Chapter 53-Catch Me If You Can

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Here I stood in the middle of a bar with dead bodies. Wait, not dead in transition. A sinking feeling rammed through my entire being. Right now there was a cure. Whoever retrieves it first gets full control over it. It's a race and right now, right now this very second this race has just officially begun.

"NO way. I'm not doing it." Jeremy says looking Nik straight in the eyes.

"What makes you think you have a choice," Nik asked.

"YOu have to kill vampires to complete the hunter's mark," Damon states the obvious. "MArk equals cure. YOu're in a bar full of almost vampires, so get your hunt on." Damon smiled looking at the younger Gilbert while I just glared at Nik. I saw him shift lightly under my unwavering gaze.

"Screw you. You said I wouldn't have to kill any innocent people." Jeremy defends. Hatred for Damon seeping through.

"Jeremy, they're not people," Damon tells him.

"Enough! Have at it, or else." Nik threatens. Nik walks towards me and starts tugging my arm gently towards the bar.

"Nik-." I start only to get cut off.

"Trust me." He whispers as he places me onto a chair.

"I do. But just for the record, this is why all of my friends despise you." I mumble then lightly chuckles before turning back around.

"I don't take orders from you, dick," Jeremy says and drops the stake he was holding. "Hunters can't be compelled."

Nik chuckles before he takes three steps towards Jeremy.

"You're right. I can't compel you, but if your conscience is getting in the way, then allow me to make this easy for you because I can compel them." Nik states as more start waking up. I could tell things were going to get worse, and very quickly as well. One man was starting to walk closer to me. I knew he was hungry and three humans. Well, blood-supplies for very hungry in transition vampires are not a good combo.

"Seriously-" I try again only for Nik to continue ignoring me. By this point, my body was full of adrenaline as well as pure anger and worry.

"I'm gonna give you a two-minute head start. Then I'm gonna send every vampire in here after you. YOu kill them, or they kill your friend...Matt." He says turning his gaze towards the quarterback.

"Wait a second." Matt tried to interfere.

"No, no. YOu turn them, he kills them. That was the deal, Klaus." Damon interjects.

"I'm taking artistic license." He said.

"You know he can't take them all on at the same time." Damon points out trying to save the Gilbert boy.

"With you as his coach, he'll be fine. It's Matt I'm worried about." Nik faux worry towards the only unsupernatural being.

"Ehh." Damon sighs debating his choices. "Jeremy, go get the weapons out of the car. I'll be right behind you. Damon ordered. Jeremy was quick to follow and started leaving. "Both of you," Damon says glancing at Matt. He got the message and quickly followed Jeremy out.

"If I hear an engine start, I'll kill Matt myself!" Nik calls out to the two boys.

"And where do I fit into this little plan, you two psychopaths? OH, I know I'm going to kick both of your asses for doing this. The only question is, who the hell is first?" I sneer at the two of them causing both to turn towards me worried glances.

"I vote you hybrid boyfriend, it was his idea after all. I need to go, stay safe Little Bird!" Damon calls out before stepping out of the bar, presumably to head towards the hunter and blood bag.

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