girls were having a movie night, maybe he was with them. I went to the living but Sebb wasn't there, it was just Em, Loz, Lily, and Kt. They all looked at me when I entered the room, "sorry if I'm interrupting you guys but had anybody seen or heard form Sebb in the past hour?" I asked. They all looked at each other and said "no sorry". "It's okay just wondering" I said then went back to my room. I opened my phone and messaged Sebb. I was relieved when he messaged me right back saying he just went on a walk and was on his way home. I turned off my phone and laid down watching some tv. Everything was just so calm and there was no problems.

________________________________again I want to apologize for this chapter taking so long to publish.....
Word count- 2701

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