Chapter 51- Girl Time

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Grace was peacefully sleeping. The pair returned home three days after their encounter with Natalie.  Everything was calming down. Something Grace would never admit out loud was that she had weird vibes from that witch. She was grateful for what she's done but she didn't trust her one bit. The whole encounter with her made her feel...' off'.

She quickly shook off those negative thoughts. There was no reason for Natalie to be deceiving. Right? There would be no reason for her to have an alternative motive, she never met her until that very moment.

Anyway, Grace was a nervous wreck. Tomorrow was her adoptive mom's funeral. Something she just couldn't bear herself to attend. Knowing that apart of her death was because of her crushed her but again that voice that was now gone made her enjoy the death of her mother drowning. Plus after everything that happened, she just couldn't bring herself to completely feel bad after what her mother told her. She also couldn't bear to face her brother. Those hybrids were his friends after all and she slaughtered them. She didn't believe he would be by her side after that night.

"Grace. Wake up." Klaus carefully swiped her hair away fro her face. She was squirming and mumbling incoherent words while she slept. Grace informed him of this. These dreams she's been having. And usually, he would wake her up. She always looked weak. Weak and vulnerable while having the dreams and him felt...pathetic. THat he couldn't help Grace with the mysteries of her ancestry. THat all he could do was wake her up when she had these dreams. HE hated what this dark magic made Grace become. He was glad that the darkness in her was removed. And as long as they kept that hourglass from breaking she would be fine.

Grace shot up in the bed. Beads of sweat in her hairline threatening to spill over at the slightest movement. It was another dream thing she's been having. This one was more focused on Greece and when her family lived there. She looked around and saw the familiar walls that were her home. After they arrived back home Klaus insisted that Grace moved in completely into his home. So she went to her other places and packed her things. It hurt a little pulling away from her friends. From removing her items from her room in their houses but she was slowly moving on. She was having her own life. And as much as she loved all of her friends and she said they were family she had Klaus now. Her soulmate. Her lover. Her always and forever. And she was ok with letting that go. Afterall she only had a room there from trying to be placed into their own families, but now she found her place in the world. Right beside Klaus. Klaus gently touches her shoulder and Grace practically jumps away.

"Whoa. It's just me, little wolf." Klaus tells her as Grace regains her breathing.

"Nik?" Grace asks still coming back to reality.

"Yeah, it's me." He says trying to reassure her.

"What time is it?" She asks finally coming to that reaction that she was with Nik.

"Early." He states. With that, She turns towards the windows and sees the sun barely rising. "Just go back to sleep, my love."

"I'll try." She says snuggling into Klaus's body. "I kinda wish we didn't have to leave Greece. The views were beautiful and there was no search for the cure."

"After we find the cure I'll take you to see more of the world." HE reassures. "But as of right now we should both get some more rest."

"Ok." Grace mumbles closing her eyes letting sleep overtake her once again.


Grace opened her eyes and felt a chest rising underneath her. She turned her head seeing that she was sleeping on top of Klaus who was silently sleeping holding her closely. A though his touch would send all of her demons away. She gently placed her ear back down on his bare chest and listened to his heart thumping rhythmically in his chest. It was a sound that soothed her. Knowing that he was alive, that he was there made everything better.

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