Chapter 25- An Alter Ego?

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"Grace?!" Elena shouts causing Damon and Jeremy to look towards me. Everyone had tears in their eyes. "YOu're alive. Elena hugs me gleefully.

"Thank goodness, Gracie," Jeremy said looking at me with tears threatening to spill.

" I've said this before. You're not getting rid of me that easily.' I sigh out as I wipe the tears off f Jeremy. After a while, Jeremy excuses himself and leaves. Leaving me Elena, Damon, and a now-dead Alaric.

"Don't you ever do that again little bird," Damon commands. "I may be dead but one of these days you'll give me a heart attack." He mumbles into my neck after embracing me in a hug.

"Ok, ok. I won't. Now, what happened to Ric?" I ask.

"I snapped," Damon says quietly.

"Well, you better apologize when he wakes up," I command and he only nods in agreement and pulls me closer. "We should put him on the couch. " and with that, I get up with Damon still clinging to me and look at Alaric. "Motus," I say as I move his limp body onto the s[ace I was previously occupying. 

"He said he wants his family back." Elena suddenly says looking off to where Jeremy just left.

"No. No, I know what you're thinking the answer's no." Damon replies taking his eyes off of me and turning to Elena with a warning look. Did I miss something? 

"If we give him Rebekah-" Elena tries before I cut her off.

"Wait. You guys daggered her?!" I exclaim. "You know what-nevermind, It's not even worth it. Just give him Rebekah."

"Yeah, then Klaus un-daggers her. The first thing she'll do is kill Elena. Frying pan, fire. Not an option." Damon says stiffly leaving no room for an argument. 

"Klaus' coffins. How many did you say there were?" Elena asks as recognization flashes through her face. I'm missing something. 

"Four," Damon replies simply. After he said that she went outside to make a call. Well, that leaves Damon and me. Soon after Elena comes in looking at us. 

"I know where they are." She says.

"Nope. Nope. 100 times nope. I'm not getting involved with this. Damon by all means..." I gesture towards the door as Elena is waiting expectantly. Damon nods curtly and leaves. So now I'm alone in an empty house with a dead Ric.

"Damnit, Ric. Why did you have to go and set off Damon?" I ask no one in particular. "You know what while I'm here I'm going to go look at the Gilbert Journals.  Now that it's calmed down I actually have the time to investigate this." I move downstairs into the Gilberts basement. Mostly every founding family kept Journals. SO now I have primary accounts on what was occurring with these killings.

I picked up one of the Journals. It was from the early 1990s. I started reading. At first, nothing interesting was being written but as I got further in it talked about the vampires in town and the town's history. Then even further in it seemed like two completely different people were writing, like they had another ego. Another person. Like they lost their mind slowly.

I put that one down taking in what I just read then pick up another. This one was Johnathan Gilberts. Vampires were around during his time. I continued to read absorbing the information on the pages and pick out that the passages were similar to the first journal.

It doesn't add up though. There have been entire generations of Gilberts that didn't go crazy, so what makes them so different? 

I sat there for another hour waiting for Elena to return or Alaric to wake back up from the land of the dead. It didn't add up. Vampire showed up and the Gilbert's go crazy but only some? I continued reading marking any similarities I made. Then my blood ran cold. The Gilbert ancestors that went crazy both had been killed and resurrected using the ring. Only four or five times before the killings started.

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