Part 3

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Okay so I changed it up a bit,I'm so sorry I keep making changes to the story, I'm gonna make it where Denki isn't a tsundere, I'll be rewriting the last chapter at some point to make him not be a tsundere.Also some people still call Izuku, Midoryia.

Izuku's Pov

I woke up to my alarm instead of Keigo.I yawned tiredly and got up to see Keigo on my computer."So I see you've read the Midoryia x Kaminari story."He laughed."Did you make it?!?"I asked.Keigo shook his head."But I know who did~"Keigo said teasing me."You'd probably lie to me or just not tell me."I Said grabbing my uniform from the closet."Yeah..."Keigo said shrugging."So did you like it?"Keigo asked.I paused"No..."I said as I left the closet,"Oh my god,you did!"Keigo said smirking.I ignored him and went to the bathroom,quickly changing into the uniform."So about that song you sung the other night,what was that about?"Keigo asked,his mood going from playful to serious."Eh,nothing really."I said from the bathroom.I quickly brushed my teeth,and attempted to brush my hair,


I sighed before going back in my room to grab my bag."Izuku!Come get breakfast!"I heard mom yell from the kitchen.I quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast from mom."I need to hurry,bye Mom,Keigo,Dad!"I yelled as I ran to the balcony and started flying to school.(Oh and another mistake I made was before I forgot that quirk usage without a license is illegal so I'm just gonna say Keigo lets him use his quirk whenever and since Keigo technically has the authority to do that, y'know being a pro hero and I all,let's Izuku use his quirk to fly to school)As I arrive at school I feel someone put their arm on my shoulder,"Hey Midoryia!"I hear from behind me.I slowly turn to see Jirou and the girls."S-Should I be scared?"I asked shaking a little."You should always be scared bird boi."I heard Kaminari say as he walked over to me with terrified eyes."Yeah,I think you guys broke Kaminari."I said chuckling a bit.Jirou just shrugged as the rest of the girls started giggling,well except Tsu,she was just putting her finger on her chin smiling abit."Heheh,yeah...sorry about that,Kero."Tsu said before going inside,the rest of the girls following."Don't leave me in the same room as them."Kaminari said staring at his hands."Are you alright?"I asked Kaminari tilting my head.

Denki's Pov


I was snapped out of my trance but Midoryia waving his hand infront of my face."You alright Kaminari?"He asked,"Yeah,never better!"I said in like 0.1 seconds."M'kay? C'mon let's go to class."Midoryia says grabbing my hand and running towards 1-A,Meanwhile I'm a blushing mess.

(Once in pre-k me and a boy held hands cause we thought that normal friends did that and now my family teases me about it-)

Finally as we arrive at the classroom Midoryia stopped and quickly let go of my hand,"S-Sorry Kaminari!"He sqeaked."Your fine Midoryia."I said before walking into the classroom.As I walked in I saw Mina staring at me."Hey Kaminari."I tensed up when she said my name."Oh god what are you doing now Aishido,you basically broke the poor Pikachu earlier."Midoryia said rubbing the back of his neck."Oh nothing,just gonna let you know that your shoes are untied."Aishido said chuckling."WHAT DO YOU EXPECT YOU KNOW I DONT KNOW HOW TO TIE THEM!I yelled at her throwing my hands in the air."I can tie them for you."I heard Midoryia say."Oh... Okay then!"I said sitting down in my seat while Midoryia followed sitting down on the ground to tie my shoes."Thanks dude!"I said as Midoryia finishes tieing my shoes."No problem Kaminari,but you should probably learn how to tie your shoes."Midoryia said laughing a bit."Yeah...."I laughed before hearing a cough."Hey Shota!When did you get here?"Asked Midoryia."I've been here since 5 minutes ago."Said the caterpillar that appeared from seemingly nowhere.

~timeskip brought to you by me not knowing what to write~

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY VOTED FOR ME TO BE THE DAMN CLASS REP!"Midoryia said throwing his hands in the air.I chuckled as Midoryia groaned."Stop acting like a child Midoryia!"Jirou said smacking Midoryia's head a little."Ouch!Mom,Jirou hit me!"Midoryia pouted as Yaoyorozu sighed."Jirou,hun,no hitting the children."Said Yaoyorozu crossing her arms.Suddenly a loud alarm went off."A SECURITY BREACH?!?I HAVEN'T SEEN ONE OF THESE IN THE THREE YEARS I'VE GONE HERE!!!"A third year yelled.At that everyone started panicking and running to the exit.I watches as Midoryia ran to the window and stared outside.After a few seconds he ran towards Iida and Uraraka and started talking to them.They nodded and Uraraka started floating Iida about the exit."EVERYBODY,CALM DOWN!IT IS ONLY THE PRESS! CALMLY WALK BACK TO THE CAFETERIA,THE PROS SHOULD BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT!"Iida yelled.Everyone started to calm down and walked back to the cafeteria."This-this isn't right."I heard someone say from behind me.I turned around to see Midoryia staring out the window."What do you mean?"I asked walking up to him."If one of the members of the press had a disinagration quirk,don't you think they'd use it earlier instead of having to wait?"Midoryia asked."Well then who disinagrated the gate and why?"I asked looking at the ashes that were left of the gate."I think,maybe a villain,they might have done it to distract the teachers while they take information."Midoryia said turning towards me."We need to inform Nezu immediately."He said.

No one's POV

"Did you get the information?"A man made of mist asked as he shined a small glass cup.

"Yes,but there is this kid,Izuku Takami I believe,he knows that someone stole information, fortunately he doesn't know what information I stole so we should be fine but he could be a problem in the future."

A small tap could be heard echoing threw the room as a man with blue hair sat a glass down.

"Maybe Nomu can get rid of him when we get to USJ.After all he's just a NPC."The blue haired man chuckled.

"Do not underestimate him Tomura,I believe he may be a threat to your plan."A glitchy voice said coming threw the tv.

"I agree,maybe you should come up with a backup plan before attacking-" "SILENCE KUROGIRI,A NPC WILL NOT RUIN OUR PLAN!"The blue haired man yelled,the room went silent.

"We will win,and nothing,not even AllMight can stop us."The blue haired man grinned.

Wow,I finally made a chapter!I didn't expect you guys to enjoy this story so much.Sorry I didn't make one sooner, I've been hanging out with my family more often, I've had writer's block, I've been working on animations,and I've been wanting to read more mha stories.I don't have any set update schedules for this story so please don't ask for updates.The AllMight Hero class will be next chapter.Last chapter I forgot to add the dinner with Izuku and the heros so Im sorry about that.Last thing,thank you all so much for all the support you've shown on this story, I'm really glad that you all like it!Have a good day,night,or evening❤️

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