Chapter 16- Hybrids

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We were located in the mountains walking towards the pack Ray informed us on. Klaus made me leave Hunter with a human he compelled because he said 'We are not bringing the dammed dog with us.' After arguing for around 10 straight minutes before I relented after he bargained after we stop and get food. I had on a simple outfit that was comfortable. I wore a pair of shorts, a simple shirt, and some sneakers considering that we were hiking. I also brought a small bag that contained my 'spellbook' I was thinking of practicing more of my magic here. Strengthing my other power source rather than using my ancestor's power. I also want to find a snake and keep it as a pet.

I was walking beside Klaus as Stefan was carrying Ray. I believe we were in the Smoky Mountains, Tennessee. 

"Just saying if I find a snake, can I keep it?" I ask looking at Klaus with puppy dog eyes.

"If you happen to find one we'll discuss it later." He says. He then turns towards Stefan."You ok? Is Ray getting heavy?" Klaus asked mockingly. 

"I'm fine." He replies gruffly as we continue walking.

"Are you sure about that? You know we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down..." He continues to tease.

"You know, I get that we're, uh-stuck together, Klaus, but maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great," Stefan says. 

"Even me Stef?" I ask him while pouting. He turns toward me a little and smiles but says nothing. That gives me the answer I needed. It's not me it's just Klaus he's not fond of being here.

"So much brooding. Your self-loathing os suffocating you, my friend." Klaus says while he puts an arm over my shoulder pulling me close to him.

"Maybe it's cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all Summer. Plus, you also kidnapped Grace with no reason, she could've stayed." Stefan informs him.

"Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack. As for Grace, she's here because I want her here." He pulls me closer nuzzling his head into my neck before pulling it back. We slowly come to a stop in front of a pack looking as though they are getting ready. Most likely preparing for the full moon." There."

Stefan entered the camp first. Everyone stopped and turned to look at the stranger entering. He walked further in and dumped Ray's body on the floor. A woman rushed over to Ray immediately bending down to check on him.

"Ray! Oh, my god." The girl shouted. "What's going on? Who are you?" She looks up at Stefan. Klaus pulls me closer to enter the camp with him. Soon enough we're standing next to Stefan and Klaus's grip on me tightens slightly hiding me with his body. He's really overprotective. 

"The important question is who am I." Klaus directs the attention to him and soon it's shifted to curious glances to me. "Please forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus. They slowly get up and stare silently at him before someone decides to speak up.

"You're the hybrid." The same girl states she then looks to me and recognition spread through her face, figuring out who I am. 

"You've heard of me. Fantastic." Klaus replies with a smirk then he sees them looking at me he pushes me further behind him. 


I sat on the logs with Stefan and Klaus. I leaned my head against him Stefan and he put his arm around me. We always did this, not as much me and Damon did but we're like siblings. I looked over and saw Klaus glare at him but simply rolled my eyes at his jealously.  The whole pack looked at Klaus and a couple glanced at me. Fear was radiating off of them.

"It's fascinating actually...a werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid." He states looking off towards Ray with a small scowl left on his face after seeing me and Stefan close. Ray suddenly gasps awake. The pack glance towards Ray who is on the ground.

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