Chater 22-The Dead Walking

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We've been in Portland, Mian for three days now. Klaus has been busy finding a new pack so we haven't really talked a lot. I feel a nose brush up against my leg and look down to see Hunter. After we left Mystic Falls again he agreed to allow me to bring Hunter, and now that I have time I've been spending it with him. I haven't really been in contact with anyone in Mystic Falls. If I'm honest I miss Damon, Caroline, Elena, Jeremy, and Bonnie. I'm also worried about Tyler and Stefan. I kinda wanted to stay. Anyway, I believe tomorrow is Homecoming night for the school. I might see if I could return just to see them again.

Then the ring tone for Carolie starts blaring from my phone. Klaus still doesn't know I have this one. I look at the caller ID just to make sure it was her and it reads 'CareBear'. I sigh quickly knowing that she's probably going to tell me about what's happening and ask where I am.

"Hey, Care," I reply smoothly into the speaker of my phone.

"'Hey?' Really that's all I get?! Where the hell are you, Grace!?" Caroline rages into the phone.

"Hey, Car slows down. First I really don't know where I am. The last thing that happened is that Damon threatened Mikael to Klaus and he sped away with me. NOw considering that I can't help you locate me there, will you so kindly inform me what's occurring back in our home town?" I ask calmly as I plop down on the couch in the living room of the house Klaus bought temporarily. 

"Everythings been horrible since you left. Damon is more agitated than usual. Tyler we learned is sired to Klaus. Stefan is a dick now that his emotions are off. Rebekah is trying to steal my life since according to her  'I'm the most popular now that you're gone' and date Tyler. Elena was almost blown up by a witch on the otherwise as when we tried to capture him to make him turn his emotions back on. Hmmm. What else, oh! Ghosts have started roaming Mystic Falls." She spews out.

"Whoa, whoa. I've been gone for three days and all of this shit happened?! I'm coming back now." I tell her.

"Oh, yay! Then you can help me set up for Homecoming! You can take your spot back onto the cheerleading team too!" She cheers. "You better be here soon, Grace. Or will find a way to track you ad drag you back." 

"Ok, Care. I'll see you in a bit. Oh! I also have a dog now." I inform her.

"I can't wait to meet him. Is it a him?" She questions giddily. She's always been a fan of animals along with me. That's actually one of the ways we actually sparked a friendship. 

"Hehe. Yes, it is a he. His name is Hunter. Anyway, Care bye." I say as I hang up. As if the timing was on my side Klaus decided to walk in right then.

"Hello, love." He greets a huge smile on his face. I guess he found his pack.

"By the smile on your face, I'm guessing you found them?" I question already knowing the answer. 

"Matter of fact, I actually did." HE says sending me a smile showing off his dimples. I look down smiling sadly. "What's wrong?"

"I need to head back to Mystic Falls," I state slowly. Instantly his eyes turn to be happy to upset. "Trust me I would rather be here, but my friends..." I trail off hoping he would understand.

"They need you. I understand it's an attribute I love and dislike about you, your loyal. No matter what you'll always stay loyal." He says solemnly casting his gaze down.

"Hey, hey. I'll come back, or you could come to me?" I suggest getting up and cupping his cheek in my hand. He leans in and I smile down at him as he looks up. His eyes show sadness at me mention leaving him. "This isn't me leaving you, Nik. Remember what I said. This is just temporary, and soon I'll be back in your arms by your side after I clear everything up."I explain. He only nods.

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