Chapter 28- Mikaelson ball

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"It was their mother Ester who was sealed in that coffin?" Elena asks me.

"As in the original witch?" Stefan also asks while Damon wraps an arm around me.

"Yep." I say popping the 'p'.

"What? How is she even alive? I thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her here out a thousand years ago." Damon states.

"I'm not really sure. But I'm guessing a thousand years on the other side she made a couple of connections in the witching community." I explain sighing. 

"Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family. Including Klaus." Elena explains.

"Whoa. When did Elijah go speak to you?" I ask looking at her. I had to play my part. A lie. A simple lie that has dug so deep into my very being that'll it'll be hard to escape it. They wanted to kill Klaus. In turn probably killing me as well. I knew nothing about the Bonnie bit. About the coffins and where they were. I couldn't play double spy. And I don't think I'll be able to much longer.

"He came to tell me that none of his siblings are to harm any of us for whatever reason. Rebekah was there too but surprisingly she didn't attack me." She explains.

"She was supposed to be the weapon to help us kill Klaus." Stefan states.

"Yeah, well, not anymore. At least not according to Elijah." Elena explains looking at us.

"That coffin was the only thing stopping Klaus from ripping us to shreds," Stefan explains while walking towards Elena.

"Anyone else feeling a little used right now?" Damon asks.

"Look, Elijah promised that his family would hurt any of us right, Lena?" I ask her even though I know the answer.

"Exactly." Elena agrees. Then the doorbell rings. "I believe him." I walk towards the door with Elena. No one was outside instead there were three envelops written in elegant penmanship my full name on two and Elena's on the other along with a box. I pick them up and hand Elean's hers.

"What is it?" Damon asks while he approaches the both of us. I open it along with Elena.

"It's an invitation," I state.

"Please Join the Mikaelson family those evening at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails, and celebration." Elena reads the invitation out loud.

"Who the hell are the Mikaelsons?" Stefan asks.

"The original family," I explain looking at mine. 

"It's not bad enough that they're moving into town. Now they want a housewarming gift?" Damon asks sarcastically.

Elena flips her invitation over and sees that theirs a not on hers as well.

"Wait. There's a not on the back.' Elena, I think it's time we finally meet.' Ester. What does yours say?"

"I have two," I state. The two Salvatore brothers turn to me. "And a box.

"What's in the box?" Damon asks.

"I don't know." I walk over to the kitchen everyone following me and open the box to reveal a gorgeous red dress."Damn..."

"What do your invitations say?" Damon says urgently.  I turn over the first one.

" Uh it says, 'Hello darling, I can't wait to see you tonight possibly later in my--." I cut myself off I knew it was Kol. He probably did this to get under Nik's skin. He seems to like doing that a lot.

"Where?" Damon asks looking at me.

"I, uh, I rather not say," I mumble off blushing. Damon swipes the card and rereads it.

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