Part 9

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Izuku's Pov

Its time for the sports festival.As Midnight introduced the classes,the crowd practically screamed when ours came out."Woah!That's the class that survived the villain attack!" or "That class is for sure going to win!"s could be heard as we walked towards the rest of our classmates.Midnight started explaining what we'll be doing bit I zoned out because I was to busy watching Todoroki and Shinso flirt with eachother.Once I was done zoning out I heard booing.All I saw was Bakugo at the podium and multiple people yelling at him."What the fuck did Bakugo do this time?"I asked."Pomeranian decided to say,'hey I'm just gonna say I'm gonna win this festival,fuck you all.'"Kaminari said chuckling."Wait,how didn't you hear that?"Kaminari asked turning towards me."I was to busy watching Toshi and Shoto flirt with eachother."I said scratching my neck a bit."Oh,well basically we'll be doing a race type of thing."Kaminari said smiling before turning towards the gate.

As soon as it opened I flapped my wings and began flying threw the tunnel watching as everyone struggled to get threw."MIDORYIA!PLEASE HELP ME!"Kaminari yelled getting squished."Sorry Pikachu!I can't help you,this is a competition after all!"I said as I continued flying.I stopped as I saw Todoroki use his quirk to freeze everyone to the ground.I chuckled as I realized he didn't freeze Shinso."Ah,I see you decided not to freeze your boyfriend Sho!"I said laughing.Todoroki ignored me and kept using his quirk to go forward.Suddenly multiple giant robots came into few.I quickly flew above them.When I was flying over the canyon I noticed a pink haired girl using a device to get across while Todoroki basically ice skates across.When I was about to fly over the mine field a explosion clouded my vision."NOT TODAY YA DAMN NERD!!!"Bakugo yelled.I growled and began trying to go faster.

I ended up getting 2nd place which I didn't complain about."Alright!The next event will be....a Calvary Battle!"Midnight yelled.After explaining all the rules I immediately turned towards Todoroki,Shinsou,and Kaminari."Wanna team up?"I asked."Sure."Todoroki and Shinsou said.Kaminari smirked and hugged me."HELL YEAH!"He yelled.I rolled my eyes smiling."Are you guys gonna be gay or are we gonna decide where everyone's gonna be?"Asked Todoroki.I blushed and Kaminari pulled away."I think Toshi should be the rider since it'd be easier to ride and control people then run while controlling others.I can use my feathers for defence,Shoto his ice,and fire if he wants,and Kaminari can produce small bits of electricity to scare people away."I said smiling."Good idea."Kaminari said with a goofy grin.

We got in position,Kaminari on the left side,Todoroki at the front,and me on the right.Shinsou wasn't to heavy which was good."GO!!!"I heard Midnight yell.Everyone went towards Kacchan only to be blasted away by a explosion.A few people came towards us which we easily avoided.I used a few of my feathers to get some head bands while Shinsou mind controlled people to give him theirs.Once there was only thirty seconds left I took Kacchan's headband and ran.Kacchan started using his explosions to become faster and get his head bands back.I flew into the air when a pink haired girl and Iida zoomed past."TIMES UP!"Midnight said.I went back to the ground and hugged Kaminari,Shinsou,and Todoroki."You guys did amazing!"I said happily."You did good yourself Midoryia!"Kaminari said with a wide grin.I blushed a little,"T-Thanks..."I muttered."No problem!"Kaminari said.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!Schools coming around soon so I won't be posting as much,I'll try to post one part for each story every week.Have a good day/night!

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