Part 4

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No one Pov

As everyone in class settled down  the door busted open and was followed by a loud voice,"I AM HERE, ENTERING THE ROOM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!"AllMight shouted as he slid over to his desk.While the rest of the class was practically screaming with excitement a small groan came from Midoryia,though nobody really noticed."HELLO CLASS!!!TODAY WE'LL BE DOING HERO TRAINING,NOW GO GET YOUR HERO COSTUMES!"AllMight said as multiple boxes appeared with different numbers on them.Midoryia waited untill the mob of children had already gotten their Hero Costumes and ran to the changing rooms.By the time Midoryia was done changing everybody had already had their grand entrance to the city.

"Sorry I took so long."Midoryia said walking over to the rest of the students.

(His hero costume)

(His hero costume)

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(Not mine)

"Nice costume Mido-bro!"Kirishima yelled."Thank you."Midoryia said bowing a bit."ALRIGHT,NOW THAT YOUNG MIDORYIA IS HERE,LET MY EXPLAIN WHAT WE'LL BE DOING,"

(I'ma just skip over the explanation-)

Izuku's Pov

As I was about to walk over to Uraraka,Kaminari put a hand on my shoulder."Did you tell Nezu yet?"He asked tilting his head a bit.I nodded,"He said that he'll make sure to look for any missing files."I said before walking towards Uraraka."READY,SET,GO!"I hear AllBish say.As we walked in a angry pomeranian flew towards me,and here I thought I as the only one who could do that.Uraraka sqeaked before e running towards the stairs to find the bomb.I quickly dodged Kacchan and watched as he got the wall.Im not paying for that wall,and I'm pretty sure neither will Mitsuki."DEKUUUUU!!!"Kacchan shouted."Kacchan."I said nodding a bit.Kacchan started running towards me,when he tried to punch me with his right fist I quickly grabbed sit and flipped him over my back.I cringed at the noise of him hitting the floor before running to whats basically a mini maze."Uraraka,did you find the bomb?"I asked."Yes but one problem,he knows I'm here and there's nothing for me to float up here!"Uraraka replied."Okay,which floor?"I asked."The top floor."She said whispering a bit."M'Kay, I'll be there in a sec."I said as I started to fly toward the top floor so Kacchan doesn't hear my footsteps.As I arrived at the top floor I watched as Uraraka tried to get touch the bomb before Iida quickly move sit to the other side of the room.Just as Iida was about to run towards the other side of the room I used a feather to trip him and quickly touched the bomb."HEROS WIN!!!"AllBish yelled.

(I'm sorry if any of you guys wanted me to write the Bakugo vs Midoryia scene)

As we all walked towards the monitor room I turned towards Iida,"Hey Iida,sorry for tripping you..."I said rubbing the back of my neck."You're alright Midoryia!You're were just trying to win!"Said Iida doing a chopping motion with his arms.I chuckled a bit as we entered the monitor room."Good job Midoryia!"Said Kaminari giving me a high-five.I smiled a bit,"Thanks Kaminari,I bet you'll do good too!"I said."NOW,CAN ANYONE TELL IS THE MVP OF THAT MATCH?!?"AllMight yelled.We are right here,he doesn't have to yell."Iida's the MVP of that match,since he was in character and had thought of a plan while Bakugo ran to attack Uraraka and Midoryia."Yaoyorozu said.I nodded a bit as AllMight congratulated her for getting it correct.After training we just talked in class for a bit,as I was talking to Ashiso,Nezu came in."Midoryia,can you come with me?"Nezu asked.I nodded and followed him to his office."Would you like tea?"He asked as I sat down."Yes please."I said smiling a bit."So,for the files they stole multiple,probably to make sure we don't know when they might attack.So I'll be making sure AllMight accompanys the class and Aizawa to training."Nezu said as he took a sip of his tea.I nodded,"what if he's time runs out?"I asked."Well,that may be a problem,but I believe Aizawa will be able to deal with the villains."Nezu said putting his tea down."So,changing the subject a bit,has AllMight found a successor yet?"I asked taking a sip from my tea."No,not yet,but he's been thinking about choosing a third year named Togato Mirio."Nezu said as he pulled out a picture of a blonde haired boy.I nodded as Nezu put the picture on the table.As the bell rang I smiled a bit."I apologise but I have to get going, I'll see you tomorrow."I said as I started walking to the door."Alright,goodbye Midoryia."Nezu smiled.

No one's Pov

As soon as the boy left Nezu's smile turned into a frown.'This could be a problem,if they're attacking a hero school they probably have a plan,I have a feeling after the first attack this won't be the last time we see them.'Nezu thought as his face darkened.

???'s POV

As I looked out the window I heard a small noise coming from behind me.I turned around to see a boy with white hair and grey eyes.I tilted my head,"Do-Do I know you?"I asked."Kind of,I'm Rei's son,Natsuo."The white haired boy said.I smiled,"How's she doing?"I asked."She's doing fine,how about you?"Natsuo asked."Good I guess, I'm just thinking over what I did,leaving him because of something he couldn't control."I said looking down.I felt a hand on my shoulder,"Hey,its gonna be alright."Natsuo smiled.I smiled back,"Heh,that sounds like what he would've said."I said chuckling a bit."I apologise, I've got to go,Fuyumi wants me to help her clean."Natsuo said rubbing his neck."Oh,alright, goodbye Natsuo."I smiled."Goodbye,have a good day Inko."The boy said before walking away.As he left o started to frown,I picked up a small picture frame showing Izuku as a baby."I'm so sorry Izuku..."I said small tears forming in my eyes.

Okay so I finished rewriting the second chapter,well technically editing,but still.

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