Chapter 41- Tainted Love

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Klaus came back home soon after he left he looked worn out. Mentally worn out.

"What happened?" I ask worriedly from my place on the bed.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it, little wolf." He says but I could hear the slight pain in his voice.

"Are you sure?" I ask still worried about him. Maybe I should take his mind off of it. I hear him deeply sigh and move around the room stopping in front of his dresser. I quietly exit the bed and wrap my arms around his now unclothed chest. I raise on my toes a little and kiss the shell of his ear. My lips slowly move their way down. Lit bites accompany the opened mouth kisses. I feel him shudder in pleasure as my mouth continues it's escapade lower.

My mouth finally reaches the mark that countered against his skin. It was a small mark but one that claimed him as mine. I hear him growl and he swiftly turns around and sweeps me up. My legs lock around his pelvis and I lightly push against him. He groans out more and speed to the wall. I grab his faces and smash my lips against his own. His hands grip my thighs as he pulls me even closer to his body. My hands travel towards the ends of his curly hair and I tug lightly triggering a moan of pleasure form the man I love.

His mouth feverously fights against mine as he tries to reclaim his dominance. And I'll let him, he just needs to work for it. His tongue skims my bottom lip and I refuse acceptance. His hands move up towards my butt and squeeze it causing a gasp to escape my mouth. He forces his tongue in having it explore everything. I pull back gasping for breath. and lean my head back against the cool wall. But Klaus doesn't stop his menstruations. His lips travel downwards in a similar fashion I did just minutes ago to him. he reaches m mark and sucks the flesh into his fouth. a loud moan escapes from my mouth.

He moves back and walks towards the bed tossing me on. I bounce a bit before settling but as I look up Nik is already hovering on top of me. I see lust and clear signs of love in his eyes. His head dips down capturing my lips into another steamy kiss before he pulls away and takes off my nightgown in one fluid motion. As he looks back at me his eyes scan my body and his eyes darken even more. I move my arms to cover up from his unwavering stare but he quickly grabs my hands in one of his larger ones and places them above me pinning me down.

"Don't cover-up." He says moving his head down placing kisses on my stomach. "You're absolutely beautiful." He says emphasizing each word with a kiss. I wiggle in is grasp and he eventually relents and let's go allowing my hands to roam his unclothed body. My nails scrape down his back. My own back arches into Nik's delectable touch as me worships my body. My moans echo through the walls as his dull teeth scrape against my skin and his lips leave noticeable marks. I quickly become impatient with the agonizingly slow pace Klaus set and flip us over.

I'm now straddling his waist and quickly place my lips on his.

"YOu're too slow," I mumble in between kisses. My own breath mingling with his own. He smirks and flips us back. His movements quicken as he fully strips himself and me.

Moans filled the night air in the room.


I woke up to the sunlight beaming down onto my face. I keep my eyes closed but I feel a pair of eyes rake over my figure that's only covered by a thin sheet.

"I don't know if it's flattering or creepy," I mumble into the pillow. I hear a chuckle and finally open my eyes letting my eyes slowly adjust to the brightness of the room. "It's the second time."

"What?" He asks innocently.

"You watching me sleep," I reply stretching. Pooping my sore muscles. Nik quickly scoots lower and captures my lips into a quick kiss.

One Of A Kind (Klaus Mikaelson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now