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Monty's Pov- We put all my things in Sebbs room and put them where they belonged. Sebb is so clean and organized, I was the complete opposite. Thinking about that made me worry what if he gets upset at me for being messy? Sometimes I didn't even know how the mess got there, I don't know but I'm not going to stress over it right now. Sebb came back into the room as I had just got done putting away my clothes. He had his phone looking at something while drinking something, He didn't even look up from his phone when he came in "The foods here" he said. I felt worried again, what was so interesting that he couldn't even look at me when he spoke? I followed Sebb into Lily and Kt's room, When he opened the door the two girls were dancing around each other saying "I can't believe we pulled that off" They stopped once they saw us. I was confused "What did you guys pull off?" I asked the girls looked nervous now, like they did something wrong and we had just caught them. Sebb didn't even care he just walked away, still not even looking up from his phone. I was still worried about what he was looking at but I right now I was focused on the girls with guilty expressions. Finally one of them spoke "Well uhm  monty we couldn't share a room anymore i-it was getting to be too much and Y-you and Sebb have been staying up late causing you guys to be tired".. I put it together and realized what they did, They acted like they were arguing, so they could get me and Sebb to feel bad and give them my room, They played us. "Ohh I see what you two did" I said, They both looked at each other, I started laughing "Its okay I'm not mad, you two put on a really good act you know". They both smiled in relief, "Come on food here lets go eat" I told them, we went into the kitchen where Sebb was sitting still on his phone, Shauni and Jake were taking the food out of the bags and handing it to everyone, I grabbed Sebbs and sat down in front of him but still didn't look up from his phone. This is now starting to annoy me, He is never this out of it. I walked over to Kt and lily they were getting their drinks, "Hey do you guys know what Sebb could be looking at thats causing him to be so into his phone?" They both shake their heads no, I sigh then Lily went over and started talking to him, He responded but didn't look up from his phone "What is up with him, He was happy earlier when helping me move my stuff and now he couldn't care less about me" I said. Kt looked at me in concern  "Monty Sebb has his little mood swings but he still cares about you, You just have to be patient with him." She said then walked away. I went over and sat down and started to eat. Sebb looked up to eat his food but still didnt look at any of us, Once he took a bite he immediately looked back into his phone. I decided I was going to do what Kt told me to do give him time,So I joined in to conversation with the others. We were all talking about the WITC thing, it was only one week away, I was very excited because never would I have thought I would be going to the WITC event, If you have never heard of it basically its the winter in the city event, that people can go to, you have meet and greets and many other things go on there. We were all very excited about it and it couldn't come sooner. Kt and Lily were the first ones done, they cleaned up and then went back to their room to finish moving things. A few minutes later all of us had finished, even Sebb he got up, put his plate in the sink then went to his room or I guess now I can call it our room. I cleaned up and followed him, Shauni and Jake were still at the table talking. I entered the room to see Sebb sitting up on the bottom corner of the bed and you guessed it still on his phone. I continued to not pay attention to him, I laid in the bed going through tiktok but that even gets boring sometimes so I decided to go help Kt and Lily it was only about 4pm and I had nothing better to do. Sebb hasn't said one word since earlier, still not saying anything to him I left the room. When I walked into the kitchen Shauni and Jake had left and the sink had a few things that needed to be cleaned, I sighed and started to clean them. Like I said nothing else to do. I went into to Lily and Kts room, Well used to be their room because when I entered all of Lily's stuff was gone, Kt was hanging something on her wall. "Well I see you two made progress" I said. She turned around "Yeah Its officially my room." She said smiling. I smiled back but then she asked "Has Sebb said anything?" I shook my head no, she just gave a smile and told me to give him more time but I didn't want to, I want to be able to talk to Sebb. I just nodded and then went into what used to be my room but now it was Lily's. She was making her bed, "Well this looks different" I said. she turned her attention to me "Yup" She said looking around at everything she had hung up and moved around. I smiled at her "well Ill let you finish" I said then left the room. What should I do now, What i wanted to do was go check on Sebb and ask him what he has been looking at all day. I went into the kitchen to get a snack but I was disappointed to find out we were out of the chips I liked, I should just go to the shop and get more. I grabbed my shoes that were sitting by the door, I didn't really like these shoes but I couldn't go into my room and get my others because I didn't want to see Sebb, Kt told me to give him time so thats what I'm doing. "Where are you going?" I heard a voice from behind me, I turned around to see it was Shauni. "Im going to the shop" I said, she just looked at me and said "Oh, Why isn't Sebb coming with you?" She asked. I tried to keep a smile on my face as I said "Well he hasn't spoken to anyone at all today so I don't think he wants to come with me". I turned around and walked out the door. I was upset with Sebbs behavior, I mean I get it sometimes people need space but why was Sebb in need of space what was he looking at that had made him so distant. And what made it worse was that he didn't come to me about what ever he did see, Ugh I can't think like that he will come to me when he's ready. I just continued to walk to the shop, trying to focus on anything else but Sebb. 

