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Laurens Pov- When me and Em got to the Bytehouse we were greeted by Kt and Lily but I was mainly hoping to see Monty. Me and Monty had been talking for the past few months every since he 'broke up' with me, We were good friends now though. I couldn't deny that I still had feeling for Monty though, When he told me he didn't want to be with me he never exactly told me the reason why, So I just assumed that he wasn't ready for a relationship then. I just figured that he might need some time before getting into a relationship. I was going to give him as much time as he needed because I still wanted to be with him. Me and Monty would be together again, I know it- My thoughts were interrupted by Kt pulling me in for a tight hug. She was always so sweet, But then I saw Monty walking out of Sebbs room. I immediately let go of Kt and ran over to Monty, I jumped into his embrace. The best part is the hug lasted for a while, A long while, It was like he didn't want to let go of me, Which I wasn't complaining. Everyone else made their way into the living room, except me and Monty. We went into the kitchen to get something to drink, I didn't really want anything, I just wanted to be alone with Monty. I sat down at the table while Monty got the drinks, He walked over and sat the cups on the table. He then sat down right next to me and smiled, I loved it when he smiled. As we started talking I got a little closer to him, He didn't seem to mind, I kept moving closer to him until I was practically sitting in his lap but when I leaned in closer to him, He quickly stood up still holding his cup "What are you doing Lauren?" He said with a frustrated tone. "Uhm I'm sorry, I th-thought-" I tried to say but he stopped me "Well you thought wrong Lauren, We are just friends". I then stood up and walked closer to him, I put my hand on his chest "But why can't we be more?" I asked him. He just got even more frustrated and backed away, He turned away from me leaning against the counter "Lauren, we can't because I don't feel that way about you". "Oh come on give us another chance" I said picking up my cup off the table, walking over and placing it in the sink. Monty still didn't look at me, instead he sighed and after a few seconds he spoke, " Lauren I-I uhm, I feel that away about somebody else". I became angry when he said that, did he really not want to be with me? "What do you mean you feel something for someone else?!?!" I shouted at him, Monty jumped back, dropped his cup causing it to shatter when I raised my voice. He just stood there shocked, I felt bad because I know I shouldn't of shouted at him like that. Then in walked Em "whats going on in here?" She asked, I couldn't say anything, I was still kind of surprised at what I had just done. Next thing I knew Sebb came in, He took one look at Monty and quickly walked over to him. He took Monty by the hand and led him out of the kitchen. Em just stood there with her arms crossed and disappointment written all over her face, "What happened Loz?" I felt a single tear drop down my face, "I don't know" I said. She came over and hugged me "Whatever happened its okay, It will be fine Loz" Em said rubbing my back. But i just kept thinking about what I did....I felt horrible....

Montys Pov- What just happened? I was too shocked to even remember, All I knew is that I was upset. Sebb rushed me to our room and sat me down on the bed, He wrapped his arms around me, I leaned back on to him. He didn't say anything he just held me, It was calming. He was combing his fingers through my hair then after a few seconds of silence he asked "Are you alright Mont?" "I think so.." I replied. He looked down at me and kissed my head, "Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked, "I will but I don't want to talk about it right now". He pulled me closer to him and just held me, I needed this right now, I didn't really feel like thinking about or talking about what happened. It might not seem like that big of a deal but to me it is because I thought me and Loz were friends and she knew how much I hated people shouting or even raising their voice at me, Loud noises have always scared me. She knew and yet she still shouted at me... I didn't want to think about it anymore, So I just focused on Sebb and how I felt with him holding me.

