Chapter 56- Down the Rabbit Hole

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"They're going to be fine. I promise." Nik says. After I got the call form, Damon, the other day my sinking feeling only grew. Causing me to be on my toes. Being nervous more so than usual.

"YOu can't know that. I can't know that. I'm not there." I stress out continuing my pacing.

"YOu're right. YOu're not there and even if you were you couldn't possibly do anything." He argues tiring to get me to sit.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask pausing for a moment.

"It means you have no powers. Even if you were there you could've gotten hurt or worse. Sure you can control your shift but if you even used the slightest bit of magic it could've gone bad." He stresses.

"I know." I sigh out accepting that even if I was there I would be utterly useless. "It's just...I never trusted Shane to begin with. He always gave me...bad vibes." I mutter.

"Well, at least it can't get worse." And just like that my phone rings. It's been a couple of hours since the Caroline fiasco. The sun was fully in the sky.

"Hello?" I ask glancing at Nik as I walk into the kitchen.

"Damon is missing," Elena stated almost timidly.

"Tell me you're not serious," I say as I bite my lip.

"I wish I weren't. We were coming back from looking for Jeremy and Shane and Bonnie were both gone, too. Shane needs BOnnie to cast a spell on Jeremy's tattoo in order to find the cure, and he managed to sneak them both out from under our noses."

"So what happened with Damon?"

"We had an argument. I thought he was just taking a walk, but then when we went to the beach we saw signs of a struggle."

"Meaning what?" I saw going back to my pacing.

"Meaning somebody probably jumped him and then grabbed him."

"Shit!" I shout as my foot gets jabbed against a corner. "Do you think it was Shane?" I ask sitting down next to Nik.

"No. HE's not strong enough to take Damon even with the element of surprise, he must have someone. Or at least a few someone's helping him."

"So there's someone with you guys," I say. "Someone else on the Island. Be careful." I state.

"YOu're not mad at me anymore?" She asks slightly above a whisper.

"I still am Elena, but I also still care bout you. ANd Jeremy. And Bonnie. So be careful. Think smarter than him." I say hanging up sighing as I leaning into the couch. "Couldn't get worse, huh?" I ask looking over at Nik.

"Point taken." He says bringing me into a hug. "I'm sorry love."

"For once, this your fault," I say burying my head into his neck.


A few more hours past and I was on the couch in between Nik's legs watching the T.V. I snuggled into his back. The warmth his body provided for mine was nothing compared to the blankets that scattered the floor. His face was buried into the crook of my neck breathing in my scent deeply. Suddenly our moment is ruined by the door opening. Caroline and Tyler came into the house once again. Caroline carrying a computer and a Tyler carrying a blanket covering something. My best guess was it was the hunter's sword.

Elen was thinking smarter. If they deciphered Jeremy's mark then they could potentially get there before Shane.

"Well, if it isn't little orphan Lockwood. Come to show how laughably impotent you are against me?" Nik said as he moved so he was in front of them sitting in the coffee table.

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