Kt's Pov- I was folding my clothes when all the sudden Shauni came in the room, "Kt do you know whats happening with Sebb and Monty?" She asked. "Not really but we just got to let them figure it out on their own" I told her. She then sat down on my bed and stayed quiet for a moment. I knew she wanted to say something but didn't know how, I turned my attention to her "What is it Shauni?" She just looked at me with a confused look that I could tell was fake. "Shauni just tell me what you really came in here to say". She sighed and looked down "Well thats the thing Kt I don't know what to say." She said "what do you mean Shauni?" "well when me and jake went back home we loved it, we were able to create more content that we found enjoyable. And I hate to say it but after talking to jake about it, We think it would be better if we left the bytesquad and moved back home." I was found speechless at what she said, but I just looked at her "Well Shauni if that is what is going to make you and Jake happy then I think its a great idea" I said. She smiled and nodded at me, "So I guess we should tell everyone else" She said with a little giggle. I was sad that they would be leaving but as long as they think its whats best then I guess its what they should do. "Guys Everyone Come to the living room!" I shouted. Quickly Lily and Jake entered the room,  "Whats wrong?" "Is everything okay?" they started saying at once. I looked around and asked  "Wait wheres Sebb and Monty?". "Well Monty went to the shop a little while ago and Sebb hasn't left his room since this morning" Shauni explained. At that exact moment Monty came in the door, Everyone turned to look at him and he just stood their frozen. "Um Hey guys" He said he said quietly, "Mont perfect timing we have something big to talk about so can you go get Sebb" I asked him breaking up the silence. "Umm sure I can try" He said walking towards their room. Jake walked over to Shauni and they both sat down, Me and Lily just waited for Monty and Sebb. A few moments later Monty came out of the room holding onto Sebbs arm dragging him out of the room. Sebbs eyes looked sorta red like he had been crying, But two boys just sat down. I wanted to see what was wrong with him but right now I needed to focus on Shauni and Jake. I looked over at Shauni and signaled for her to get up. Me and Lily took the spot where Shauni and Jake were sitting, "Alright guys theres no easy way to say this but me and Jake are leaving the Bytesquad". Shauni explained, Everyone immediately stood up and asked why, "We are leaving because when we think its was best for what type of content we want to make" Jake explained. Everyone sighed as we all went in for a group hug, Shauni even started to tear up "Thank you guys for everything" Jake said, Shauni and jake looked at each other then said "Well we better go pack" they then turned and went back upstairs. I was really sad to see them go but like I said its whatever makes them happy, But thats not all I was worried about, I turned to see Sebb running back into his room Monty following him. I wanted to follow them but I had to resist because whatever is going on between them is something I couldn't help them with. Luckily Lily said she could use my help finishing her room so I agreed to help her. 

Time skip Shauni and Jake leaving- 

General Pov- Jake and Shauni brought all their things down stairs and were waiting at the front door. Everyone came out of the rooms and hugged them goodbye "well we will see you guys around" Shauni said. Kt nodded and then everyone hugged for the last time before Shaunia dn Jake walked out the door. Everyone was really upset so Lily asked if they wanted to watch a movie together but Sebb said he wasn't in the  mood and Monty didn't even say anything before turning and following Sebb into their room. "well I guess its just us" Kt said and then the two girls sat down and started to watch a movie.....


Took a moment but here it is- 

Word count 2059 

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