Part 14

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Denki's Pov

As classes finished for the day I grabbed my bag,and waited for Izuku to grab his."Hey-"Before I could say anything else Hanta and Iida walked towards Midoryia and they started talking.I tilted my head a bit,confused.When did Iida, Hanta, and Izuku start talking to eachother?I walked towards them,"Hey Izuku?"I asked."Huh?What is it Denki?"He asked."Wanna hang out?"I asked,a small smile on my face."Sorry Denks!I'm gonna hang out with Tenya and Sero,maybe another time."Izuku said scratching his neck."Hanta."Hanta said."Ah,okay."I muttered before walking towards Eijiro who was talking to Todoroki.

I chuckled as Eijiro turned red at something Todoroki had said."Shoto!"He sqeauked."I'm just saying,you and Red Riot have alot of similarities,are you sure your not his secret love child?"Todoroki asked.Eijiro vigorously shook his head,"Nope!"he said.As I stood beside Eijiro, Todoroki looked at me."Hey,Kaminari,wanna hang out with me,Hitoshi,and Eijiro?"He asked.I looked over to Eijiro who was still a little red and smiled a bit."Sorry Todoroki! Can't,gotta study,but have fun!"I said before leaving the classroom.

Izuku's Pov

I walked home with Tenya and Hanta,turns out that they're more interesting than you think.Hanta apparently had a part time job at a maid cafe but quit when people kept calling him pretty boy so now he works at a gas-station.Tenya,in his spare time,practices instruments and has two cats!God I need to go to his house and meet them.

Once we got to my house I opened the door to see Rumi,Keigo, and Yu(Mt.Lady).Keigo was stuffing marshmallows into his mouth while Yu and Rumi were recording and laughing.Keigo stuffed one more marshmallow into his mouth before they all fell out and he yelled,"37,BEAT THAT MOTHERFUCKERS!".After about a minute Rumi noticed us."Izuku!"She said happily,"And others!"She added looking at Tenya who was looking professional,and Hanta who looked like he was holding in a laugh."Sorry about that,we weren't expecting you to bring anyone over,atleast if you were to we thought it'd be Kaminari,Shoto,or Shinsou."Yu said."Its quite alright!"Tenya said chopping his hands."Ah,Tenya?You don't have to act so professional."I said chuckling."Anyways, we'll be in my room."I said smiling before walking towards my bedroom.

I opened the door and walked inside with Hanta and Tenya following.Tenya sat on a bean bag and Hanta sat on the bed."Soooo.....wanna play Call Of Duty?"I asked,holding up a disc.Hanta nodded happily while Tenya tilted his head,"What's that?"He asked.Hanta and I gasped and I shoved the disc into the PlayStation after turning it on.After about an hour of playing  Hanta was in tears,Tenya had a smile on his face but I knew he was gonna kill me,and I was wearing a large smile that just screams'HAHA I WON YOU LOSERS!'."What about Uno instead?This game becomes infuriating after awhile."Tenya said.Hanta and I shook our heads"NO!THAT GAME RUINS FRIENDSHIPS!!!"Hanta said.I nodded,"Once,Rumi almost stopped being friends with Keigo,but then she wanted him to treat her to free pizza so that was fun."I said.

Instead of playing Uno we played Minecraft.

No One's Pov

"WHERES DRACO,FRED,AND CEDRIC?!?"Izuku yelled.Tenya chuckled,"I HAVE YOUR PRECIOUS FELINES CAPTIVE IN MY HOUSE!UNLESS YOU GIVE ME FOUR DIAMONDS I WILL KILL THEM!"Tenya said chuckling like a mad man."He's just capping bro,they're in my cave."Hanta said."Oh thank god!"Izuku said sighing."SHIT!"Hanta yelled.Izuku quirked and eyebrow,"What-"But before Izuku could finish he got a glimpse of Hanta's screen."You...You...YOU KILLED MY BABIES!"Izuku cried,looking at Hanta's screen which showed three cats burning in lava."I DIDNT MEAN TO,BOB PUSHED THEM IN!"Hanta said.Izuku was silent as he started heading towards the cave."Izuku...?"Hanta asked."What are you doing?"He asked worried."Izuku-"He was cut off by a small notification in the corner of the screen.'Bob was killed',"B-Bob?"Hanta said.Then his screen went red.'You have been killed by _Hawk's_Secret_LoveChild_ '.Hanta's sad face turned to one of understanding as he shrugged,"That's fair."He muttered.

After awhile more of playing they both had to leave."That was fun."Izuku said to himself as his wins curled around his body,like they were hugging him.

Hope you liked this!Also please don't ask for updates,it makes me feel like I'm not making content fast enough.

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