Kt's Pov- Just as we were choosing something to watch, Em thought she heard someone shouting so she had left to see what it was. Sebb followed her, they were gone for a while so me and Lily soon went to see what was going on. When we walked into the kitchen we saw Em hugging Loz, Monty and Sebb weren't there. Me and Lily immediately went over to see what was going on, "What happened?" There was a broken cup all over the floor next to the girls, and Loz was sobbing. "go ahead tell them what happened." Em said softly while rubbing Lauren's back. "I uhm, I-I started flirting with M-monty and He rejected me, H-H-He told me that he had feelings for someone else and I-I got upset and shouted at him." Loz said her voice breaking as she sobbed in between a few of her words. "I-I am r-really sorry" Loz continued. I got closer to her and pulled he in for a calming hug, She couldn't stop sobbing, "shhh, Its okay Loz" I told her thing to calm her down. Lily had grabbed the broom and started sweeping up the broken cup, I let go of Loz and told her to go into the bathroom and get cleaned up since her makeup was running down her cheeks. Once she left Em sighed, "What are we going to do Kt? Loz really likes Monty" She asked, I shrugged my shoulders not knowing what to say. Em then bent down to help Lily clean the mess, "I'm going to go check on Loz" I told them then left the kitchen. When I got to the bathroom, I knocked on the door and told Loz it was me. When the door opened she was leaning against the bathroom sink, She was holding a tissue up to her eyes trying to wipe away her tears. She was still a sobbing mess, "Awh Loz its going to be okay" She just shook her head no and then said "Hey Kt can I ask you something?" I nodded at her, "M-monty s-said he has feeling for s-s-someone else, Do y-you know who?" she asked, I was shocked, Because unfortunately I did know who Monty was talking about, It was Sebb. I didn't want to tell Loz in fear that She might get upset and then her and Sebb would lose their friendship. "No I don't" I told her, Eventually after about twenty minutes of cleaning off her messy makeup she had calmed down. The first thing she wanted to do was go find Monty but I couldn't let her because I know him and Sebb are probably together in their room. "Uhm I would just wait for Monty to come and find you when he's ready to talk" I told her but when I turned around she was gone. I quickly ran down the hallway to try to stop her but I was too late, She was standing at the door way just looking at Monty and Sebb, They had both fallen asleep, Monty was wrapped up in Sebbs arms. I found it adorable but Loz....She did not. She shut the door and turned to face me, "Sebb? Him and Sebb?" Kt why didn't you tell me?" She asked with an upset tone. I stood there frozen, Not know knowing what to tell her. She was glaring at me with her arms crossed waiting for my response but I didn't have one. The kitchen door opened and out came Lily and Em, "Loz You okay?" Lily asked but Loz didn't say a word she just continued to glare at me. What was I supposed to tell her, I felt so uncomfortable. "Whats going on Loz?" Em then said. Loz finally took her eyes off of me and stepped out from in front of the door "Have a look for yourself Em" Loz said pointing at the door. Em walked to the door and peeked inside, When she shut the door, she turned towards Loz "Oh" She said. Loz looked back at me "Why didn't you tell me Kt?" Loz questioned with pure anger in her tone. "Ok ok Loz this is ridiculous, come on lets go on a walk to calm you down before you do anything you regret" Em said grabbing her friends arm and leaving "We will be back in a little bit" Em said before walking out the door with loz. I looked at lily who looked confused, "What happened Kt?" "Well when Lauren had calmed down and cleaned up she wanted to see Monty, I tried to stop her because I knew that Sebb and Monty were together, But she didn't listen and she saw them cuddled up to each other in their room, And she got all upset with me because I didn't tell her and I just-" I was out of breath from talking so fast, I felt over whelmed with everything. "Kt its okay, Just relax" Lily said trying to get me to calm down but I just couldn't. "Come on Kt I think we should post-pone our movie night, you just need to go to bed and rest" Lily said walking over to me. "Go to sleep? Now? No way Lily I couldn't-" Before I could finish Lily put her hands on my shoulders and said "Kt I want you to go into your room and get some rest". I wanted to stay up and try to fix this mess but Lily started pulling to my room. Getting some sleep didn't sound like the worst idea in the world right now so I laid down and went to sleep.

Laurens Pov- Emily had just dragged me out of the house before I could see what was going on and why Kt didn't say anything about Monty and Sebb, I mean its not like Monty would truly be with Sebb. Emily had dragged me all way down the block before she said anything to me, "What is going on with you Loz?" She asked crossing her arms when she looked at me. "I have no idea what your talking about Em" "Really Loz? Because I know my best friend and this person I'm looking at Is Not Her." I glared angrily at her when she said that, "What are you even talking about Em?" "Oh Loz, Maybe I'm talking about how you shouted at Monty who is our friend because he said he likes someone else or Maybe the fact that when you saw Monty and Sebb you got mad at Kt who I might add is also our friend." I rolled my eyes at her, "Yeah you would get upset too Em if someone you liked said they have feelings for someone else" "Yeah I would be upset but that doesn't mean I would yell at them especially not if it was one of our friends Loz." "Oh yeah Em Well I-" "Loz stop, Your being ridiculous. You are not thinking clearly." "What?" I asked, "Loz look at yourself, You hurt our friend, Thats not who you are..." When Em said that everything that I had just done came back to me, Em was right this isn't me. "Your right Em, I'm really sorry" I said with a tear running down my face. She hugged me and said "Its not me you should be apologizing to". I thought about Monty and Kt, "Yeah, I'm ready to go back and talk to them, If they will let me." I said while I wiped away my tear, "Of course they will, They are your friend Loz". Em said. She smiled at me and then we started going back. When we got back though everyone in the house had went to bed, Me and Em decided to just sleep in the extra bedroom that used to belong to Shauni and jake. There was no blankets so we grabbed some extra ones from the living room. We tried to be as quite as possible because we didn't want to was anyone, Once we had the blankets, we want upstairs. Once we were all settled in the bed Em spoke "Hey Loz I know everything is rough right now with you and Monty but I have been thinking about it a lot...I just figured I needed to talk to you about it first though" I rolled over to face her, "Ok go on.." I told her. "Well Uhm I was looking through some of the comments on a TikTok I posted with Sebb, Lily and Kt and One of the comments said that me and You should move in here and be apart of the squad since Shauni and Jake have left" I didn't know how to react to what Em had just said, It was a good idea for Em but everything I have going on with Monty, Lets just say I don't think its a good idea for me to live with him as of right now. "Em that a really good idea.... But I just think that maybe I need to wait a little while before just moving in here and having to be around Monty all day everyday" I said. "Loz you know I could never move in here without you, if you go I go with you. And if you don't want to move in here right now we don't have to, we can wait until your ready." Em said smiling at me. I smiled back at her, then rolled back over and went to sleep, Hoping that tomorrow would be better than today.....

________________________________________________________________________________Word count- 2531

I know, I know that its taking some time for new chapters to come out, I just have a lot going on and haven't had time to write....Anyway I'm trying guys. Again though thank you all sm for 3k reads, Its greatly appreciated.💜

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